Sunday, February 28, 2016

Christmas toys are for the kids... right

Toys for grown-ups pushing kids' toys out of Christmas most wanted list.

Christmas used to be a time for the kids but now the adults appear to be taking over. The top twelve toys this Christmas as identified by the Toy Retailers Association contain a suspiciously high number of toys aimed at bigger kids. This apparent paradigm shift in the toy market should come as no surprise – a brief look around the internet reveals an entire market devoted to the taller toy consumer.

As UK toy stores prepare for the inevitable Christmas rush, their shelves are stocked not only with gifts for children, but of stock on the wish list of an ever growing adult market. A brief look at the most wanted list for this Christmas shows toys such as Robosapien V2, Roboraptor and the Doctor Who Remote Control Dalek. It does not take an industry expert to surmise that these toys are aimed at a demographic with full time jobs and high disposable income rather than a demographic that watches Saturday morning television.

The rise of toys for grown ups has been an increasing trend in recent years and coincides with an increase in retro culture that dominates the film and television industries. Remakes of films and television series that appeal to an older audience mean that subsequent merchandising appeal to a grown up audience who were fans of the series and films first time round – the conspicuous presence of Star Wars toys and Doctor Who toys in UK toy store both online and offline reflect this.

The emergence of a two tier market catering for real kids and "big kids" is apparent and will be particularly evident in the busiest period for the toy market. The market for the older demographic has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years and had led to the specific targeting of the segment particularly through the marketing of technology based toys such as the Robosapien V2 and Roboraptor – toys with a limited appeal to those in short trousers. Increasingly, these toys permeate the marketplace and toy stores looking to capitalise on the big kids market.

It seems that this market is set to grow over the forthcoming years, representative of a wider cultural shift and impacting significantly on the toy market. Whilst the toy market is still dominated by kids toys, it seems that Christmas toys are no longer just for the kids.

The lowdown on dog clicker training

Dog training is a necessity when you make the decision to keep a dog as a pet. Dogs, particularly larger ones, must be obedient, or keeping them becomes extremely hard work.

In addition to their appreciation for being fed, as pack animals dogs have natural instincts that favour training. These instincts are manifested as a desire to please a trainer. This gives the dog trainer an unbeatable edge in shaping the dog's behaviour.

While dogs can be trained for complicated, serious actions, such as rescue work, circus acts, or medical diagnosis, there are certain elements of training that almost all dogs can learn, to the benefit of both dog and trainer.

Basically, dog training is about communication. The trainer is communicating to the dog what behaviours are correct in what circumstances. A successful trainer must also understand the communication that the dog sends to the them. The dog can signal that he is unsure, confused, nervous, happy, excited, etc. The emotional state of the dog is an important consideration in directing the training.

Dog training clickers are great training tools. They are effective training tools for puppies or dogs because dog clickers make a very distinct sound, letting you control your timing, and eliminate the inflection in your voice that can hinder dog training.

Dogs are very sensitive to inflections in your voice, and training your dog with a clicker eliminates the inflections and you can train more effectively, even if you are in a crabby mood or are getting short-tempered during the training session.

Now that you've got a dog clicker it is time to train your dog to get used to the tool. First thing, get a pocket full of small, edible treats ready and, for easy access, get a nice clicker treat bag. Then you can lure the dog with the treat or go to the dog with the clicker and some treats.

Click the clicker, and give the dog a nice treat. At this point, it doesn’t matter what he’s doing at the moment, since you basically are training your dog to learn that when there's a click there's a treat. You can continue the process of making clicks and rewarding with treats until you've trained your dog to react quickly with the turn of his head and he gives you all his attention when he hears the sound of the clicker. This process probably won't really take much time, but you've got to make him react with your clicker before you move on to the next clicker training step.

Whatever stage of training you have reached, or whatever method of training you may have chosen, always remember these golden rules;

1. Be Positive -- It is necessary to use positive reinforcement when you train your dog or puppy by offering some dog treats and a lot of praise if he does something correctly. During the initial training sessions you can offer both praise and treats.

2. Firm and Friendly -- When you give commands such as stay and come, you want to use a happy, friendly voice. On the other hand, you will want a lower, firmer voice for sit, down, and stay.

3. Start Young…but not too early - The ideal time to start training begins at six to eight weeks, maybe even earlier depending on the puppy. But remember, you can teach old dogs new tricks.

4. Be Patient - Patience is vital when you work with your dog or puppy. If you feel like you’re at the end of your rope before you’ve even started, don’t attempt to train your dog. Your dog is incredibly smart and will pick up on your emotions.

5. Keep it Short - Fifteen minutes or so is about the right time for learning simple commands, so consentrate on a single command a session and end it on a positive note. If your dog or pup has successfully done the command several times in a row remember to smother him with praise. After the dog training session, spend some time playing. He will associate time with you as positive and look forward to his training.

6. No Distractions - Try to pick a quiet place free of distractions when training your dog. A secluded garden or a quiet inside room works best. If there are other pets in the family, put them separate so they won’t interfere with training.

7. Remember, both you and the dog should enjoy. - Dog training, of course, should be a pleasant time for you and your dog. The time can be used to bond closely with your dog and learn each other’s personalities. When you do this, you will not only have a well-trained dog or puppy, but a longtime, loyal companion and friend.

Tips to enhance website position

Most of the people looking for products and services on the net, hunt for websites via major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Optimizing your website for higher search engine positioning is to allure mass to drive towards your website that is the likely to be your prospective buyer. To generate considerable traffic to your website it requires higher positioning in initial pages of search engines.

Here, I have given some key tips to dip you in the technical aspects available on the net to assist how to optimize your website.

The Title: Whatever text you put in the title will reviewed in the reverse bar of browser when people view the web page. So, place suitable title according to your business and products.
Your title

Meta Tags: You might be aware of Meta tags or using this on your current website. We will talk on the description tag.

Description tag: Major search engines that support Meta tags will usually depict the description tag with the title in the results. Search engines many times hold entire Meta tag of the description field. The webmasters should keep in mind that that the description tags must be short to grab the attention of a user.

Keyword: You should research deeply before finalizing keywords, as it is the most important factor in website optimization. Each keyword’s weight, rate, size, status and proximity all have an effect on the ranking. You should optimize all these key factors cautiously. Examining the top ten ranking website’s content and ranking factors will assist you to optimize your website. To find keywords, log on wordtracker. com and inventory. overture. com.

Content: The content of your website should be informative that provides people come to acknowledged about new things or be interested in. This will result revisiting of the mass at your website. Try to make your content keywords rich to drive search engines to pick up your site. Use appropriate keywords according to your business or services you offer.

Create website sitemap: Make complete site map of your website, contain all the links of main pages of your website. So the search engine robots could explore your entire website. To see example follow this link: adidas. com/in/performance/sitemap. asp

Publish articles and newsletter/press releases: Writing and publishing is one of the best ways of marketing your website on internet. It helps to generate substantial traffics to your website. You can submit articles to e-zines, article directories, web sites and magazines that offer article submissions. Don’t forget to include your business information and contact address at the bottom of the article.

Article Directories  shvoong. com, goarticles. com, uniterra. com, allfreelancework. com, ezinearticles. com etc. Use keyword “article submission” in your search.

