Friday, November 25, 2016

The health risks associated with the use of anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are classed as illegal drugs and are banned by most legitimate sports organizations. There can be no disputing the fact that testosterone boosts the development of muscle mass and aids sporting performance. Equally there is no doubt that its use can adversely affect the health and wellbeing of users.

The androgenic properties of testosterone can affect the body in many ways but often users see these as inconveniences that can be treated by using other drugs. The most common side effects of testosterone supplementation include the following:

1. Testicle shrinkage - the body responds to testosterone overload by reducing its own production of the hormone. This causes the testicles to shrink due to lack of use. When steroid usage stops, the testicles will grow again but they could take at least six months to return to normal size.

2. Addiction - despite some users trying to convince themselves otherwise, the use of steroids can result in physical and psychological addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe with muscle shrinkage, weakness and loss of libido.

3. Growth of breast tissue - this affects roughly one third of male steroid users. It is caused by the conversion of some excess testosterone into the female hormone estrogen. The breasts usually disappear when use of steroids ceases but in some cases they are permanent and may require surgical removal.

4. Baldness and skin conditions - excess testosterone can be converted into DHT, a hair unfriendly by-product that is responsible for male pattern baldness and oily skin.

5. Pain, bruising, infection and scarring may result from careless or incompetent injecting.

Some people have died as a result of steroid abuse and even those who adopt a careful, pragmatic approach have to accept that these health risks are unavoidable. My advice is, follow the natural route and use nutritional supplements to boost the anabolic process.

Replacing your steering wheel

An important part of your whole vehicle is the steering wheel. Imagine your vehicle without it and it would seem like you could go nowhere. That is because the steering wheel is a steering control. It is manipulated by the driver and it becomes a channel that directs that control towards the rest of the vehicle.

Upon purchasing a vehicle, you could actually note that some vehicles contain a good looking steering wheel while for other vehicles the steering wheel simply looks dull. That is why many people often try to replace their vehicle’s original steering wheel with one that would not only suit their tastes and would suit their vehicle, but they would also try to find the right kind of steering wheel that could respond and perform excellently according to the directions given by the vehicle’s driver.

If you would like to replace you vehicle’s original steering wheel, it would be best if you are armed with ample and the right kind of information regarding the original one. You should know the measurements of the original steering wheel so that when you purchase a replacement, you would be able to find a new one that would fit and work well with your vehicle. Keep in mind that when you choose the new one, you should make sure that the new steering wheel would not actually obstruct your view of the gauges on your dashboard.

Locate the right kind of store to purchase the steering wheel of your choice. If you have no idea yet as per what kind of steering wheel you would like to have for your vehicle, ideas are available in automobile magazines, in auto shops and auto parts stores, and online as well. You can also ask your friends and family where they purchased new steering wheels.

Remember that steering wheels come in various styles. There are four spoke steering wheels, three-spoke ones, multi-color, boomerang-style, ultra-tech style, and even Formula One style racing steering wheels. Try to choose the right one that would not give you much confusion yet would give you satisfaction. Also, you have to choose what kind of finish you would like your steering wheel to have. Some of the choices to choose from include wood, vinyl, leather, and carbon fiber.

Credit card finance charges defined

If a consumer carries a balance on their credit card beyond a single billing cycle, they will be charged for it. This is called a finance charge and is associated with the APR on the consumer's account. The amount charged will be affected by the card's APR, how the card was used, and how much was charged. It is important to know that rates, even on Low Interest Credit Cards, vary according to how a credit card is used, so a new purchase will have a different APR than a cash advance or balance transfer.

Credit cards can be a bit overwhelming, and the fees associated with them are understood by very few people who use them. This can be dangerous can lead some people into a debt spiral that can be very difficult to get out of. Although creditors should be clearer when presenting their services, it is the consumer's responsibility to do the necessary research before entering in to any kind of financial agreement. One of the more confusing aspects of credit cards is how interest is calculated.

The two most common methods of calculating credit card interest are:

• The Two Cycle Average

• The Average Daily Balance

The Two Cycle Average:

This is the most common method used to calculate credit card interest, and not surprisingly it is the most complicated. Interest is calculated by taking an average of the amount charged to an account by the number of days in the current and previous billing cycle.

A good example would be if during the current billing cycle, the consumer has $500.00 carried over from the previous cycle, and the interest rate of the credit card in question is only 11%. For purposes of this example say the card holder only pays $100.00 on their account.

If the two cycle average daily balance is used, the consumer must average the current balance, as well as the previous balance and take a daily average. One way to look at it is this:

(Previous Balance + Current Balance) / Two Billing Cycles * 30 = (Amount Applied to Interest)* APR

Using the above figures for our consumer, and assuming both billing cycles are 30 days in length, we get:

($1000.00 + $500.00) /60 *30 = $750.00.

The consumer would be paying interest on $750.00 instead of the current balance of $500.00. This means a higher interest payment, and it is clear this method favors the creditor.

Average Daily Balance:

This method averages the amount charged for new purchases over the number of days in a particular billing cycle. An example would be if a consumer purchased a chair for $400.00, then the next week purchased a meal for %25.00. If no additional purchases were made during the current billing cycle, the average daily balance would be $14.17. This should mean that it doesn't matter if you make a purchase on the first or last day of a billing cycle, the amount pain in interest is the same.

The best way to maximize the value of any credit card is to not carry a balance, but of course this is not always possible. Only carry a balance when you must, and then only for as long as absolutely necessary.

A sleepless nation 70 million strong

A new report by the National Academies' Institute of Medicine shows that between 50 and 70 million Americans struggle with chronic sleep problems, and according to the United States Surgeon General, sleep deprivation and disorders cost the nation $15 billion in health care expenses and $50 billion in lost productivity each year.

A lack of sleep can take a toll both psychologically and physically, from daytime sleepiness to weakened immune systems. Long-term sleep deprivation leads to problems that can include memory lapses, depression, irritability and impaired work performance.

To win the battle over sleepless nights, many Americans are turning to medication. In 2005, 42 million prescriptions for sleeping pills were filled. An analysis by Medco Health Solutions, Inc. found that the number of adults ages 20 to 44 using sleeping medications rose 128 percent between 2000 and 2005, and was up 114 percent among 10 to 19-year-olds in that same time period.

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, affecting between 30 and 40 percent of adults within a given year. Other sleep disorders include sleep apnea-a temporary suspension of breathing that occurs throughout the night-and restless leg syndrome, which is characterized by intense discomfort, mostly felt in the legs when at rest. One of the first steps to relieving sleep problems is to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about it.

Here are some tips for insomniacs:

• Keep to a regular sleep schedule: Go to sleep and wake up at about the same time each day, even on weekends.

• Exercise regularly: Exercise done early in the day can reduce stress and help put you to sleep at night.

• Watch what you eat and drink: Avoid alcohol, caffeine and meals close to bedtime, but a cup of warm milk can help make you sleepy.

• Unplug: This is particularly important for teens with sleep problems-make sure the bedroom is free of computers, video games, TVs and phones.

Sleep troubles can be a symptom of a physical or psychological condition that requires treatment, so it's important to see your doctor if your sleep problem persists. Depending on the diagnosis, your physician may recommend a behavioral therapy and possibly drug treatments for serious sleep disorders. Medications include both over-the-counter and prescription drugs called hypnotics. Drug therapy is usually only recommended for short-term use. A combination of medication and behavioral interventions is often more effective than either approach alone for those with chronic insomnia.

As many as one in four Americans report trouble sleeping.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Developing your own golf style

You really do need to develop your own golf style. Now, that may seem like an obvious statement, but some beginners think that all they have to do is imitate Tiger Woods' every move and they'll become an instant golf success.

Unfortunately, it's just not that easy. There are no shortcuts to becoming a good golfer.

To begin with, no two people ever swing at a golf ball in exactly the same way. Next time you're at the driving range, stand and watch the rows of people slapping away and you'll quickly see this is absolutely true. Each person has their own unique body build and develops their own individual set of muscles. Therefore, the style of golf played by a person who is large and lanky and swings the club like a hockey player taking a slap shot has a whole different set of muscles than a person who is small and wiry.

Golf will always be an individual sport and finding a style of playing that produces the best results for you will go a long way in determining how much you enjoy playing the game.

With golf, imitation is not necessarily the best form of flattery. If you find yourself trying to copy someone else's style, and you're not having much success, perhaps hiring a professional coach for a few lessons will help you find your own groove and help you make corrections to your swing. Try to hire someone who works with the natural swing that you already have rather than a teacher who tries to teach you general rules that don't necessarily apply to every type of golfer.

It's also a good idea, if you do hire a pro, to make sure that he or she is a top notch player and teacher as well. If they just stand there and watch you swing without actually showing you how to get out of a sand trap, or hit a fade, or the proper way to putt from the fringe, then you're really not getting your money's worth. The best teachers will try to understand your natural abilities first and then adjust their advice to suit your specific needs.

