Friday, January 29, 2016

Details of the citi home rebate platinum select mastercard application

Selecting the Citi Home Rebate Platinum Select MasterCard will provide you with several key benefits. This line of credit offers a very unique program for those that are interested. It allows them to pay for their mortgages in a rather beneficial way. This MasterCard is provided to those individuals that have very good credit and are looking for a method of reward that can benefit them in several ways. Those that are homeowners should consider what this line of credit from Citi can provide.

Some Of The Details

To start off, the Citi Home Rebate Platinum Select MasterCard provides for an introductory period of 0% for 12 months on balance transfers that happen within those 12 months. It has an outstanding APR at just 11.99% variable on purchases using the credit card and 22.99% APR on cash advances, also a very good number. There is no annual fee and the grace period is 20 days. Your minimum line of credit is $500.

The rewards package is the nice benefit of this card along with those wonderful rates. The Citi Home Rebate Platinum Select MasterCard provides for a rebate from 1% to 6%. You will earn 6% on each dollar spent during the first six months on selected items including telecom services, satellite, cable, computer networking and information services as well as utilities and pay TV and radio services, most of which you will purchase anyway. In addition, you earn 1% on all other purchases during this time.

The best part is that the rebates that you earn from this line of credit will be sent right to your mortgage company to be applied within two months to the loan on your home. This can save you countless dollars in interest over the course of your loan.

There is no limit and no expiration for these benefits either. With such low APR and fees, and this benefiting rewards program, the Citi Home Rebate Platinum Select MasterCard may just be the ideal choice for homeowners.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Yama and niyama the foundation stones of yoga

Yoga is more popular now than it has ever been. Famous entertainers and other celebrities practice it and thousands or perhaps millions of other people are also doing yoga exercises in one form or another. Yet, despite this widespread popularity, yoga is still misunderstood. Many people think that yoga is primarily a physical activity, something that they can use to get their body in shape. While it is true that yoga has a great role to play in the physical realm, yoga is much more than this.

Yoga is, in its deepest sense, the science of human perfection. It is the means by which a person can attain his or her fullest development: physical, mental and spiritual.

Human perfection? This is a tall order. It does not come with just a few stretches of your thighs. While yoga has its external practices and exercises, its true foundation is proper conduct. Proper conduct means living a life that will put you in harmony with the society around you and with your own inner self.

When I first began practicing yoga, I told one of my friends about it. He became interested and wanted to begin. I wasn’t a teacher at that time so I recommended a book. He looked at me and said, with all seriousness, “Where can I steal it!”

Well, you can’t begin yoga like that because stealing is not a way to get in harmony with society or with yourself. In yoga disciplined or controlled conduct is known by its Sanskrit term, “samyama” and this controlled conduct has two parts “Yama” and “Niyama.”

In many yoga books Yama is sometimes defined as “abstinences,” meaning things that you shouldn’t do. Niyama is sometimes translated as “observances,” referring to things that you should do. These rough translations are not quite correct.

A better way to understand Yama is to think of it as a discipline that will help you to find harmony with your external environment. Niyama, on the other hand, are those practices that will help you to attain internal harmony.

Let’s look briefly at the various parts of Yama and Niyama. In future articles of this series I will focus in more detail on each aspect of Yama and Niyama.

Yama has five parts. They are as follows.

1. “Ahimsa” means to refrain from harming others with your thoughts, words or actions. Consciously we should not do anything that will harm others or block their physical, mental or spiritual progress. If you want a two or three-word English definition of this Sanskrit word just remember “non injury” or “non-harming.” But there is more to Ahimsa than just two words. What about self-defense? What about our relations to other living beings? These are important issues and there are a variety of viewpoints. I will discuss them at length in the next article in this series.

2. “Sayta” is generally referred to as truthfulness. A better definition given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti is “action of mind and right use of words with the spirit of welfare.” Whatever we think or say should be done with the spirit of helping others. It generally means to tell the truth, but if the exact truth will create harm to someone, then we have to choose our words carefully. That is why a good two-word definition would be “discriminating truthfulness.”

3. “Asteya” means non-stealing. We should not take possession of something that is owned by another. We should not even think of stealing something and we should also refrain from depriving others of what they are due.

4. “Brahmacarya” literally means to “remain attached to Brahma (the Supreme Consciousness). The idea of this practice is to treat every living and non-living entity as an expression of God.

5. “Aparigraha” is defined as non-accumulation of physical objects that are superfluous to our needs. According to your circumstances you should acquire what you need to live your life, but you should not accumulate luxuries that go beyond your real needs.

These are the five parts of Yama.

Just as there are five aspects of yama, niyama is also composed of five principles. Practice these five and you will achieve inner harmony. Briefly, they are as follows:

1. “Shaoca” (pronounced: Sha-o-cha) means cleanliness and purity. Keep your environment clean and your thoughts pure. The old proverb says “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” and it is true.

2. “Santosha” is contentment of mind. Work hard, do the best you can, and then remain contented with what you have.

3. “Tapah” signifies the practice of penance to reach the goal. It doesn’t mean suffering for the sake of suffering. Rather, look around and you will find people with difficulties. Take on some of the burdens of others and you will not only help society but your own inner self will be purified.

4. “Svadhyaya” is the study and true understanding of uplifting literature. Whenever possible seek out the company of spiritually minded people. When that is not possible read and absorb the teachings contained in books written by enlightened teachers.

5. “Iishvara Pranidhana” literally means to take shelter in the controller of the universe. It is practiced through daily meditation on the ultimate goal of life.

In the following articles of this series I will explain each part of Yama and Niyama with more detail.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Instant money for quick needs - cash loans

Cash deficit can arise at any time due to routine expenses. This happens when we are over with our finances. As we know that our daily expense can’t wait we need to pay of those expenses when they arise. Sometime expense arise due to uncertain happenings like break down of car engine, health expense, rent, dinning out, paying your bills or any other short term but urgent requirement. For such needs cash loan are here to support your financial requirements.

Cash loans are loans to cover up the financial gap between your expenses and funds. These loans like any other short term loans comes with a higher interest as lenders are also here to earn money. The best thing about these loans is that these loans are arranged and approved very quickly. The application process requires just 15 to 30 minutes. It generally takes 24 to 48 hours to get the loan money deposited directly into your account.

For applying for a cash loans you need to have an active bank account, and a proof of employment. The loan amount ranges between ₤1000 and ₤25000. Cash loans offer flexible payment options. You can sign a postdated cheque to the lender while taking a loan for repayment. The repayment term for these loans is for a time period of a week to a month. This term can be further extended if circumstances demands it but at some charge.

Now a days with applying for a loan online has become the favorite choice for most of the borrowers. You can apply for cash loan relaxing in your premises with a computer near you with internet access. Most of the reputed cash loan lenders have their own websites to apply for a loan. Most of these websites offer free loan quotes. You can easily and quickly compare these loan quotes from various lenders. By this you can get the loan package which suits you the best in terms of interest rate and terms of agreement.

Different lenders offer different terms and conditions so you are required to put some effort in form of negotiating with them for interest rates. These loans don’t require any credit check making them available for every segment of people.

Cash loans are often known by payday loans, no fax payday loans or pay cheque advance. You can apply for these loans to bridge the financial gap while your pay day or salary day approaches.