Press release sites  free-press-release. com, PRweb. com, prleap. com, pressbox. co. uk etc. Use keyword “free press release distribution” in your search.
Post ads: You can place your ads on free advertising and classified ad sites, free links sites, newsgroups, which offers ads posting.

Link: The most effectual method to make your pages important for the search engine crawlers, creating links to other sites with yours. It makes your website worthwhile for the search engines. The more links at website the more significant website is considered, and will be rewarded with higher page ranks.

However, not all links are considered valuable by the search engines. The search engine will consider links more valuable if they are from sites that are having higher page ranks and also offers similar area of interest as your.

Use keyword “free link exchange” in your search.

Submit Website to search Engines: After optimizing you web site, its time to submit it to all major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc, after all for this only you have optimized your web site. There are many web-sites that provide manual free submission to almost all the main search engine. Use keyword “website submission” in your search.

Submit to the directories: Search engines and directories are different. Do not mix them. Be very careful while submitting your website to a directory. Read the directory's submission directions with full presence of mind. You can submit to directories like DMOZ and also paid directories like Yahoo. Use “web directory submission” in search.

Regular inspection of website: Once you achieve targeted page ranks and positions in search engine, don’t become lousy; after all it is not forever. You should keep eye on your contenders’ activities. If you are not satisfied with search engine ranking results, you should optimize your website more to attain higher search engines ranking position.

This was brief description for optimizing website. Very soon I am going to publish informative series of articles on each of these key factors at seoservices-website-promotion. blogspot. com.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thai medicinal plant pueraria mirifica high phytoestrogens

The gum works by slowly releasing compounds contained in an extract from a plant called Pueraria mirifica. This plant species can be found in the same habitant as Pueraria Mirifica and also the mountains area. The Pueraria Mirifica plant root contains very high concentrations of photoestrogens that duplicate a woman's own moisture. The concentration of phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than other plant sources such as soy or alfalfa. The Thai medicinal plant Pueraria mirifica (PM) contains many potent phytoestrogens including miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol but no study on vascular function has been established. B2UP gum works by slowly releasing compounds contained in an extract from a plant called Pueraria Mirifica. These creams usually contain a plant extract called Pueraria Mirifica that only grows in Thailand and has a high concentrate of phytoestrogens.

The concentration of phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than other plant sources such as soy or alfalfa. top3. The concentration of active plant estrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than soy or alfalfa. Typically, there are three kinds of this plant family: white, red, and black Pueraria mirifica. They attributed these actions to the extract from a plant called Pueraria mirifica, which is one of the ingredients in the chewing gum. This dietary herbal supplement contains the natural plant extract Pueraria mirifica. the secret's in the gwao kura root - a species indigenous to thailand - that contains the pueraria mirifica plant estrogen. Most manufacturers use different varieties of Pueraria Mirifica, containing varying levels of plant estrogens and other breast-enhancing compounds. de kauwgum bevat onder meer 'pueraria mirifica', een natuurlijk bestanddeel afkomstig uit een plant die vooral in aziл voorkomt.

20 subjects applied to a breast cream containing 5% Pueraria mirifica extract once a day. It contains concentrated natural essence extract from vegetable tuber root of Pueraria mirifica. Applications of Pueraria mirificaPueraria extract is a natural specialty product designed to help promote normal healthy sexual function and rejuvenescence in women. It has high concentration of Pueraria Mirifica extract, which firms women breasts effectively in a minimal amount of time. Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide an extract derived from Pueraria mirifica, Butea superba, and/or Mucuna collettii. Thus, the Pueraria mirifica extract can be presented in the cosmetics without any allergic effect.

Clinical trial of the phytoestrogen-rich herb, Pueraria mirifica as a crude drug in the treatment of symptom in menopausal women. Herbal estrogens (such as soy, alfalfa and Pueraria Mirifica) are completely safe and women have been taking them traditionally for centuries. CONCLUSIONS: Pueraria mirifica, containing phytoestrogens, relatively alleviated the climacteric symptoms in perimenopausal women. Local women and rural communities in Thailand have used Pueraria mirifica effectively as a traditional medicine for over hundred of years. Many women have found an effective alternative to delay those aging manifestations, by using natural phytoestrogens such as those found in Pueraria mirifica. Clinical trial of the phyto-estrogen-rich herb, Pueraria mirifica as a crude drug in the treatment of symptoms in menopausal women. News Channel 5 reports new finding show if women take an herb called pueraria mirifica, it will increase their breast size. Cautions Pueraria mirifica is not recommend for pregnant women and women under 20 years of age. Warning Pueraria mirifica products should not be used in Pregnant women or nursing mothers due to the lack of safety data.

The active ingredients in pueraria mirifica also increase the fatty tissue and ligaments around the breast that provide support and shape. How Pueraria Mirifica works: Ducts branch out from the nipple to the interior of the breast, ending in clusters of the lobules. Phytoestrogens from the Pueraria Mirifica root can bind to estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and promote healthy breasts, which results in firmer breasts. I have tried, your breast cream, (the very best breast cream containing pueraria mirifica, and I simply love it!! Phytoextrogens from the Pueraria Mirifica root can bind to estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and promote healthy breasts, which results in firmer breasts. bust enhancement pueraria mirifica breast cream .

PhytoestrogenPueraria mirifica is also high in phytoestrogen, substance which imitates female estrogen. Therefore when Pueraria mirifica is applied it will help replace loss of estrogen, and rejuvenate the specific area, where Pueraria mirifica is applied. Hence, phytoestrogens from Pueraria mirifica may correct estrogen deficiencies in the body, and relieve post-menopausal symptoms. When Pueraria mirifica is utilized, its phytoestrogens disperse through the body via blood circulation, and bind to estrogen receptors present in various organs. Hence, phytoestrogens from Pueraria mirifica can correct estrogen insufficiency in the body and relieve the post-menopausal symptoms.

The government sector is ready to revise the law for Pueraria mirifica to be a dietary reinforcement product. Every batch of processed Pueraria Mirifica powder has gone through strict efficiency test to ensure the high quality of the product. Every batch of processed pueraria mirifica powder has gone through the strictest efficiency test to ensure the high quality of the product. The pueraria mirifica used in this product, is cultivated from the 3 best varieties found in Thailand and grown using state-of-the-art organic farming.

Feeling Full & Firm by using PUERARIAN Breast Cream

This amazing cream is excellent for breast firming and enlargement. Various studies confirmed that this product has a high success for enhancing women breast. All Skin Type

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herb extracts

Direction: Use once in the morning and in the night. Apply onto breast area and massage for 3-5 minutes until it is fully absorbed.

Precautions: Not recommended for pregnant women, feeding mothers or women diagnosed with medical conditions of the breast.

To Free Natural breast enlargement BREAST SPRAY $ 40 at pueraria-mirifica. biz/

Rejuvenation and relaxation in safety harbor florida

Florida is a mecca for single and family vacations. Safety Harbor retreats certainly belong on the top of the list of places to visit for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation and Relaxation in Safety Harbor, Florida

Safety Harbor is a charming town located in Florida, within a twenty minute drive from both Tampa International Airport and St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport. Known for its quaint shopping area, as well as the proximity to two large city areas, Safety Harbor is fast becoming a popular tourist destination.