Once you're ready to play a game, it's important not to think too much before taking your shot. I've played with people who stood so long over the ball trying to remember everything their coach taught them, you wondered how they ever got through 18 holes. It's impossible to make a shot while trying to think of a dozen things like your grip, where your feet are, where the ball is, keeping your eye on the ball, keeping your head straight, and so on. If you make a bad shot, don't fret. You'll get another chance to take that shot again, so get on with it an always try to use your natural way of doing things. The worst thing you can do is to keep changing your style just because you had a bad game.

As you're learning the game, however, there are some fundamental principles that need to be observed.

Here are two basic tips to help you improve your personal game.

An important foundation you need no matter what shot you're making, no matter what club you're using, is balance. You must keep your balance when you strike the ball.

And remember, of course, to always keep your eye on the ball. Make sure your stance allows you to see the ball from every point of the stroke.

Take your time and develop your own methods that work best for you. Unless you're playing golf for a living, you have all the time in the world to get it right.

Like everything else in life, golf takes time and practice and if you're patient and try doing everything as natural as possible, in no time you'll get your first birdie, and then your first chip in for par, and before you know it, you'll be breaking 80 on a regular basis.

Jean watched through the window

Jean watched through the window at the moon reflecting off the sea and the little children playing noisily on the beach. It was a temperate day and she felt pleased, reminiscences floated back to her from teenage years: when she had fallen in love with John, the weather had been in this way and she, as a coy young woman with big eyes and a head of vibrant red hair, had been delighted to catch the eye of, a young politician. Her lips that seemed to ask for a kiss had fascinated John as he walked though the park one day on his way to work, and despite the fact of his shyness his he had bought a box of chocolates – he said they were just like she was.

Their loving fate blossomed and Jean felt sad as she kept in mind holidays and picnics, fairground rides and canoodling in the back row of the cinema. John never forgot her birthday and was always giving her nice flowers and chocolates and leaving loving notes around the house – even after 50 years of matrimony.

Her eyes brightened as she remembered some ardent moments – almost being caught by a farmer as they rolled in his haystack; skinny dipping in the warm Mediterranean Sea and relaxing days in hotel bedrooms when on holiday, scarcely leaving their room, so mad with desire were they.

A hand gently met her hand and she looked up: here he was, her John, now 72 but still with his brilliant eyes. He knew her so well that he without delay discovered what she was thinking.

“I know fantastic wasn’t it, old woman? You are still the lady in my mind!”

but just a recollection now she knew they were too old and John couldn’t coped with his impotence. Erectile dysfunction – what a medical condition identify something so depressing.

Although John brought a surprise; he had been thinking about old times too, and had got a website for generic Viagra and generic cialis on the Internet. He had bought some generic Viagra pills, which were said to help him to recover his former sexual capability. Right now, he had a box of generic Viagra in his pocket and a plan in his mind. A romantic evening by the seaside, a fantastic dinner a relaxing walk and then home... where he intended to lie their passion again.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Holiday shopping money tips

If you are like most people, you severely UNDER-estimate what the holiday gift list is going to cost. Here are some time-tested tips to help you not overspend on gift giving.

The biggest mistake you can make is to start out on your holiday shopping trips with NO GIFT PLAN and NO SPENDING PLAN. That usually causes spending to double and you end up a Grouchy Grinch after the holiday when you have to pay the bills or you are short on money.

1 – Decide what your total spending budget is for gifts. Hopefully you have stashed some money away for this ahead of time and don’t have to use credit cards you can’t pay off immediately. Add some to the budget to cover gift wrap, sales tax and shipping to out of town recipients.

2 – Make a list of everyone you have to buy gifts for. In large families, draw names so you don’t have to buy everyone a gift, that way your budget goes further and you can get nicer gifts for fewer people. Don’t forget the kids’ teachers, your beautician and the mailman if you usually get them something.

3 – Next to each person’s name write down the amount you want to spend. Add these up and make adjustments so you don’t OVER-spend on your plan.

4 – For each person, write down a list of gift ideas that can be purchased within the gift limit. Make a list of stores where you can shop to get a great selection of that item at great prices. The more ideas you have for each person, the more likely you are to find a great gift that is within the price limit.

5 – Consolidate your shopping trips to the places on the list and shop well in advance so you get the best selection. Even if you don’t usually read the newspaper, at least get the Sunday editions starting the week before Thanksgiving. That way you can see the sales at your targeted shopping destinations, get some great discount coupons and get some gift ideas for those hard-to-shop-for family members and friends.

6 – For long distance gift giving, consider gift certificates so the person can pick out what they actually want. Restaurant gift certificates are great for women who will be tired of cooking during the Holiday and will really appreciate a relaxing meal that someone else had to shop for, cook and clean up after.

7 – As you find the gift items and decide to buy, scratch the person off the list as a DONE so you won’t be tempted to buy more.

8 – Shop for the recipient. A well thought out gift that the person will truly use is better than a designer label anything that they wouldn’t think of wearing or using, no matter how much of a bargain it was.

Gift Ideas with Flair

Make the box or container a part of the gift. Forget the gift wrap and shop for unique containers that can become part of the gift and used later. If you buy someone a scarf and one other item, wrap the item artfully in the scarf and tie on a nice ribbon bow.

A gift of homemade cookies in a nice container to keep them in can be a much appreciated gift for about $11; especially for a single guy who never cooks.

Buying someone a book or book store gift certificate? Find a unique container and include something to enjoy with the book like a selection of tea and organic chocolates; A nice gift for about $35.

A pound of organic coffee, a bar of organic chocolate and a great music CD can be boxed up for under $30.

Carpal tunnel syndrome - do you have it

Carpal tunnel syndrome reached epidemic proportions in the 90’s and has now achieved a status equaling pandemic proportions in the 21st century. With carpal tunnel syndrome having such devastating effects on millions of people each year, how do you know if you or someone you know has it?

With so much attention and hype the past 10-years concerning carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace, you would think that a clear-cut picture would exist regarding the “how’s” “why’s” and “what is it’s” of carpal tunnel. Although carpal tunnel syndrome should be easily recognizable with such extensive media exposure, you would be amazed at how many people, including a lot of doctors, who do not recognize the symptoms or misdiagnose it as something other than carpal tunnel syndrome.

In order to provide a more clear picture of what carpal tunnel is, why and how it develops and what can be done to eliminate it, I have provided information below to explain the process so that you can better identify and therefore prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from taking over your life.

What is the Carpal Tunnel?

The carpal tunnel is a passageway in which the nine flexor tendons, median nerve, arteries, blood and lymphatic vessels pass through in order to supply function and movement to the fingers and wrist.

The carpal bones line the carpal tunnel on the posterior surface (backside) of the wrist with the transverse carpal ligament positioned on the anterior (front side) of the wrist. The size of the carpal tunnel is about the size of the index finger in diameter, and the flexor tendons, arteries and nerves glide past one another with ease in a carpal tunnel that has not decreased in size.

How Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Develop?

Because the finger and wrist muscles are constantly overused in one-way movement patterns, (Gripping, squeezing, typing, etc.) a "muscle imbalance" develops, causing the carpal bones to shift, in turn, making the carpal tunnel smaller and impinging the structures within, resulting in painful and debilitating symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

· Tingling

· Numbness

· Paresthesia (Pins & needles)

· Loss of grip-strength / coordination

Sensations involving tightness, discomfort, stiffness and pain on the front side of the hand and wrist may be present in carpal tunnel, but may also be symptoms of a general repetitive strain injury.

The only true telltale signs of carpal tunnel syndrome that you need to be aware of affect the thumb, index, middle and sometimes one-half of the ring finger. (All of the fingers and symptoms listed do not have to be experienced simultaneously for you to have carpal tunnel syndrome.)

If you have symptoms in your entire ring and/or little finger and your doctor tells you that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you don’t! The ULNAR nerve supplies function to the ring and little finger and has nothing to so with carpal tunnel syndrome. (If the ring and/or little fingers are affected, it may either be Cubital Tunnel Syndrome or Guyon’s Syndrome)

How Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Eliminated?

Carpal tunnel syndrome can quickly and easily be eliminated by performing a good stretch and exercise program that addresses the existing muscle imbalance that is the cause of carpal tunnel in most cases.

Staying Symptom-Free:

Knowing why carpal tunnel syndrome develops and what to look for is the key to keeping your hands healthy. With the information provided above you should now be able to recognize the disabling symptoms and take the steps necessary in order to stop it before it stops you!

The beautiful agios konstantinos

Agios Konstantinos is a destination situated within central Greece, within the region of Attica, to the north of Cape Sounion, and at about 50 kilometers from the southern side of Athens. This spot, also known as Konstandinos or Ayios Konstandino, was formerly called Kamariza and then Maronia in ancient times. Those tourists who visit this region of Greece should try to stop at this place and enjoy its beautiful environment since it would allow them to relax and renew their energies.

Agios Konstantinos has a very small amount of inhabitants spread throughout its territory. This destination is very appealing and interesting due to its general characteristics, the landscapes it offers, the life style of its inhabitants, the natural elements it has, the amazing landscapes surrounded by mountains, and several other reasons which cause it to be a unique spot.

The municipality of Agios Konstantinos counts with an important amount of mountains in such a way that it is surrounded by mountainous landscapes at each one of its borders. Besides these mountains and rocks, this spot also counts with important extensions of grasslands and beautiful green areas in which tourists can breathe amazing fresh air and observe beautiful landscapes.

The economy of Agios Konstantinos is mainly based on agriculture, mineral rock derivates and farm products. This spot shows many agricultural plantations and farms spread throughout its entire territory and which provide it with a very special and charming appearance. Traditions and country side life style predominate in this area in such a way that visitors could meet many of the same cultural aspects it had centuries ago.

The municipality of Agios Konstantinos is also famous by the mineral rocks that can be found in it. This area is rich in mineral rocks such as chalcoalumite, austinite, adamite, and azurite among others. These minerals can be found at some points in Agios Konstantinos as well as towards Lavrio, an interesting neighboring town. Those tourists whovisit Lavrio should always try to meet Agios Konstantinos as well and relax surrounded by a very attractive natural environment which combines mountains, green areas, and traditions in a very peculiar way.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Foot care - deserves equal attention

There was a time when mankind used to roam this earth barefoot. But now thinking about doing the same may be considered preposterous. When we say we need to pamper ourselves the last thing we think about is our foot. Even though it is as important as any other part of our body, we tend to give it a step motherly treatment. Like your face and hands, your feet should also be taken care of.

By following some good tips you can take care of your feet too. The first mistake many of us do to harm our feet is to buy one of the most uncomfortable shoes. If you are a working person you have to consider that you would be in these shoes for excess part of the day. Buying a good shoe is always very important. Whenever you go to buy shoes check your foot size, because the sizes of your feet may differ. Considering that, you should buy shoe for the biggest foot. It is better to go shopping for shoes in late afternoons as our feet swell the most during this time of the day.

Yoga has been spreading like a wild fire and you can try some yoga asanas which would be useful for your feet. There was time when walking was the only mode of transport in our lives and due to which our feet used to get the proper exercise. Nowadays, there is less walking and more of sitting in the car, waiting to reach our destination. So exercising is a good way to help your feet.

Proper personal hygiene would help your feet from getting infected by any of the skin diseases or other foot problems. Change your socks daily and see to it that is of good material which would help in the breathing process of your feet.

Some simple and easy ways to take care of your feet

-Scrubbing your feet with pumice stone will help remove the dead and dry skin

-Apply foot cream before going to bed to prevent any cracked heels problems

-If your feet smell, use talcum powder or foot sprays this would keep your feet dry and clean

-Soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water which is mixed with salt and add drops of lavender oil to relax your feet

-Hot and cold treatment also works very well for your feet. To improve blood circulation, dip your feet in hot water then in cold water alternatively

-Soaking your feet in warm water mixed with shampoo, helps your toe nails immensely

-To fight cracked heels. Mix few drops of lemon juice in Vaseline and apply it at the required area

-Almond Oil is very good for your skin. Applying it regularly to your feet after bath will get you a smooth result

- Regular pedicure is also very essential to have clean and good feet

Didn t mean to beat a dead horse - a startling look at the crust of the earth

“E., ick, who would drink a Dead Horse beer anyway?” our guest turned her nose up and eyed me with suspicion. Her skepticism caught me, and I had to laugh. I really hadn’t thought much about it as the Dead Horse Ale from the Moab Brewery provided the right taste for the moment and I had enjoyed that taste for a couple of years now.

I didn’t want to belabor the discussion, beating a dead horse about brews, as major world political issues had to be resolved within a matter of hours, over plates of steaming spaghetti back up a mountain canyon on a cold Montana winter evening. Still, our little extended family gathered around the table had to know that the host didn’t just have a twisted outlook and a penchant for brew from dead horses. I hate to leave that impression.

Finding this label and ale flavor on the shelves in Missoula, Montana had evoked memories from the murky distant past of a Christmas jaunt in the Moab, Utah area years ago. We had no idea where we were headed as we left Moab that Utah winter morning after Christmas. My wife, brother, my parents and I followed my older brother and his family as they sped away in their car, heading north of Moab up the canyon, and headed off on a bumpy back road to the west.

We drove, and we drove, out there into the middle of this dry, dusty desert country. To our delight, there were marvels as we rounded turns driving up the draws on our race across the desert. passing a small canyon above the road we could see the upper canyon wall, a sheer arched out red rock face carved and sculpted by wind and water over the centuries. At another point we stopped to take a walk/climb across a massive, carved, rounded, rock face stretching up and back to almost form a small mountain of red rock on the desert landscape.

Then the desert flattened out and we raced along, heading west on a run that seemed to go on for hundreds of miles to somewhere on the distant horizon. Then a turn to the south and the run continued this day after Christmas. We speculated that older brother had it with family over the holiday and was leading us out to lose us in the middle of nowhere.

Surprise and astonishment - the two-car caravan came to an abrupt halt at a rail, people piled out of cars, and the incredible vista suddenly opened out before and below us. Surprise and astonishment barely encompassed our reactions as we stood out on Dead Horse Point. A straight down drop-off lie at our feet, with the Colorado River winding through the Canyonlands National Park 2000 feet below us. The view out here “in the middle of nowhere” was unbelievable, stretching out in a 270 degree panorama before us.

Thousands of years of winds, the mighty Colorado River and countless other streams and rivers had carved a landscape beyond parallel. Red cliff peninsulas and islands, and deep canyons led off in all directions. The surface of planet Earth in a place like this is truly a wonder. It takes a moment like this, a panoramic view out across the landscape with hundreds of square miles of extreme and varied terrain to really bring it all home.

We stood on a level plain that ran behind us to the horizon. In front of us the level plain had been carved 2000 feet down into canyons, crevices, streambeds and river beds. To the east, the other side of Moab, rising from the canyons and crevices, the La Sal Mountains rose above the plain we stood on. This particular day they stood tall and shined, blanketed with a fresh winter snowfall on the forested ridges and peaks “up there”. The contrasting layers of the earth’s crust were on graphic display.

The smallness of our existence in the Cosmic Order or on a planetary scale immediately comes to mind as we drink in the Dead Horse Point of view. The little band of extended family huddled against the chill winter winds of that high desert region - three generations from Mom and Pop to we three brothers and wives, to the children of our older brother. The 70 year span of our existences was a speck in the massive timescale that was laid out before us, carving down through the crust of the planet.

Maybe the Cosmic Forces didn’t create mankind as a vehicle for recognizing and reveling in the wonders that abound on this planet. But we do it so well. We are wired to be awestruck, to stand in amazement at the phenomena that stretches out before us. And, we take with us those panoramic perspectives, those moments with family, and memories of multi-layers of the earth’s crust. They may help us shape the future directions that we go in forming the world we have some control over. Well, some of us anyway.

Then, years later when the option of having a Dead Horse Ale is questioned, the whole scope of that experience comes flooding back. It prompts another recounting of that fascinating experience out on the backroads of Utah. The broad sweeping wonders like that abound throughout the backroad country of Utah, southwestern Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. There are also some great places to stay, dynamite motels and hotels that put you right in the middle of those wonders along those routes, making exploration of the desert southwest a truly spectacular experience. More about that and an introductory guide to the adventures of the southwest can be found in the Utah-Montana Wilderness Tours component at the address: montanaadventure. com/out/state/us-ut. html. Savor the adventure of the desert southwest!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Finding discount pet supplies

I love my pet, but I hate the high cost of pet supplies.

Can you relate to the constant drain on your wallet? Would you like to reduce the cost of your pet supplies?

If you too love your pet or pets and would like to benefit from some ways I save money on pet supplies then take just a few minutes and let me share some cost saving ideas that can really lighten the financial drain for those pets that we consider a integral part of our family.

One of the problems with the cost of pet supplies has become the increasing cost these past few years. It can add up fast. In my house we actually have a line item in our monthly budget because we actually have 3 pets (2 dogs and a cat). In this article I hope to help everyone who loves pets but would like to save money on pet supplies.

Most of us are genuine pet lovers. We love to keep animals as pets for our enjoyment and companionship. Over time, these pets become a regular part of the family. Our pets deserve the very best care just as anyone in the family would. Because of our love and commitment to care for our pets, We're constantly looking for little nick knacks we can buy while shopping..

The pet supply and pet product industry has grown quite a bit over the past decade. Thus a large number of new pet stores have opened up all through out the country. There are many pet products and pet supplies outlets available in the market today including where you live or at least over the Internet. As a Pet lover, you can buy these products from discount pet stores or order online from the comfort of your home of office.