Safety Harbor rejuvenation and relaxation retreats are another reason that people come to this area, and in that regard, there is only really one spa that springs to mind. The Safety Harbor Resort is located on Tampa Bay, and is within walking distance of the downtown shops and other attractions of Safety Harbor. This resort is known not as just a great hotel in the Tampa area, but as one of the top ten rejuvenation clinics in the entire country!

The Safety Harbor Resort houses 189 guest rooms, which are spacious and well equipped with all of your needs, as well as beautiful views of the Tampa Bay. Most rooms have balconies or patios where you can linger and watch the sun set on the water. There are also four suites available, for that extra special trip, which include additional space and amenities not found in the other guest rooms. Available throughout the Resort is the resort's famous mineral water, which is touted to be the water that was found when explorers were looking for the Fountain of Youth.

The rejuvenation and relaxation center at the Safety Harbor Resort is large, boasting 50,000 square feet and 40 treatment rooms. The packages available for relaxation here are numerous, such as the "Spa and Fitness" Package, which includes accommodations, dining, and treatments. The "Spajama" Package is unique to the resorts and includes accommodations, spa treatments and even an in-room pizza party!

The rejuvenation and relaxation treatments available at the resort earned it a top ten rating in the Zagat survey. They include many different Aveda specialties, such as massage, body treatments, facials, nail treatments, body hydrotherapy and hair care all available in one place. A day of luxury can be put together especially for you, and the resort even provides Wellness Consultations on such topics as nutrition, total wellness and weight control.

If you're in the market for a getaway in a beautiful Florida environment, look no further than Safety Harbor Resort. You might not even need to leave the resort at all, with all of the activities, treatments, and other options available to those who stay here.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Frequent sex and good health

Individuals engaged in active lifestyles like exercising, eating right foods, and taking vitamins should also involve frequent sex in their health regimen. While the degree of sexual activity in one's health is not a principal topic of research, many studies suggest that safe sex can do wonders for one's overall health. Safe sex practiced in a loving, intimate relationship has numerous health benefits like improved cholesterol levels and increased blood circulation. It also encourages the flow of testosterone, a hormone that plays an important role in the immune system.

Sexual intercourse burns about 200 calories, the same number of calories can be achieved by spending 15 minutes in a treadmill. In addition, sex encourages the production of endorphins, the body natural painkiller. These substances, enables a state of bliss and frees people from stress and anxiety. These factors can lead to feelings of happiness, greater health and may slowdown the aging process. An active sex life may lead to improved health and enable people to live longer and happier lives.

For Him

A medical study published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found out that frequent ejaculation resulting from sexual activity may help protect the prostate from cancer. This finding supports a smaller study in Australia from 2003 that found out that men in 20's who ejaculated more than five times a week were less likely to developing prostate cancer than their counterparts who ejaculated four to seven times a month. Specialists add that ejaculating regularly might lower the risk of cancer because cancer-causing substances are flushed out of the body in the seminal fluid instead of being trapped in the prostate. In addition, researchers in Queens University concluded that by having sex three or more times a week, men may cut heart attack or stroke rates by almost half. However, having sex with multiple partners may raise a man's risk of prostate cancer to up to 40% because his the risk of contracting sexual infection increases.

For Her

Sexual activity may also help prevent endometriosis, a common gynecological condition that affects about 89 million women around the world. This condition occurs when the tissue lining inside a woman's uterus grown in other places like the ovaries or the fallopian tube. This growth can cause pelvic pain and may lead to infertility. A study by the journal of Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, concluded that women who were sexually active during their menstruation were 15 times less likely to develop endometriosis than women who abstained from sex during periods. The contractions of the uterus during orgasm may help flush away menstrual debris out of the uterus. Sexual activity among women also prompts the production of estrogen which can act as a painkiller and reduce the pain of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

Sexual intercourse is not just the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's vagina. It is a process of physical intimacy that strengthens the bond among lovers. Understanding safe sex and sex within marriage may lead to improved health and fruitful marriages.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Breathing problems - natural solutions

Breathing difficulties can seriously handicap our ability to function and enjoy life. Air is our most vital source of energy and vitality. When we suffer from asthma, bronchitis, allergies, frequent colds or simply insufficient oxygen intake, we are prone to a lack of energy, vitality and /or mental clarity.

Every cell within our body depends on an abundant supply of oxygen for proper metabolism and vitality.

Some Causes of Breathing Problems

1. Hereditary weakness may make our lungs or other organs of respiratory apparatus weak points in our system. Thus when tired, overworked, anxious or stressed, these parts of the body will start to malfunction.

This does not mean, however, that we must suffer. It is in our hands to live in a certain way so as nurture and protect our bodies and minds.

Among such weaknesses we should include the inability of the immune system to effectively protect the body from microbes and viruses. In some cases the immune system may work overtime trying to protect the body from "imagined" dangers. Allergies and asthma are often the result of such over-reactions from the immune system.

2. Environmental factors may also aggravate the condition.

Cold and humid weather tend to accentuate breathing problems.

Pollen and other particles in the air may cause allergic reactions.

Occupational conditions such as working in a dusty area or in a smoke filled room may also aggravate the problem.

Pollution irritates our nasal passage and lungs.

Smoking cigarettes obviously damages our lungs, cutting off our supply of oxygen.

3. An over production of mucus clogs up the breathing passages, obstructing breathing. Foods, which tend to cause excess mucus, are all dairy products, white flour, white rice and sweets.

4. A lack of sufficient liquid intake causes the mucus to thicken and cling to the lungs and other breathing passages. This creates a favorable environment for microbes to reproduce.

5. Blockages in the spinal vertebrae or tension in the muscles of the upper back may also obstruct the flow of nerve impulses and bioenergy to the lungs. This may inhibit the proper functioning of the lungs.

6. Emotional blockages are directly connected with our breathing. People, who experience anxiety, depression, fear, nervous tension or a poor self-image, tend to subconsciously hold their breath. Thus their breathing is tense, shallow, and sometimes spasmodic.

Long-term emotional blockages may also affect the adrenal glands and thus hormonal disorders may also play their part in the problem. Negative emotions also depress or disturb the functioning of the immune system.

7. A lack of proper education in breathing is another reason why people suffer from breathing problems. It is entirely possible for us to learn to use our lungs more effectively for greater energy, vitality, peace and clarity of mind. This should be learned from an experienced breath coach.

Some Solutions

1. Environmental & Habitual Factors

a. Surround yourself with large green leafed plants, which produce oxygen and absorb pollution.

b. Get out of the city frequently. Go the sea or mountains and breathe fresh clean air.

c. Use regular deep breathing to clean out and rejuvenate your lungs.

d. Deep breathing while walking can clean out a considerable amount of pollution from the lungs.

e. If you smoke, then - love yourself - and stop.

2. Dietary Guidelines

a. Avoid all diary products, white sugar, sweets, white flour and white rice. When the problem has subsided, then we can start taking small quantities of dairy products while watching the body’s reaction.

b. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

c. Drink plenty (6 or 8 cups per day) of warm liquid daily. This may be water, herb teas, or water with lemon. Do not drink refrigerated or iced drinks.

d. When one has a cold, an onion and garlic soup spiced with pepper, cinnamon ginger and cloves, opens up the nasal passages and allows the congestion to flow out.

e. In some cases the use of natural vitamin C tablets can be helpful.