The goal is sorting through these new shopping options in search for the true values, the genuine best and Lowest discounted prices available. In terms of pet supply inventory, this too has increased dramatically over the past decade. Today there are virtually endless products and pet food options available. Most of the discount pet supply stores have a large assortment of these different products that offers a variety of sizes. In addition they carry a growing selection of pet supplies and pet gifts.

There are a wide variety of online and local discount pet stores for you to choose from. Both online and traditional discount pet supply stores offer a growing selection of items for the pets that you love. The online pet discount stores carries a wider range of product for your pet because their not limited to physical shelf space. These online discount pet stores are a great resource for checking out a discount pet supplies and price comparisons without the need to actually visit stores in your area. Online stores are easy to use as they are easier and more convenient to order from. When purchasing anything online including pet supplies or pet foods you can save money by not having to pay sales taxes in most cases. In addition, you can have many online pet supplies stores offer free shipping to first time buyers or in many cases for a specific period of time of if your order exceeds a certain dollar amount.

Most of the pet supply discount pet stores are pet friendly. They are designed to provide a nice comfortable place for the pet owner and your pet while your buying pet supplies. Some of these discount stores offer many additional benefits and services in addition to the normal services you've come to expect. Some of these extra services include pet grooming services, pet photography and veterinary services, Community services such as obedience classes, pet adoption clinics and seminars on pet care are also offered.

Well I hope this article has helped you and I hope it has shed some light on the challenge of saving money on your pets supplies regardless whether you use a local regular pet supply store or an online store. This may take a little research and price comparison on your part but the savings will be well worth it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Increase your chances of having a baby

When you have decided you want a baby, get your body ready:

* Take folic acid in supplement form, 400mcg a day, or it can be found in some foods like cornflakes.

* Cut down on your caffeine intake.

* If you've come off the pill, there's some dispute about how long you should wait before trying to conceive, but it's probably best to wait 2-3 months.

* The man should take zinc supplements to increase the strength and numbers of his sperm

* He should also increase his vitamin D intake - drink milk.

* Cut down on alcohol. Even 2 pints per day will, on average, reduce your baby's weight by 6.5 ozs.

* Stop smoking. Just one more reason to do so!

* Keep the sperm cool - ideally 2-3? cooler than the rest of the body. Avoid tight underwear and tight jeans. Try boxer shorts, they may not be the latest in designer chic, but they help the testicles to stay away from the body and stay cooler.

Have sex at the right time..

.. and frequently. To stand a chance of conceiving, live sperm has to fertilise an egg at the time of ovulation - usually around day 14 of your period. Sperm will usually live for 3 days so will hang around waiting and your timing doesn't have to be exact. You can get ovulation predictor kits from your chemist.

What's The Best Position?

It doesn't really matter, although with the woman on top you may be reducing your chances of conceiving.

Be Patient

You can be doing everything right but you won't necessarily conceive in the first month. In fact you probably won't. Success is closely related to age:

* Women aged 20-25 have a 1 in 4 chance of conceiving,

* With women aged 30-35 the chance drops to 1 in 7, and the success rate falls as they get older.

On average it will take a couple in their early to mid-twenties five cycles to conceive, and a couple in their early thirties ten cycles. One in ten couples have to wait more than a year before they succeed.

What If It's Not Working?

If you have been trying for a baby without success:

* Keep a temperature chart. After ovulation the woman's body temperature rises by about 0.2?C and maintains this higher temperature until her next period. By measuring temperature as soon as you wake and entering the reading on a chart, you can see when you ovulate. Ideally you want to have sex just before then. You can't turn the clock back of course, but the chart will tell you whether you ovulate at the same time each month and, if so, you can plan for the following month. The temperature rise is small and you may feel more confident with an ovulation kit available from your chemist.

* try to lower your stress levels. Stress can affect either partner and may reduce your chances of conceiving. Try to have a few days away from work just before ovulation is due.

* if you have been unsuccessful for a year or more it is worth talking to your physician.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Planning golf tournament details consider hiring a professional

So you have been put in charge of planning golf tournament details this year. Perhaps your boss has given you a few details about what is expected, but do you really know what to do? Have you ever planned this type of event before? If not, you need some help!

There are many professional companies out there that can help you plan and organize golfing events. Using one of these companies will help you make sure that you do not overlook any details about the event. For example, you need to plan not only for the game itself, but also for food, entertainment, equipment, and so much more. Finding a quality company to come alongside you will ensure that you do not miss any of these little things that make planning golf tournament details such a challenge.

But how can you find one of these companies? Sure, you could go online and search for this type of resource, but not every company is created equal. You first need to find a company that has many years of experience organizing golfing events. Experience speaks for itself, because, after all, if a company was not professional, it would not continue to exist and draw customers.

Another thing to look for in a quality professional to help you with your plan is someone who has resources to discounted products. For example, you will need to advertise and promote your event, which can be very expensive. Try to find a professional that can get a low price for these products. Since these companies buy many more products than you ever will, they can often land big discounts that you will not be able to find on your own.

When planning golf tournament details, it is helpful to find a professional company that has connections with good courses around the country. This helps ensure that you get the right dates and excellent courses to use when hosting your event. Finding a company with the right connections is essential to your success.

One sign that you have found a quality company to work when you find a company that hosts its own events on a regular basis. If a company is willing to host events itself, to promote their own company or earn money for charity, you know it is confident with its abilities to plan and organize. Look carefully to see how many years a company has been hosting these events, to help you determine how confident it is about its skills.

One company with this level of experience and expertise is De Winter Golf Enterprises. You can find them at dewintergolfenterprises. com. This company has been planning golf tournament details for twenty years. They are able to get you your promotional materials for just 10% over the market cost. This company also has connections with over 300 of the best resorts and courses across the globe. And, since they host their own events five times a year, you can be confident that they really know what they are doing. So visit them today to get the professional help you need organizing your next golfing event.

Online auto auction - get the best deals

Online auto auctions are becoming highly popular in this new era of computer and internet technology. Buying a used or new car has always been a tricky business. There is a long list of options available to choose from. This difficulty is compounded by the little time available for to the prospective buyers in general, to make a thorough analysis and judicial choices. Thankfully the online auctions are at help today. By carrying out a simple hunt on your internet, one can benefit from these great cars available in all kinds and price range. Car-Auction has a database full of thousands of different cars waiting for the bid. One can convert their dream car to reality by purchasing it from government & surplus auctions!

In the world of computers and globalization, one can participate in the auctions while sitting comfortably in their home or office chair. Online auction have became very trendy on the web. In fact, it has helped those people who are millionaires and have an obsession of buying sports and others cars to show off. In the era of e-commerce, these online auction sites provide a user friendly and safe alternative. Buyers can make their entire bid in real time, enabling one to bid with the full confidence. This saves the commuting time and provides more variety and options to choose from. While auctioning, one can scroll through the entire catalogs and other lists of cars and other vehicles, without being physically present at that place.

Online auto auctions were brought up by Byers Automotive. This services offers quality pre-owned vehicles and some highly wanted and special vehicles. Online auction keep on updating their sites for their clients. Online auto auction from Byers are user friendly and absolutely free of cost. They charge no registration fee and offer 24X7 services to their users.

Online auctions are also used for inter-state auto auction. You can also book your bidding amount in advance for the auction. Your authenticity and security is maintained. One simply needs to go to their online catalog before the auction and then set-up a proxy bid.

When a proxy bid is placed on an item before sale, your bid is recorded and stored in the proxibid database, which is specially designed for this purpose. Moreover, if one’s bid is outbid by any other bidder, the person is notified by an automatic notice via email that he is no longer leading the bid for the item.

Because of the internet, buying and selling of new as well as old vehicle have taken different prospective. Earlier one has to print an advertisement in newspaper, browsers or pamphlets etc. but now you can give and take all information in just a click away of the mouse. This is a reliable method and saves a lot of time and money.

In the world of e-commerce, online auto auction proves a boon to the people and society as they can get good quality product in cheapest rates, sometimes at discounted rate of 80% to 90% off the original cost.

Monday, November 14, 2016

How to make millions playing video poker

Most people will tell you that the only way to walk out of a casino a Millionaire is to walk in a Billionaire, but the fact is this is not the truth. It is only the easiest way to do it.

If you are the type of person who is not afraid to risk it all for the big payoff then this may be for you.

Video poker machines can be found in every casino both land based and online casinos. These machines have the best chances of making you a millionaire in any casino.

All you need is a credit card with at least $20,000 and the nerve to risk it, in what can be less then 20 minutes. I recommend saving up $20,000 dollars before trying this and not just running up your credit card, but when I first tried it I did just run up my card.

The game you pick is very important. There are many different types of poker games offered in video form, in some of them you play a computer player and the player with the best hand wins, in the second there is no other player, the better the hand you make the more the machine pays out. A pair pays 1:1; two pairs pay 2:1 and so on. The 2nd type of Video Poker machine is the one you want.

Please keep in mind that this is not a guaranteed way to win money, and if you do not win money you can wind up twenty thousand dollars in debt, but it has made me a lot of cash, over the past 2 years I have paid all my expenses playing poker in this manner.

I usually start with at least 20,000 dollars, and making $1,000 dollar bets before the $20,000 is gone I have had at least 1 good hand where I have at least made back my money and can now start going for the big money.

Do not increase your bets to more then $1,000 until you have made at least $100,000.

I first discovered this method almost 2 years ago; I was spending my weekends down in Atlantic City playing poker, blackjack and roulette, and not winning any money, but during the week I would play a free video poker game from home, and I was winning millions of dollars every week.

So one day I decided to give it a try and instead of spending my money at the table games I went right to the video poker game, and by the end of the weekend I was up almost $60,000.

Now every few months I go down to either Atlantic City or Las Vegas, I have a bank roll of $20,000 and I make a few hundred thousand to get me till the next time.

Remember there are no guarantees that this will work for you. There have been times where I went over my $20,000 bank roll before I got my first really good hand, but I also remember one time I got a full house which paid off $25,000 on my first hand. Learn more at

Create your own metabolism

Slow metabolism is frequently blamed for excess weight. The good news is we no longer have to be the victim of slow metabolism. We can actually be the creator of our metabolism. Knowing how your body works and using that knowledge to achieve your health and fitness goals, will get you results sooner with less frustration and aggravation. My goal is to help you get the most from your effort and see results.

How your metabolism works. Metabolism is the speed at which your body burns through food. As you get older, your metabolism decreases and you don’t require the same number of calories as when you were younger. The rate the metabolism decreases as we age is determined by the amount of muscle mass we have on our body. Greater muscle means higher metabolism. If you’re over 40, you probably aren’t as active as you used to be. You aren’t playing sports or chasing kids around the house. If you don’t use your muscle, you’ll lose it.

Digestion process burns calories. I teach my clients to eat 3 meals throughout the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and then an additional 2 to 3 healthy snacks between meals. Many of us have been conditioned to think that if we eat less, we will weigh less. The opposite is true but we must be careful to eat quality instead of quantity. There is the thermic value of nutrients — the actual calorie burning properties of nutrient digestion. This means that healthy, balanced eating offers a metabolic advantage. Eating is thermic or produces heat. Since a calorie is a measure of heat, balanced eating equals more calories expended.

Keep aerobic exercise moderate. Believing that aerobic exercise is the secret to burning fat is only half-correct. Too much aerobics subject us to a repetitive catabolic state where it literally is eating up muscle tissue. You can burn fat anytime you are in an “aerobic state.” If you are sitting and reading this article, you are in an aerobic state. You are in an aerobic state anytime you are meeting demands for oxygen. This is why proper nutrition and weight training is critical to maintain and build muscle. You can burn fat while you sleep with lean muscle mass. I use aerobic exercise to keep my heart, lungs and circulatory systems healthy and use weight training to burn calories and keep my metabolism healthy.

Muscle is metabolism. As we age, we begin to lose muscle. This is called muscle atrophy. The key is to preserve muscle to fight fat and keep your metabolism healthy. The muscle you have on your body is in direct correlation to the number of calories you burn at any given moment. Muscle doesn’t know age. You can maintain or build muscle at any age with weight training. I believe training with weights is more important as you get older because you are typically less active and your muscle will get soft from lack of use. Dense muscle mass is key to having a strong and healthy metabolism. If you would like more information on how to increase your metabolism, send Linda an email and write “maximize your metabolism” in the subject line.

Build muscle, eat 5 – 6 small meals a day, and keep your aerobic activity moderate. For more information and tips on exercise, go to easyexercisetips. com

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Essentials for fans of basketball

For basketball fans that own a personal digital assistant device, one of the most essential items that they will need to enjoy all the action on the courts for an NBA team will be the mobile services offered online by the National Basketball Association. Fans can stay connected to up-to-date information about their favorite professional basketball team, and download ringtones and wallpaper to personalize their mobile phone to show others which National Basketball Association team has their full support.

Fans can also be alerted to changes that occur everyday in the National Basketball Association through text messaging and alert systems. The National Basketball Association believes that keeping in touch is one of the essential elements that fans need to enjoy the sport of professional basketball more. Some business can be conducted at the basketball games because mobile internet access is possible with these handheld devices.

Fans can even play games on their devices as they wait for an National Basketball Association game to begin. With an internet connection, National Basketball Association fans can access photos of their favorite players and gain access to essential information about each player on any team in the National Basketball Association. They can view an up-to-date injury list to determine which National Basketball Association players will not be on the court for several weeks.

There two essential elements that fans would need to enjoy a professional game of basketball. Fans enjoy wearing ball caps of their favorite NBA franchise to show their favorite team that they have their full support. An National Basketball Association basketball fan will also be able to go online and purchase tickets for any game and in team. No fan can do without good tickets that offer great seating arrangements during the basketball season. Some families give National Basketball Association fans season tickets for Christmas.

Being able to track a National Basketball Association teams standings is another essential item that a National Basketball Association fan will need to enjoy professional basketball to the fullest. As favorite teams battle it out each week on the basketball court, fans can busy themselves at home by tracking how a victory will affect the current standings. Some players only track the statistics of their favorite players while others keep stats on everything that occurs in basketball games throughout the year.

Some fans come to realize that with one more victory under their belt, one National Basketball team will be on their way to a championship playoff. A game can get intense when two teams are battling to be the best in any particular basketball season, and fans anxiously await for certain players to score more and play better than they have been playing all year.

The National Basketball Association schedule is one of the most essential elements of NBA basketball that a fan can use repeatedly throughout the season. With an National Basketball Association schedule in hand, fans can purchases several tickets at one time, and save money by going to games that are in the same geographical area. They can follow the news updates online, and keep up with any changes that occur to the National Basketball Association schedule.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

How to get more traffic to your blog

1) Blog frequently

Most new bloggers dislike hearing this. Trust me when I say that the struggle for content is ongoing. New bloggers, however, feel like it's just happening to them. The truth is, don't get a blog just to have a blog. Get it and keep it updated. It's the quickest way to gaining traffic. How often should you blog? Three times a week. The best days to blog? Studies have shown that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are key days for blogging.

2) Stay on point

I tell authors this a lot: stay on point, stay on topic. Why? Because if you don't you'll lose readership. Once someone commits to your blog they want to keep reading relevant information. So don't blog one day about your book, your speaking, or your mission and the next day share Aunt Ethel's pot roast recipe.

3) Plan your blogs

While spontaneity is the catalyst for creativity, planning is a good way to stay on track. Start to map out key dates that you want to blog about that have some relation to your topic - this way when you're at a loss for topics, you can always pick one from your list of planned out blogs. Also, consider these topics to blog about:

a) Future predictions: everyone loves these, to the degree that you can predict market trends in your industry do it, and the readership will follow.

b) Discuss industry news: what's happening in your industry that you can talk about? Even if you're a fiction writer there's always *something* going on worth mentioning in publishing, writing, or marketing that directly relates to your topic.

c) The elephant in the room: talk about the stuff that everyone is afraid of. What new trends are emerging that consumers/readers/companies need to be aware of? What's next for your market and how will it affect the industry? How can we keep publishing books when we already publish 800 a day? You see what I mean? Think of things that frighten you and talk about them. People will respond. Every time I do this I get a ton of comments on my blog.

d) Write reviews: review other people's books, product or work. This is a great way to network and to become a "filter" for your market. Filter out the new stuff and feature it on your blog (this goes for you fiction writers too!).

e) Other blogs: what are people talking about? What did your favorite blog just say? Virtual networking (with other bloggers) is a great way to grow your content and get to know others in cyberspace. Don't forget to link to the blog you're discussing!

4) Invite comments on your blog!

This is really important! The more folks you can get commenting, the quicker your blog will get passed around. If you have a "no comment" feature on your blog, remove it! You want people to be able to comment and give feedback. In fact, at the end of every blog, why not invite readers to comment? If you start getting a lot of responses to this, begin featuring your favorite comments in future blog posts!

5) Comment on hot topics in the news

The quickest way to get traffic is to get your blog featured on a high-traffic site. But how can you do this? By commenting on news stories. Most major news sites have a feature that will list blogs that are talking about the various news stories. Not all blogs get featured but: a) if your if your topic is related to the story they've featured; and b) you've written an insightful post on the topic, you'll likely get listed. For an example of what these look like take a peek at a recent story on CNN: cnn. com/2007/US/law/09/14/simpson/index. html

6) Digg yourself

Make sure that your blog has a bookmarking feature. Sites like Digg and Del. icio. us are great places to get started. You can go there, sign up for an account (very easy to do) and then follow their instructions for bookmarking your individual posts. This is important! You don't want to bookmark the blog but rather, the posts. The posts will then show up in these sites and, hopefully, other folks will bookmark them as well. Even if no one else bookmarks your posts, it doesn't matter. You can still get traffic by being positioned on these sites. Super simple to do, go ahead, give it a shot!