3. Facing emotional factors is essential for healing the cause of the breathing problems.

There are various ways in which we can find relief from these emotional factors and then eventually analyze them and transcend them.

a. Self-analysis or objective-self observation can free us from various emotional attachments and fears.

b. Positive thinking, affirmations, and positive thought projection can neutralize negative emotions and tendencies.

c. Various Body-centered catharsis techniques in addition to reprogramming techniques such as EMDR, TFT and EFT can free us from emotional based psychosomatic symptoms.

4. Exercises and Techniques

A. With the help of various exercises and techniques we seek to:

1. Remove the blockages and tensions from the upper back and chest area.

2. Develop greater freedom and control over the muscles of breathing.

3. Bring blood and healing energies to the chest area.

4. Open up the nasal passages if they are blocked.

5. Stimulate the harmonious functioning of the adrenal glands and immune system.

B. Techniques will need the guidance of an experienced coach are:

1. To start with we can simply practice deep breathing exercises. These exercises will give us relief from tension and may even bring the cause for our emotional tension to the surface so that we may see it more clearly and objectively.

2. Exercises for the upper back and chest can also bring considerable relief from emotional tensions.

3. Deep relaxation techniques are also very effective for relaxing the whole system so that the muscles of breathing may function more freely.

4. In guided deep relaxation sessions the source of the emotional blockages can be researched through regression.

We can care for our bodies and minds and they will care for us.

Equity theory and employee motivation

In business, the Equity Theory of employee motivation describes the relationship between how fairly an employee perceives he is treated and how hard he is motivated to work. Peter Drucker, an author who specialized in economics, first proposed the link between Equity Theory and employee motivation.

The basic idea behind the Equity Theory is that workers, in an attempt to balance what they put in to their jobs and what they get from them, will unconsciously assign values to each of his various contributions.

In addition to their time, workers contribute their experience, their qualifications, and their capability in addition to their personal strengths such as acumen and ambition. Money, of course, is the primary motivating outcome for an employee, but it is not the only, and in some cases not even the most important, factor. Power and status are also prime motivators, as are flexibility, perquisites and variety.

According to the Equity Theory, the most highly motivated employee is the one who perceives his rewards are equal to his contributions. If he feels that he is working and being rewarded at about the same rate as his peers, then he will judge that he is being treated fairly.

This doesn’t mean that every manager should treat every employee identically, because every worker does not measure his contributions in the same way. For example, flexible working hours might motivate a working mother even more than a pay raise. Conversely, though an across-the-board wage increase may delight most employees, the highest producers may become less motivated if they perceive that they are not being rewarded for their ambition. Research on Equity Theory and employee motivation has shown that, in general, over-rewarded employees will produce more and of a higher quality than will under-rewarded, less motivated employees.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Top ten betting mistakes

The first step to formulating a solution, is to define the problem.

The following points are areas of betting where many punters often get it wrong. My views arise from long personal experience and years of communication with successful and unsuccessful punters alike.

My aim here is to highlight these common areas of failure in the hope that I can speed up your learning curve towards successful betting.

Read the following thoughts and you may be able to side step many of the pot holes others have fallen into in the past.

1) Failure to Use Betting Banks

Most gamblers fail to understand that the best method of achieving a healthy and sustained long term profit from racing is to set aside a sum of money away from your main finances, solely for the betting of horses.

Whatever method or system you are using, whoever you are following or subscribing to or however your own bets are calculated, you are better off with a "Betting Bank" that has built - in advantages that can help you. It needs to be independent from your own personal finances and needs to be protected from factors that can threaten it. This can take a lot of emotion out of the decision making process. Emotion is a factor that threatens all punters.

The size of your betting bank will of course be dependant upon your own individual circumstances and free capital available. An analogy to the world of shares perhaps may be that no financial advisor worth his salt would advise you throw all your capital into the stock market alone.

The vast majority of punters fail to use any form of set aside bank. They bet randomly with what ever money they have in their pocket at the end of the week or go in too deep with stakes far in excess of their personal safety levels.

A punter with a professional attitude will set aside what he can comfortably afford to invest and then determine the best use he can make of that fixed sum of capital.

With a fixed sum of capital available you now move on to the next reason for failure.

2) Failure to Stake Correctly

It is vital that you consider your betting bank as capped in amount. You do not have an endless pool of resources to dip into. Betting by its nature carries inherent risks. These risks include periods of low strike rates and long losing runs. Your betting bank and staking should be adapted for the method you use.

You must in advance, prepare yourself for the possibility of a worse than average sequence of losers through adoption of a sufficient number of units in your betting bank.

Correct methodical staking in addition to the mathematical advantage, can also help overcome the risk of emotional reaction to a sequence of unusually positive or negative results.

Take the Pricewise column in the racing post as an example. Long term if you could get on at the advised prices, it would have returned a decent profit overall. During this time however followers would have to have endured runs of up to 40 losers in a row!

Despite the overall long term profit I suspect the vast majority of Pricewise followers would have been terminated either by a failure to set aside a sufficient amount of points or through failure to cope with the emotion of the losing run.

We have long since established here a strike rate of about 35% on our Best Bet selections and at an average S. P. of over 5/2 for each winning bet. We feel able to protect clients banks as long losing runs haven't happened and the strike rate and odds have been more than enough to ensure long steady and safe growth for your betting profits. That is in essence the key to winning money. Manage your accounts in a way that protects them as far as possible from the element of risk that the game presents you.

3) Chasing Losses

Chasing losses at first sight may appear to be an easy way to guarantee an eventual profit but the true story is it is a game for fools and statistically will not work unless you generate an overall level stakes profit.

Chasing losses is a game for the ill informed who do not want to make the effort to seek value in their bets. Bookmakers have to price

up every race. Punters don't have to play in every race, they can pick the races they want to bet in, and that is the main edge that people fail to understand. If you have had a losing day, by attempting to chasing your losses you give up that advantage and bet in the races that you should not be betting in. You are therefore betting the way bookmakers want you to and not in the way to win.

Many punters will alter their stakes in the last race either to

"chase" losses or "play up" winnings. Its no coincidence that the

bookmakers have ensured that the last race on each day is often a handicap or one of the hardest races that day . There will be more racing the next day and the day after that. The secret is waiting for opportunities and only betting when you know you have circumstances which favour you and not the bookmakers. You must never change your approach, or deviate from sensible staking as there is no such things as "The Last Race".

4) Lack of Value Appreciation

Appreciation of "value" in a bet is core to long term success.

To profit over a long series of bets you must be betting at odds greater than the true chance of winning your selection have. To do this however over the long term, you need to concentrate on each race individually and seek the value bet in that race.

There is value to be had in every race. The key to it is understanding

where that value is. Many times a punter will screw up a losing betting slip and say "At least I had some value". There is absolutely NO relationship between value and prices. A 33/1 chance may be diabolical value yet a very short priced favorite may be supreme value. It does not follow that the bigger the price you take the better "value" you have . The value is sometimes clear but more often well hidden and it takes a trained eye to see that.

Everyone has this "Foresight" on occasions, it is a game

about opinions after all and nobody is always right or wrong. Value can be the most expensive word in racing if you can't bet winner. The old cliche is that value is about betting a horse whose true chance is better than its price reflects. That's only a small part of it. You also have to make sure that you bet in the right way and in the right races as that is the only way you can keep strike rates high and protect a betting bank.