7) Twitter your blog

Got something to say? Try microblogging at Twitter: twitter. com. It's a free service that asks the question: What are you doing now? Go in, sign up and start posting your messages with links back to your blog. We tried this and it's fantastic. You can also blog from your cell phone and blackberry. You can not only use it to promote your blog but your book, speaking event, whatever you want. It might sound like a "who cares" idea, but trust me, everyone's Twittering these days.

8) Syndicate yourself

Using simple RSS feeds through feedblitz. com you can syndicate yourself and let folks subscribe to your blog. If they don't have a way to subscribe to your blog, they may forget you altogether. Once someone subscribes, every time you post new content it will notify them. And the best part? Your messages won't get stuck in someone's spam filter. They'll get the notification, head to your blog and voila! Your readership stays engaged and growing.

Finally, don't use an "official" voice on your blog. Pretend you're sitting across from your reader over coffee. Talk to them in a more casual, conversational tone and you'll not only get more readers, you'll likely get more comments too! It doesn't take much to grow a blog, just a little dedication and creativity. Happy blogging!

How to get an air miles credit card you will be proud to carry

If you are one of those people that often stand in lines at the airport in order to do business as usual, then you may already know the value of an air miles credit card. Not all air miles credit cards are equal, however, but it will take some research in order for you to find the best one for you. Here are some tips for things to look for as you try to get one that you can be proud of.

Airline Card Vs. All-purpose Card

There are two different kinds of air miles credit cards to choose from - ones that are put out by the airline, and those put out by the credit card companies. The airline cards, while possibly offering a better deal when you travel on their airline, may not be as handy overall. This is especially true if you will ever have to fly on another airline. If your destinations are always the same, and the airline operates out of both airports, then this is good. However, if you visit other airports as your business demands, then an all-purpose type of air miles card is the better way to go.

Comparing Up-Front Points

A number of air miles credit cards promise to give you a large number of points up front after you make your first purchase. While any free points are a good thing, 5,000 points on two different cards may represent two entirely different things. The question you need to ask to get a true picture of the value of these points is how many points are needed to get the first free flight? This will indicate the percentage of points that they are actually giving to you.

Check The Interest Rate

Interest rates on your credit card generally do not apply at first - but they will eventually. If you typically leave balances on your credit card then this is a figure you need to be concerned with. These rates will vary anywhere from as low as 7.9% up to around 18.24%. Of course, the actual interest rate you get will depend on your credit rating, but you need to go as low as you can.

Tips On Air Miles

Some air miles credit cards have an expiration date on their air miles. This means that they will only stay on your credit card for so long - after that they are gone if you do not use them. If you are saving them for a big trip later, check into this feature or they may not be there when you need them. The good thing is that on some cards your miles never expire. Be sure to check to see if there are a maximum number of miles that you can earn each year, too. Some cards have blackout dates on which you cannot use your miles for tickets.

Other Rewards

You can get a certain percentage of all your purchases on some air miles credit cards. Know what these things are in order to get even greater savings. Some cards will give one point per dollar spent, and some will give two. Also, find out where these points can be redeemed in the way of stores, products, restaurants, hotels, etc. If you do not normally go to those places, then the card will not do you much good.

Be sure to look at the various fees, too. Some air miles credit cards have an annual fee as well as a high interest rate. If you have balances on any other credit card, then try to get one that allows balance transfers - it will save you more money. Finally, stay away from any card that has a universal default clause.

Friday, November 11, 2016

How to invest in dirt cheap land today that will explode in value tomorrow

It’s a fact that land investment has returned (on average) over 900% for investors over a 20 year period and with a serious shortage of this natural commodity in several global spots such as the United Kingdom, the capital gains for shrewd investors are likely to get even bigger.

In this article we’ll look at the exact factors you should consider before purchasing land as an investment.

Land shares some interesting similarities with real estate when it comes to evaluating its potential for capital growth. In this segment we’ll look at how to assess land locations so that you choose the best plots of land that are likely to explode in value quickly.

Here are the two main factors that you must consider when evaluating potential land plots for investment:

1. Location, Location, Location (And Did I Mention Location?)

When you purchase a real estate investment, before taking on the property you will of course investigate its location thoroughly. Why? Because the location of real estate will have a large say in its capital appreciation as well as the rental yields it commands. It’s much the same with Land investment - while there are no yield considerations, the location of a plot of land will largely determine it’s appreciation in value. The location of land will determine its likelihood for planning permissions as well as the chances of it being bid on by a major developer. Location is key.

Here are some key considerations when determining the location value of a plot of land:

- Is the land close to major rail/road networks and does it connect two or more established communities? If the answer is yes then it’s more likely to receive the nod for planning permission and also has a far better chance of being tagged as a potential site for developers.

- Does the land have easy access to gas, electricity, water & other utilities? A developer is far more likely to build in a plot that has ready access to these utility networks. Additional utilities may include easy access to sewers.

- Is the land in a green-belt area? This is an area that’s government protected and green belt areas can have far greater problems in getting planning permission for development than non-green belt locations. Having said that, many green belt locations are increasingly being allowed to have land developed (due to the land shortage crisis) - if you’re planning to purchase green belt land then you can see if other green belt land in the area has been given planning permission for development. While there is no guarantee, this can be a good indicator that your proposed land investment could also get the green light for planning permission.

- Identify Town Growth Patterns - The potential land investor must have a skill for identifying in which direction a town or city is heading. Investing in land that’s not in the path of this growth could mean that the land will remain baron for a lot longer before the capital gains can be realised by way of a bid.

- Physical Characteristics Of Your Land - While this may not strictly be a location issue, there are several physical characteristics that your proposed land site will have that may affect it’s potential for development - the type of soil that your proposed land investment has may affect how it may be used for example. The surrounding views and whether it is on flat land or hills is a further consideration.

- Identify Towns That Have Been Tagged For By The Government For Housing Development - We already know that the government is committed to injecting billions of pounds into affordable housing. Purchasing land plots in specific areas that have been ear-marked for house-building is a further way of ensuring that you purchase land in an area that has an excellent chance of gaining planning permission, and ultimately attracting a developer who will purchase it from you.

- Make Use Of Government Departments - Call up councils where you are planning on purchasing land and ask them what their plans are for growth. Ask about new highways and infrastructure that may be on the agenda and if any greenbelt areas are likely to be developed in the near future.

- Affluence Of The Surrounding Area - Obviously, the more wealthy the area (and surrounding areas) of the location of your land, the more valuable it will be. In real estate, one effective strategy to identify properties with fantastic potential for capital growth is by identifying "spill-over" locations - these are areas that are relatively cheap to buy into but that neighbour property hot-spots. What tends to happen is that the value of these spill over areas tend to increase as people who cannot buy into the hotspot location are forced into the spill over regions. The same tactic can be applied with land investment.

- Is Your Land Close To Existing Developments? Land that is within close proximity to existing developments are more likely to get noticed by developers (and the green light for planning permission) than land that is slap bang in the middle of undeveloped green belt areas with sensational picture perfect views.

- How Well & At What Price Do The Houses/ Accommodation Near The Land Sell? If there are houses near the site of your potential land purchase then you should make enquiries as to how well the land in that locality sells. Research the most recent sales to determine the average prices. This should give you a fair indication of how well land in this area might perform as an investment.

2. Likelihood Of The Land Achieving Planning Permission

If the land you’re purchasing currently does not have planning permission, you must make an assessment of the likelihood of the chances of it receiving planning permission for development. Choosing land that is likely to receive planning permission is not an exact science (you need to have deduction skills to identify the land most likely to get permission). Here are some of the issues you must consider:

- Is The Land In A Greenbelt Area? Obviously, if the land is currently in the green-belt then there will be greater difficulty in getting planning permission. However, because of recent government intentions to develop (UK) land in the greenbelt, a lot of land categorised as green belt will still receive planning permission if certain conditions are met. A lot of these are discussed below.

- Proximity Of Land To Areas & Developments That Have Already Received Planning Permission - Land that is close to other land in the area that has already received planning permission may be more likely to receive the go ahead for development itself. In contrast, land that is not near any developed land or slap-bang in the middle of an area that is "prize countryside" is less likely to receive that elusive green light.

- Proximity Of Land In Areas Of High Development - Certain areas within the country have been tagged for development. These are areas that the government intends to develop - land in these areas are far more likely to get planning permission - if you inquire what the current areas are and focus on land purchase in these areas then you’re less likely to end up with land that is denied permission for development.

- Proximity To Land That Is Close To Motorways & Vital Utilities - In the last section we looked at how proximity to utilities and motorways are important RE the location of the land. Well these factors are also crucial in the land obtaining planning permission for development. A council is far more likely to grant permission to land that has immediate access to electricity, water, gas and transport links than land that does not have ready access to these utilities.