You should continually strive to increase value in your bets. Once you have a selection you feel is value do not just take the first acceptable price that comes along. Seek to improve it by shopping around the various bookmakers or try and top the best bookmakers price by looking to the betting exchanges.

Marginal improvements on odds on each bet you make can have a dramatic effect on long term profits.

5) Greed For Instant Wealth

Many punters seek the thrill of a life changing bet that will produce huge gains of instant wealth for a small outlay. Bookmakers play on your natural desire and go out of their way to encourage you to bet exotic multiple selection bets that can in one hit, turn a small stake into a large sum.

Professionals however rarely bet in multiples. Most professionals bet singles and steer away from the multiple bets. Bookmakers relentlessly promote a host of multiple bets with exotic names such as Yankee, Lucky 15, and Goliath. The reason they are heavily touted is the profit margin in the bookmaker's favour increases the more selections you add to your multiple bet.

Say you select any random 5/1 selection. If you bet this as a single the bookmaker may have a theoretical edge in his favor of 15%. Taking two such selections however and betting them in a win double, the bookmakers profit margin rises to about 30% !

Yes your win double can produce a much bigger win from the same stake however over the long term the bookmaker is eating away at your capital at a much faster rate.

It is a waste of time debating which type of multiple bet is 'best'. Unless your prediction skills are supernatural or you are incredibly lucky, then betting in singles is more often the best option.

You may say that many "Pros," do bet in multiples in bets like The Scoop 6 or the Jackpot, but that's only because they know there is plenty of "Dead" money in any given Pool and they are betting against people who don't understand the dynamics of those types of bet. There are times you should bet in multiples but in truth they are few and far between.

You can't approach this as a "Get Rich Quick " scheme. It is a long slow process of serious and sustained profit and not a game for Get Rich Quick schemers. If you go Into any Betting shop, have a look at all the posters on the wall offering "special offers", "enhanced terms " and "bonus offers". You will see they are all multiple bets. Bookmakers want you betting in multiples and it is easy to see why . They carve most profit from them. You never see a Bookmakers promotion offering extra's on a win or each way single. Ask

yourself why .

6) Lack of Discipline

Lack of Discipline is the big hurdle for punters trying to turn a losing

hobby into a winning one. Bookmakers know that. That's why in every

betting office you can bet on numbers, lotteries, ball games, racing from all over the globe with horses nobody has heard of before and even now computer animated, or as they call it, virtual racing.

Bookmakers just believe that its a case of punters sitting all day betting on what ever is put in front of them and sadly they are right in many cases. They are simply thrill seeking and don't care what they bet on, as long as they can bet. There is no methodology at all and many betting office regulars are simply a bunch of headless chickens prepared to pay long term for the warming buzz of the occasional win.

Even more experienced regular gamblers who are savvy enough to turn down bets that they know are stupid always let themselves

down by continually bleeding their profits with a fun tenner here and a fun tenner there.

It takes great discipline to NOT bet at times. It takes discipline to walk away from a horse when the price isn't right. It takes discipline to say no to that small fun bet. It takes discipline to keep your money in your pocket and deny yourself the emotional buzz of watching your runner.

Punters come in all shapes and sizes. Even the shrewder punters who could win at the game, fall into the trap of lack of discipline

of study. After a winning period they forget that what made them winners in the first place, was the effort they put in. They fall victim to

over confidence, laziness and indiscipline.

Being a long term successful punter is like swimming against the tide. It takes an effort to stay still, even greater effort to move ahead and as soon as you relax or slack off you start to go backwards.

7) Emotion

Betting is a lonely game. Its also a highly skilled game. Emotion

undermines success in many ways . There is comfort in knowing that as a sheep when you are wrong it is not your fault as you were simply doing what everyone else was doing. With betting, the laws of market supply and demand, dictate that long term, the sheep will get fleeced. Emotion neutralises discipline and long proven successful practices. The result of any isolated race has little or no relation to races just before that or just after that . Races should be viewed in isolation from each other. We are all emotional in betting but the players at the top of the tree have this down to a fine art and can control those emotions. Other punters have long since been conditioned by bookmakers to EXPECT to lose rather than win.

They have an in built psychological factor that makes them feel like

losers and they have been conditioned to losing by years of doing so.

Over 95% of punters are flawed emotionally. Examples of emotive gambling include punters following a horse, trainer or a jockey blind . The "Hype" horses are cannon fodder for emotional punters. They may also follow tipsters blind as they "hate" the thought of missing out on a winner.

They pay no attention to the changing conditions of a race that may follow non runners or the ground changing. They misunderstand confidence and can't cope with a lack of confidence. Emotion also prevents people from advanced betting subjects such laying , hedging and arbitrages. Emotion forces some punters to bet horses with certain names that remind them of loved ones. Names such as "Long Tall Sally " and "Susan's Pride " attract many to them just for a name that's relevant to them .

Most punters have a grudge against their own money and winning and being successful is alien to them. Emotional punters lose their heads in barren times and fail to capitalise on winning runs. They mess about with systems and staking plans that make no sense. The more emotion you can rule out of your betting , the more successful you will become . You have to view everyone in the game as your enemy and as people trying to take your hard earned money away from you in the same way as you would a pickpocket . Once you can master your emotions you have made the first big step to betting profitably .

8) The Grass is Greener

The grass is rarely Greener on the Other Side. The truth is that the grass that isn't working for you has not been grown, cultivated or looked after properly. Many punters change approaches and methods so quickly that they don't give any method a true test . If they find a system that works they don't continue after a few bad results . It is the same as gamblers who write down every bet they have . Once they have a few losers they often lose the heart to do this and stop doing so and move on to another area .

They are like children with new toys at Christmas . They never stay with any method long enough to prosper . They always feel the" Grass is Greener" , when in truth the "Grass" they are using has been abused and left to deteriorate.

They want the next Big "new idea " or "method " and that doesn't work either as the fault lies not in the Grass, but the Gardener .

They have no long term consistency in their betting and are constantly tinkering with what wasn't broke or moving on in search of the holy grail before a full evaluation of what they are currently examining has been completed.

A competition to win best garden will be won by the person who

can spend most time in the garden and master its challenges, the

gardener who is prepared to care about his garden and invest in the tools that will help his garden grow and keep the weeds at bay.

It's the same with betting. You will do far better long term if you can make a concentrated effort of learning and research in one key area rather than flitting from this to that.

9) Laziness

Most punters are LAZY! They have religiously followed a doctrine of poor planning and lack of research. They refuse to study and spend hours looking at how they can win at betting. They refuse to invest in the game and invest in their own learning . You cant refuse to spend money, just look at the racing for 30 minutes and expect to win long term. You simply can't get away with that in the hardest trade of all , Winning Money at Betting. If it was that easy , then millions would do it. You must either invest in your betting , or pay someone to do just that .

Natural human tendency is to try and get away with the least amount of effort. Lazy punters are cannon fodder for the bookmakers. They make little or no effort in their selection process nor make an effort to extract maximum returns from their bets. Those who put the most work in are the more likely to succeed.

My philosophy is simple. I believe that if a bookmaker, journalist or odds compiler spends 3 hours on a race then I'll spend 6 hours on that race to gain the edge.

The famous golfer Gary Player once said "The Harder I Work the Luckier I Get". That is true about both golf and betting. Most people can't spend 12 hours a day studying betting as they have families, jobs, commitments and lead their own lives. That is what you pay us for. We do that study for you and re-invest money in our betting so that we can find every edge possible to Help You Win.

10) Stupidity!

Amazingly most punters fail to learn from their mistakes. They continue for years making the same basic errors time and time again. Pure stupidity.

Strive to improve your betting performance by continually learning from the mistakes and weakness is your game.

Your bookmaker may have been laughing at you for years. You have it in your power however to improve your betting and hopefully wipe that smile from his face for good.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Six amazing accessories for your cinderella or princess wedding

Some elements of the Cinderella wedding are downright obvious -- the extra-full ball gown, the elbow-length gloves. And let's not forget the pumpkin carriage that's sure to show up somewhere, whether it be the place cards, the centerpieces, or a giant prop piece near the entrance.

But with Princess weddings -- as with any other kind -- it's the details that make the difference, and getting those right often brings the bride the most satisfaction. Here are some suggestions for feeling that Cinderella magic right down to your glass-slippered toes.

The Headband

No one will fault you for wearing a crystal-studded royal tiara and necklace set. But Cinderella herself wore something a little different. The Disney movie was created in the 50s, when headbands were all the rage, and Ella herself seemed especially partial to them. Even on her wedding day, she wore a sparkling headband right on the top of her crown, in the simple 50s style. A waltz or ballet length veil sat low on the back of her head, almost at the nape of her neck. Without much difficulty, you can still find a rhinestone-studded wedding headband today.

The Neckwear

Cinderella's choice of neckwear was a little more timeless. Often, you'll see her don a simple one-stranded pearl choker. But it seems that her favorite adornment was the satin ribbon choker, which she wore in racy, Nicole Kidman-style black. You might not want to be as daring as Cinderella at your wedding, but the satin choker is fabulous, especially if you can purloin an antique ribbon from a beloved grandmother. Now you're the walking embodiment of elegance, and you have "something old" covered.

The Glass Slippers

It's common knowledge that you can get dramatic "glass slippers" (actually vinyl) for your royal stroll down the aisle. But glass slippers come in more casual, comfortable forms as well. Look for the open-toed variety, which give off all that fairytale spark, but leave your tootsies cool when it's time to dance the night away. Sure, Prince Charming might find these less useful as a bridal homing device, but he's already found his princess.

The Bluebirds of Happiness

Bluebirds played a major role in Cinderella's rise to the top, yet they usually get short shrift at a princess-theme wedding. Don't forget these perennial symbols of nuptial good luck at yours. A lovely way to include them is to track down a small bluebird keepsake charm or clip you can affix to your garter, toasting flutes or bouquet. Hallmark has one that simply glows. There you have it -- "something blue."

The Dove Release

You could argue that this isn't an accessory, but it's our article, so we're calling it one. Doves aren't the key characters in Disney's version that they were in the original Grimm story -- and thank goodness for that -- but they still define the moment when the prince and princess unite in marriage. For any Cinderella wedding, they're a must.

But some "dove" handlers (the doves are actually white homing pigeons) have something more to offer the princess bride, such as ornate pumpkin coach carriages that double as cages. These can be placed near the altar for some romantic cooing action, then rolled down the aisle for a dramatic release once you've become husband and wife. For the biggest fireworks-like sensation, release the first two doves yourselves, but let pro handlers manage the rest.

The Guestbook Picture Frame

If you're true Cinderella aficionado, those full-color Walt Disney prints of the royal couple probably get your heart beating a little faster. Buy one framed with a large white matte. Or if you really want the signature frame but don't want the $150 price tag, buy the print separately and make a few patient trips to the thrift store. At a large one, you'll typically find a dizzying sample of frames and mattes you can usually get for pocket change. That's quite the return on something you'll love looking at for years.

Are atkins diet and low carb diets safe

Are low carb diets safe? How safe is Atkins diet? Are low carb and Atkins diets dangerous to your health? These are burning questions for dieters all over the world.

I have personally tried low carb diets and Atkins diet and these diets made me lose weight very quickly. However not only did I lose body fat weight, I also lost muscle weight. I had very obvious muscle and fat loss because I can visually see my reduced muscle mass in the mirror.

This certainly isn’t healthy. Furthermore, the more muscle mass that you lose, the less toned your body shape is. The end result is that you will end up thin and yet looked flabby with lose skin.

The frustrating part will be that after you are off the low carb or Atkins diet, you will very probably gain back all the weight that you have loss and even more. This is because your muscles are active and they continuously burn calories. Since you have less fewer muscle mass now, your body’s metabolism or capacity to burn calories slows down tremendously.

In other words, when you put on weight again, you are putting on body fat instead of muscles if you do not exercise. You will be fatter and less healthy than before you went on the low carb or Atkins diet. To compound matters, because of lesser muscle tissues resulting in lower metabolism and thus lesser calories being burnt, you are going to get fatter.

Since then I have stayed off both low carb and Atkins diet. Both types of diets are almost similar as they require you to cut down drastically on your consumption of carbohydrates. Atkins diet went a step further by advocating almost no carbohydrate consumption for 2 weeks before adding some carbs to your meals gradually thereafter.

Besides losing muscles, how safe are low carb diets? This is what Dr Lyn Steffen and Dr Jennifer Nettleton from the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health commentated in a Lancet report, “Low carbohydrate diets for weight management are far from healthy, given their association with ketosis, constipation or diarrhea, halitosis, headache and general fatigue to name a few.”

The doctors warned that the diet increases protein load on the kidneys and alters the balance of acid in the body. This also results in loss of minerals from the bone stores and affect bone strength. The doctors went on to say that, “Our most important criterion should be indisputable safety and low carbohydrate diets currently fall short of this benchmark.”

Dr Atkins, the creator of the Atkins diet died in 2003 after he was alleged to have slipped on an icy road and hurt his head fatally. However his medical report stated that he had a history of heart attack, hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Were Dr Atkins medical conditions related to his low carbohydrates diet is anybody’s guess. Do you want to take the risk by going on a low carb diet? I don’t think I will. If I ever want to lose weight again, I will rather go on the proven method of healthy eating and regular exercises instead of jumping on any fad diets.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lethal option - book review

This has to be one of the best detective novels I have read in some time – right up there with Lawrence Sanders! P. J. Lawton is far from new to the world of writing and he displays excellent story-writing skills in Lethal Option. He shares much of the same history as his main character, giving the detective more depth than could be achieved otherwise.

I think I would classify this book as a ‘thriller-mystery’. The reader is taken on a roller-coaster ride from one seemingly unconnected crime into another. The main character is a Private Investigator who has a loyal heart and honestly tries to make wrongs right whenever he can. Along with his military history and police experiences, the PI was aware of and listened to his sixth sense, which allowed him to detect when things were not quite right – a lethal combination. In his private life his heart is beginning to awaken after many years of slumber and he is faced with a decision that he is not sure he is ready to make. Eventually the PI encounters something so great that it changes his destiny, and possibly his character, forever.

I sincerely enjoyed reading and reviewing this book. Honestly, I could not put it down and I have already begun a second read – this time for pleasure. I will be found pacing the floors until I can get my hands on book #2 to see what happens next! I give this book the highest rating possible and recommend it highly to readers who love a book that makes you think."