- The Requirement For Housing In The Area - This is linked, at least in part, to the proximity of land to areas of high development factor. Land investment in areas that urgently require new housing is far more likely to give a timely positive return than land investment in areas where no such need is identified (particularly if it is in the green belt).

- Proximity Of Land To Existing Towns & Villages - Land that is very close to existing communities stands a far better chance of gaining planning permission. There are many economies of scale for the council to allow land like this to be developed - for instance, required social services such as police, fire and medical facilities will already be in place.

It’s worth remembering that the value of land can increase spectacularly once planning permission is granted. Hence when you’re investing in land (either individually or as part of a group), your ability to identify land that’s ripe for planning permission is key.

Remember - Land is a commodity which is no longer made. There is no "competition" for it (it's an effective monopoly) and those investors who invest in land today may well achieve some truly outstanding returns tomorrow and long into the future.

Aloe vera - a wonder herb for skin

Aloe is grown mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Because of its many therapeutic uses, it is now commercially cultivated in the United States, Japan, and countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. However, in many places you can grown your own Aloe Vera plant quite happy in a pot as a household plant.

Despite its very cactus-like characteristics, Aloe belongs to the lily family, which also includes asparagus, onions, leeks and garlic. The Aloe plant contains over thirty enzymes, including lipase and oxidase. It could be argued that enzymes are the missing element in the modern diet since 40% of the adult population suffer digestive problems and digestion is enzyme-based.

Aloe Vera also contains significant levels of salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) which accounts for some of the herb's pain-killing potential. Some people swear by a burst of aloe spray on sunburn when a gel or cream is too painful to apply.

Salicylic acid also plays a role in Aloe's detoxifying and cell-cleansing capacity. The well-researched capacity of Aloe to stimulate the immune system is arguably its most important attribute. Others have testified that a daily drink with high quality Aloe juice helps clear sensitive skin. Aloe is well known as a soothing ingredient in skincare lotions and body products.

There are a host of studies from every continent documenting the healthful benefits of Aloe Vera, taken both internally and used externally. Aloe has truly earned it reputation as a natural, healthful 'wonder' herb.

Coffee roasting

Coffee beans are roasted to bring about the right balance between the acidity and sweetness of the beans. In other words, the process of roasting the coffee beans brings out their inner characteristics and flavor. The level to which a coffee is roasted pretty much decides how the coffee will taste upon brewing. For instance, coffee beans that undergo light roasting usually have a light bodied and sweet tasting brew; whereas, a full bodied coffee with a chocolaty flavor is dark roasted.

Roasting coffee beans effects certain physical and chemical changes in the beans. These changes include the loss of moisture, caramelizing, change of color and expansion of the coffee beans. As the beans start to lose moisture and expand, they make a popping sound, which is termed as a “crack” in the coffee industry.

There are three basic levels of roasting as far as coffee beans are concerned. The Light Roast as mentioned before is used to derive a milder coffee, often sweet tasting. Then comes the Medium Roast that is the most commonly used roasting level for coffee beans. Here, roasted coffee beans are done at the second crack. The next and last level of roasting coffee beans is known as Dark Roasting where beans are roasted till they appear oily on the surface; which happens well beyond the second crack. Such roasting generally gives a very full bodied and strong brew.

Apart from the levels of Roasting, there are three main methods of

coffee bean roasting. One is an art, the second a science while the third is a combination of art and science.

Art Roasting is that technique of coffee roasting which has to be mastered through years and years of practice. Here the roast master can tell if a coffee is roasted to perfection simply by using his senses of sound, sight and smell. On the other hand, Science Roasting is where the roast master decides if a coffee is ready based on scientific data. Here the roast master looks at various data including time and temperature in order to ensure that there is uniformity of color among the different batches of roasted coffee beans. The third technique for roasting coffee beans is a fusion of both art as well as science. It is generally used for mass producing coffee beans.

Once the coffee beans are roasted, another process known as “cupping” is undertaken to ascertain the quality of the roasted beans. Here the coffee is tasted in a similar manner to tasting tea.

In this process, roasted coffee bean samples are extracted and measured in different cups. After that coffee beans from each cup are ground separately and then steeped in boiling water. Upon doing this the coffee grounds rise to the top and trap the aroma underneath. The cupper then removes the coffee grounds and smells the aroma. Last, the coffee is tasted and graded on various characteristics such as flavor, body, aroma, acidity and any defects in taste.

This step concludes the coffee bean roasting process, after which it is up to you, the coffee consumer to decide which type of roasted coffee beans suit your palate the best.

What are cheque drops

Cheque Drops are one of the most potent steroids that have ever been marketed in a commercial manner. The androgenic intensity of Cheque Drops is slightly below that of methyltrienolone, but they can still aromatize, appending the advantages of estrogen as well. Originally, Cheque Drops were used in vet medicine to normalize the heat cycles of female dogs for breeding purposes, but cheque drops developed into short-range steroids.

Cheque Drops are composed of the steroid Mibolerone. Cheque Drops are quite strong and have to be used with proper care to get the most benefits with least side effects. Dan Duchaine allegedly revealed the uses and benefits of Cheque Drops for musclebuilding. Cheque drops attained too much popularity due to definitive fighting circles additionally. The reason behind their popularity in such cases is due to the increase of aggressiveness they can present jocks before events.

Cheque Drops have been popular with jocks who take part in physical, full-contact sports including football, boxing and martial arts. Cheque Drops' aptitude to raise hostility has been victorious for such sports. Cheque Drops were delivered in mcg quantities in liquid droppers.

Cheque Drops are several times solider than testosterone. The main intention behind adding up a few drops of Cheque Drops to the food of female dogs in heat to keep them controlled. Human jocks used a few drops of Cheque Drops under the tongue before a sporting event or training to increase their belligerency. But, often because of low doses, the athletes making use of Cheque Drops experience small, or no anabolic outcomes.

If Cheque Drops are used in high quantities or for over two weeks, they can gravely have an effect on natural testosterone production in the body. In addition, it can also cause liver damage. If not used properly, it can also cause gynocomastia. Other fallouts include insomnia and hypertension. Cheque Drops should not be used by women due to its unique use in determining the ovulation cycle in female dogs. Women would probably experience severe acne, deepening voice, lessoned or ceased menstruation and clitoral enlargement. It is banished because of its affect on the body and adrenaline.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sandblasters and silicosis

What is Silicosis?

Silica is a compound formed from silicon and oxygen, often found in quartz, flint, agate, beach sand, sandstone and glass. When Silica particles are inhaled, it results in the formation of scar tissue in the lungs preventing oxygen from getting in the blood. This condition eventually results in a disease called Silicosis, an incurable and progressive lung disease. Approximately 300 people die from the disease every year in the United States.

More than one million workers are occupationally exposed to crystalline silica dusts in the United States. According to the World Health Organization, more than 100,000 of these workers are sandblasters. What is alarming is that 59,000 of them will eventually develop silicosis.

Sandblasting and Silicosis:

In Sandblasting, compressed air or steam is used to project a stream of abrasive particles onto a surface, which commonly includes materials like silica sand. Sandblasters or workers who operate this process are continually exposed to the harmful substance while cleaning sand and irregularities from foundry castings, removing paint etc because the silica sand used in abrasive blasting normally breaks up into fine particles and becomes airborne. Since these silica particles are invisible to the naked eye, workers may not be aware of the risks they are involved in, while performing their daily tasks.

In a research conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health during the late 1990s, 99 sandblasters with cases of Silicosis were studied. Fourteen of them died from the disease. The remaining 85 developed complications related to Silicosis and were at risk of death. However, the relation between Silicosis and Sandblasting is not recent. As far back as in 1936, a study in Great Britain reported that 5.4% of a population of sandblasters died from silicosis or silicosis with tuberculosis during a 3 and a half year period.

Prevention of Silicosis for Sandblasters:

Avoiding inhalation of dust containing free crystalline silica is the first basic step to prevent development of Silicosis by people in the Sandblasting occupation. The use of crystalline silica for blast cleaning operations was already prohibited in Great Britain in 1950 followed by other European countries in 1966.

Adequate respiratory protection such as a type CE Abrasive Blasting Respirator should be used by everyone engaged in the sandblasting occupation, especially for workers adjacent to blasting operation machines.

Pneumatic (relating to air or other gases) tools used in industries like granite cutting tends to release larger quantities of free crystalline silica-containing dust. The use of these tools must be accompanied by an efficient dust control system.

Using safer materials such as Specular Hematite, Blasting Cullet, slag, or steel grit and shot as abrasive for sandblasting, instead of sand greatly decreases the chances of inhaling crystalline Silica particles.