Publisher: Publish America

Author: P. J. Lawton

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Is life really a rat race

The metaphor of the rat race as a way to talk about the nature of contemporary life is instructive. I wonder about its origin. And just what is a rat race? I picture a maze in some scientific laboratory with a dozen rodents scrambling in all directions, trying with great frustration to find their way to freedom. Is that a rat race? Did anyone tell the rats they were in a race? Is there really a winner in a rat race?

And that we should choose this metaphor as a way to talk about the way we live our lives is......what? Alarming? "Well, we have got to get going and join the rat race." We do? Well, that is what we have always been told and tell everybody else. That is how we were educated in school to understand that life is a rat race. We did not have a choice to choose what we want to hear since we were born.

The metaphors we use not only reflect the way we live, but create the way we live. If we call life a rate race, it will tend to become one.

So let's change the metaphors. Here are a few suggestions:

Life is a cat prowl. I envision slow and care steps, a calm awareness of what is going on in my neighborhood, and a pace that suits my needs.

Life is a dog walk. I move now with lively interest, with stopping and goings, encounters with other dogs, trees, and people, always ready to respond to a friendly petting.

Life is a fox trot. Here is a bouncy-stepped way to dance through life. Find a partner! You can always sit the next one out.

Life is a monkey march. Life is a pony canter. Life is a whale breach. Life is a swallow soar. Life is a pig parade. Life is an elephant lope. Life is a panda bear excursion (I pick this)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Understanding payday loans how can they help

No matter how well you plan your monthly expenses there are times when you desperately need extra cash, especially if your pay day is still far off. Borrowing cash from friends and relatives can be a good option, but this could be embarrassing too. At the same time applying for a bank loan would take time as the process is long drawn and the verification of details and getting an approval usually takes rime. In such situations, the best alternative is to apply for a payday advance. The choices available to get these no security payday loans are unlimited.

At the same time, despite of the advantages that faxless payday loans offer, it is important to know the nuances of these before you apply for one.

What are no fax payday loans?

A payday advance is a short term unsecured loan that can be used to meet immediate cash needs. These loans usually range in the amount of $100 - $1000. And the amount that can be extended to you largely depends on your monthly pay pack. In order to get these loans, you do not have to give any security or collateral and as a result these are commonly referred to as no collateral payday loans. Also, the basic prerequisites to get these loans are that you should be over 18 years of age, should be a US citizen and should be employed. In most cases, you do not even need to fax any documents to get an approval for these loans, so they can also be referred to as convenient no fax payday loans.

A payday advance is available online

With the Internet making life a lot more convenient, even a payday advance is now barely a mouse click away. All that you need to do is carry out a little research on your own and select the lender and the no security payday loans that suit you the most. The biggest advantage here is that you do not need to go from doorstep to doorstep searching for the right lender. All that you need to do is spend a little time to select the right lender. The best way of doing so is by comparing the different offers that you have. At the same time, when you operate through the Internet, it makes sense to be a little extra cautious. Find out about the security that the lender offers for the information that is passed on to them to get the loan. At the same time, ask the lender for any references and testimonials. Try getting in touch with previous customers as this would give you the requisite insight into the services and the reliability of the lender. As a result, with this little extra effort you would be in a better position to take a more informed decision that would benefit you in the long run.

The role of geographic profiling in serial violent crime investigation

Thanks to films like silence of the lambs, many people associate criminal profiling with the methods and techniques developed by the FBI at the Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico.

There are, however, a number of other approaches that can be used in the course of a criminal investigation. The role of one of these other approaches, geographic profiling, will be outlined in the course of this article.

Geographic profiling is an information management system and investigative methodology that evaluates the locations of connected serial crimes to determine the most probable area of offender residence.

It can be applied in cases of serial murder, rape, arson, robbery and bombings.

Background and History

The name most closely associated with geographical profiling is Kim Rossmo. Rossmo began studying geographical profiling as part of his PhD studies at Simon Fraser University (British Columbia, Canada).

He studied under professors Paul and Patricia Brentingham, who had developed a theoretical crime model which examined where crimes were most likely to happen, based on offender residence, workplace and leisure activity.

Put simply, the Brentingham model maintains that we all have an 'activity space' related to the areas in which we live, work and play and that this activity space produces a discernible pattern of movement around the city.

In relation to criminal activity, therefore, it follows that an offender has to know about a particular geographical area before he or she begins selecting crimes to commit; and where the offenders movement patterns intersect within this geographical area, will to a large extent determine where the crime takes place.

Kim Rossmo noted that the Brentingham model was examined primarily in relation to crime prevention and was interested in approaching the topic from the opposite perspective i. e. asking the question, what does the location of a crime say about where the offender might live?

Acknowledging the potential investigative use of this research the Vancouver Police Department established the worlds first Geographic Profiling Section in 1995. Since it's launch, Scotland Yard, The FBI, The New York Police Department and The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have all called upon the services of the geographic profiling section.

How Does Geographical Profiling Work?

Geographic profiling works on the premise that the location of a crime site can provide the police with vital information. It assesses and predicts the offender’s most likely place of residence, place of work, social venues and travel routes etc.

Geographic profiling consists of both quantitative (objective) scientific geographic techniques and qualitative (subjective) components e. g. a reconstruction and interpretation of the offender’s mental map.’

The primary geographic technique is a computerised system known as Criminal Geographic Targeting (CGT). Put simply, spatial data i. e. data relating to time, distance and movement to and from the crime scenes is analysed to produce a three-dimensional model known as a jeopardy surface.

The jeopardy surface contains height and colour probability codes which when superimposed onto a map of the area in which the serial crimes have been committed give an indication of the likelihood of offender residence or place of work.

Although the science underpinning geographic profiling can be difficult to comprehend, it’s easy to see how this approach can offer practical assistance in the course of a criminal investigation. As Rossmo points out:

‘By establishing the probability of the offender residing in various areas and displaying those results on a map, police efforts to apprehend criminals can be assisted. This information allows police departments to focus their investigative efforts, geographically prioritise suspects, and concentrate patrol efforts in those zones where the criminal predator is likely to be active’.

Geographical Profiling Process

A geographic profile would typically fit into a criminal investigation as follows:

A series of crimes is committed.

The crimes are investigated via traditional means.

Linking analysis conducted to ascertain which crimes are connected.

Psychological profile of the unknown subject conducted.

Geographical profile constructed.

New investigative strategies developed and pursued.

Geographical Profiling Methodology

In preparing a geographic profile, a number of operational procedures will be followed. These include:

Examination of the case file: Witness statements, autopsy reports & psychological profile (if available).

Inspection of the crime scene.

Meetings and discussions with lead investigators.

Visits to the crime sites when practical.

Analysis of local crime statistics and demographic data.

Study of street, zoning and rapid transit maps.

Overall analysis and report submission.

To find out more about geographic profiling and criminal profiling in general visit all-about-forensic-psychology. com

Juicers your source for ambrosia

We all love to drink a glass of natural juice, full of minerals, vitamins and other healthy nutrients. This is the single most important reason why juicers, the household appliances specialized in juice squeezing, have advanced so much in the past few years. Manufacturers have understood the increased demand for juicers that are easy to use and just as simple to clean, providing efficient juice extraction, no matter if you are keen on fruits or vegetables.