Wetting down dry materials and surfaces before working on them also reduces the chances of crystalline Silica containing dusts becoming airborne. Eating, drinking, or smoking near sandblasting operations greatly increases the chances of crystalline Silica inhalation. Do wash your hands before. Do not take work clothes back home, which unnecessarily increases risks of exposure to your family and yourself.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How to choose a bath lift

Having limited mobility can cause stressful situations when it comes to climbing stairs, walking great distances, or even bathing. Especially for elderly people, whose movements and flexibility just aren’t what they used to be. Living in the dawn of the technical age has helped considerably with the invention of the bath lift. Bath lifts can give security and freedom back to those who have limited mobility by allowing them to get in and out of a bathtub without help and with worrying about slipping or falling.

With the many different types of bath lifts available, it’s hard sometimes to know which one is best for your own unique situation. Knowing exactly what you need, how you will use it, and a few minor details about yourself and your tub can help you, and the representative selling you the lift, to choose the bath lift that best suits your individual needs.

You should first check the size of your tub. Bath lifts now come in many different sizes, and although the one you choose may be perfect for you in many ways, if it doesn’t fit your tub then it will be useless to you. Some bath lifts are actually manufactured in Europe, and the tubs are smaller than in the US, so be sure to take the exact measurements of your tub, so that you know you are getting exactly the lift that you need.

You can have your bath lift installed for you. Many dealers have installers that will help you to set it up. However, if you decide to install it yourself, be sure that you know exactly what is included, and make sure that you won’t have to purchase anything for the installation. Make a list of all tools that you will need before you begin, so that you can make sure you have them readily available.

Bath lifts generally run on batteries, although there are those that run on water pressure. Make sure which one you are getting. If you choose a lift that operates on batteries, make sure you ask how long the batteries will last. You don’t want to get into the tub only to realize that your batteries have run down. Be sure and keep extra batteries handy just in case this happens, and keep track of how many lifts your bath lift has done so that you have an idea of when it’s time to change the batteries.

Having a bath lift installed can give you peace of mind and security. Knowing that you, or your loved one will be safe while bathing is a good reason to proceed with the purchase of a bath lift. Being careful to choose exactly which lift you need, and making sure that you have chosen one from a reliable and reputable company can give you even more peace of mind.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Picnic backpack why you should go for it

Camping and picnic is one of the most favorite outdoor activities that people love to do whenever they have a free time, especially during weekend holiday. You may go camping picnic with family and friends or anyone. When we talk about picnic or camping, one of the most important issue that first come into our mind is the equipments that we are going to use during the trip. There are so many questions like how to prepare stuff for a curtain kind of camping? Which equipment should to buy? and more. But of the most common question that I have been asked constantly is about picnic backpack, which many people still want guideline about how they can prepare effectively for their picnic.

In the past, we may have seen a lot of people using picnic baskets, but today many people have changed to use picnic backpack instead of picnic basket, due to the convenience and more capacity that picnic backpack can offer so you can rest assured that you will enjoy the trip together with the one you love. Is you are the one that currently use picnic basket like the old times, I strongly suggest to change using picnic backpack and you will find that it provides you more than you ever thought of.

Some people who familiar with picnic basket may have not seen what picnic backpack look like and how to use it. Picnic back is typically similar to hiking backpack. In terms of external look picnic backpack is look pretty much alike ordinary hiking backpack, which usually made from common fabric such as canvas and acrylic. But if we look inside of the backpack and will can see the major different. That is, interior of hiking backpack is specially designed to contain hiking stuff such as trial equipment, clothes and canvas shoes etc. But the interior of picnic backpack is designed to contain picnic stuff. However, it is still hard to imagine about how picnic backpack look like, so let me give you an example for clearly understanding. For example, picnic backpack is able to contain picnic accessories such as plates, wine glasses napkins and a cooler compartment to store your food. It will have special section inside the bag to contain these kind of stuff with extra protection to prevent broken. The backpack may also have the section that use for containing roll of picnic blanket.

About the material that they are made from, as mentioned earlier that picnic backpack generally made from ordinary canvas but they also have kind of cushioned shoulder straps for convenient and comfortable carrying. The special part of picnic backpack can be found inside as there is plenty of space to contain picnic equipment such as lunch boxes, cooler component to maintain food still fresh and ice pouch. Moreover, for wine lover, they could not miss their favorite wine during the picnic, picnic backpack also provide special space for wine bottles and wine glasses with considerable protection so you can be sure that wine bottles and glass will not broken.

It can be said that today most of people still using old-fashion picnic basket, meanwhile there are many people have tried picnic backpack as they can see many of benefit to use them. So it is your own considerations about which kind that suit you the most and then just go for it.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Download free collection of quality ebooks

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The ebooks presented in "Savo Elite" had been written by the most successful businessmen which earn thousand of dollars weekly. They tell us their secrets and methods.

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You may spend much time for creation of unique product and one website only. But now you should not spend your time and money to create products and websites which can not live because of their poor quality. "Savo Elite" suggest you to solve this problem.

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

The power of google sitemaps

Dear fellow entrepeneur

Let me tell you. When I started with Google Adsense in 2004, I had my doubts. But today, three years later, I am convinced about Google Adsense.

Maybe you won't believe me, but I'm making almost 30% of my monthly salary with Google Adsense.
You know, you get these so-called experts telling you how you can get rich in no time with Adsense. But let me tell you; it's all a hype (not that I'm saying that it is impossible to get rich with Google Adsense.). You see, it all comes down to very hard work and experimentation. And believe me, I made a lot of mistakes! But I've learned. And I've learned a lot!. You see, when I first started my first website, I did not have any intention of making money with Google Adsense. I started a website with the pure intent to help other people. I mean, the internet is a great place and the perfect opportunity where you can help others if you like.

So many people just join the internet community to make money. It does not matter to them if you loose money or valuable time, as long as they get what they want. Not that I say you are not allowed to make an income off the internet.

Ok, enough talking. Let's get to the real topic here. What is it about Google Sitemaps? Google Sitemaps tell the Google Bot / Spider about your wesite.
You know, the layout, where all the files are, which file is more important and which file is less important. The reason for this is that the search engine knows how to arrange your files in the search results.

A google sitemap is in xml format and there is alot of free tools available which will help you to create a sitemap for your website. Online as well as offline tools. Just type (free script google sitemap creator) in the search engine and you will see exactly what I mean.

I must admit, in my own experience that the google bot visits my site more regurlarly from when I started to make use of a sitemap. Everytime you create a sitemap, it tells the googlebot which files has been changed and what new files has been added or any other changes that you may have made to your site.

If your are a serious webmaster and did not create a sitemap yet, I suggest you do so. I do not understand xml markup language, but I can at least give you an example of how an xml sitemap looks like. With this example you will be able to create your own sitemap in no time (that is to say if you do not have too much pages), otherwise it will be better to make use of one of the free sitemap creators available.

Well, here is the example:


example. com\n");

example. com/directory/file. htm\n");

Well I think you got the basic idea now to enable you to create your own sitemap, get more visitors, and make more money with Google Adsense.

One more thing. You are free to use this article on your website provided that it stays unaltered and the links in the resourcebox is live, search-engine friendly links.


Tips in putting up a franchise

Franchising is one of the easiest ways to put up a business nowadays. Everything is actually being set up for you, from the products to the manpower to the materials. All you need to do is actually provide the capital for it.

It all seems so easy when you think about it but it is actually not. Although everything is already provided for you, you will still have to find the time to manage the business, do the books and shoulder the everyday troubles of running a business.

Of course, compared to putting up your own, it is actually easier but this does not mean that any person with money can do it. You need to have the mindset and the commitment to do it. Although it may not seem so because everything is being done for you, this is still your business and your primary responsibility.

Below are some tips that can help you see if you are ready for a franchise business or not.


This is perhaps the single most important factor that you should consider when deciding to franchise. Although you can actually sell a franchise, it is still crucial that you stick to it, to the product no matter what. This means that you need to have the commitment to make it work, no matter what.

Commitment not only comes from putting up the franchise business but also on the product or service that you will be selling. It is important that you like your own product, that you have tried the product and feel that it is good. This way, you will be able to sell the product better.


A franchise business may seem really small when you think about it but it still requires time. If you do not have the time to oversee the franchise, make sure that you hire someone that you trust who can oversee it.

The franchise can lose a lot of money if you are not there to manage the franchise yourself. If you can, make the franchise your top priority, not just a side job or a sideline. When you focus on the business, it can reap you tons of rewards.


The people that you hire can make or break the business. If you do not have the people yet, it is best to put off the franchise until you do. Your crew is an important part of the franchise and should be properly trained and carefully selected.

One of the things that you should of course consider is the experience and the skill to do the job. Still, the people that you hire need to undergo training that will be provided by the franchise company.

Another key trait that you should look for is the trustworthiness and the honesty of your crew. Although, these are invariably tough times, you can still find crew that you can trust.


Another crucial element in putting up the franchise is the franchise company. A good franchise will provide you with every assistance that you need for your business, from the products to the training of the people.

Before you sign up, make sure that you have thoroughly researched the company and its business interests. An established franchise is a good choice because they already have the experience to back up their operations. Still, the downside is of course the franchise fee that you have to pay.