The Omega juicer is just one of the many examples that could be given when it comes to proficient juice extractors. All the models pertaining to this category share the same traits, being designed for long-term use and increased efficiency. An Omega juicer will always impress with the operating mechanism but also with silent, efficient motor included. Many people are looking for household appliances that offer functionality while maintaining a low consume of energy; this is exactly what this particular utensil offers.

Probably one of the most attractive features of the Omega juicer is represented by the metal parts, all made from stainless steel. The functionality of such a product is greatly enhanced by the single gear extractor. This is advantageous as it produces less foam, unlike products that are based on double gears operating mechanisms. As a user of such a product, you will definitely be impressed with the number of uses the Omega juicer is good for, defeating all existent competition by far. Even though it runs at a low rotation speed, the motor demonstrates its power by extracting an impressive amount of juice from the fruits or vegetables inserted into the machine. This way you can be certain that you benefit from minerals, vitamins and all the delicious content a glass of natural juice possesses.

Other attractive features of Omega juicers are represented by the automatic pulp ejection, high percentage of juice extracted (you can notice that yourself after you take a look at the dry pulp), no heating and certainly no noise. These juicers meet the demands of modern and sophisticated shoppers, being widely presented online along with all their features and available prices. They entice potential clients with the high quality standards presented, the 10-year warranty and the simplicity of use.

As the Internet is the leader for shopping nowadays, it’s no wonder that we can find so many attractive products online, including household appliances and juicers. The models presented are varied, all of them demonstrating best juice yield. The Champion juicer is a particular favorite of many people, having a 1/3 HP electric motor that offers great functionality while maintaining a low operation mode. The features of this juicer include an increased starting force, with parts made from stainless steel (including motor shaft) and special elements for smooth operation.

No matter if you are interested in the Omega or Champion juicer, you can be certain that the latest generation of juicers impresses by quality and functionality on equal levels. If purchased online, the prices are truly affordable and the variety suggested even more impressive. Customers feel attracted to the opportunities presented by online shopping, especially since they do not have to spend so many hours rambling from store to store, wasting important time. It’s a great shopping experience and if you are not convinced, you should give it a try. Who knows? You might find an Omega juicer ready to take care of your juicing needs!

7 profit multiplying trading strategies of successful traders

Would you like to see your trading profits multiply? Are you struggling to squeeze out small profits and reduce losing trades? Here are some tips to help you make better decisions each and every time you trade.

One of the first and foremost strategies of the successful trader is actually having a strategy in the first place! Many new investors mistakenly make decisions based on one day of trading or the release of just one economic indicator report. The more successful traders develop a long-term strategy for their investments and trade only when certain criteria are met. Traders who go back and forth from one strategy to another are sabotaging their chances for success. These erratic changes make it much more difficult to analyze which strategy works and when.

To boost profits, you must employ careful research and long-term planning. Just because the strategy is long-term does not mean you cannot participate in day trading or swing trading. The long-term strategy means developing investment goals and making sure that each trade adheres to these goals. You will also want to develop specific criteria for your trades. Use historical prices as a starting point in developing when you will buy and sell. Write down your entry and exit strategies. Then stick to them at all times and track your results. Lastly, modify the plan as needed to produce the greatest percentage of winning trades as possible.

Successful traders analyze the level of risk that they are willing to assume and their trading strategies are built around this risk level. Evaluate your individual financial needs. A 25-year-old male is much more likely to be willing to assume a higher level of risk than a 40-year-old female with two children to support. Determining the level of risk you are willing to undertake will keep you focused when developing your trading plan.

Research is another power tool in the successful stock trader’s arsenal. These traders utilize stock charts, press releases, news articles, and other sources to detect trends in various industries as well as to make individual stock predictions. They also do not make their trading decisions based on biases. Make sure that you are relying on solid financials, from a reputable source.

Successful investors stay smart by being aware of the trading scams that abound on the net. From bogus stock purchase programs to promises of doubling or triple didgit returns, there are always dishonest people willing to use the allure of huge profits against you. Don’t get scammed out of your hard-earned money. Make sure to avoid any site selling or relating to high yield investment plans, or ”HYIP” for short. If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is.

Finally, understand and being able to utilize current technologies that will help your bottom line in the trading game. New online software and systems can give your trading strategy a boost. If you refuse to learn how to use this technology and availability of information, you are undercutting the profits you stand to make. You could buy many trading courses and still be ahead if you found just one that enables you to multiply your profits and become a successful trader. Keep in mind that the ones that don’t work for you will most likely have a money back guarantee.

Lastly, making investment decisions based on emotions is one of the poorest decisions a trader can make. Don’t let the emotions surrounding a loss keep you out of the game. If you are truly interested in investing to make a profit, suspending your emotions and making fact-based trading decisions that follow along with your set trading plan. If you don’t stick to your plan, then how can you determine whether it was faulty and a new plan should be formed?

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Should you buy a jamaica vacation package

Are you interested in taking a vacation to Jamaica? If you are, you will want to get started with making your vacation reservations as soon as possible. Jamaica is considered a popular vacation destination, as well as a popular honeymoon destination. For that reason, it is important that you make your reservations in advance, to ensure that you get everything you had hoped for, especially in terms of your resort stay.

When it comes to booking a Jamaica vacation, you will soon see that you have a number of different options. Whether you are interested in using the services of a professional travel agent or if you would like to make your own vacation plans, you should know that you do have a number of different options. Two of your most popular options include making each of your reservations, like your airline reservations or your resort stay reservations, individually or booking them in the form of a vacation package. If you are able to come across Jamaica vacation packages, which you should be able to do, you may want to look into to purchasing them.

If you are looking to save money on your next Jamaica vacation, you may find what you are looking for in vacation packages. You can actually save a considerable amount of money by making all of your vacation plans and travel arrangements in the form of a vacation package. In many instances, those offering the vacation packages, like vacation resorts or travel companies working with those resorts, reward you with money savings for making all of your arrangements at the same time. This is important to know, as not everyone associates saved money with vacation packages.

In keeping with saving money, it is important that you know exactly who you are looking to buy your next Jamaica vacation package or packages from. It is important to remember that not all individuals and companies have the best of intentions. That is why you may want to take the time to examine each vacation package that you came across to see if they really are offering you a great deal. This may involve a little bit of comparison, but it is more than worth the time spent. Or, you can just make sure that you do business with a company who is reputable, like one who partners directly with the vacation resorts in question.

If you are curious as to what you would like to do while visiting Jamaica, a Jamaica vacation package may be able to offer you assistance. In addition to standard vacation packages, like ones that typically only include a resort stay and airline reservations, you can also find Jamaica vacation packages that are referred to as all-inclusive vacations or super-inclusive vacations. These types of vacation packages also provide you with food, drinks, and entertainment. This is ideal to know, as many people will not visit a vacation destination, even a popular one like Jamaica, if they do not have access to fun and exciting activities. Jamaica vacation packages allow you to examine what you can participate in before having to make any official reservations. For many consumers, this is nice.

If you would like to reduce the stress that is often associated with booking a vacation, including a Jamaica vacation, Jamaica vacation packages can also offer you assistance, especially those that result in super-inclusive vacations or all-inclusive vacations. Having all of your travel arrangements made, as well as the majority of your vacation activities mapped out for you or already in place, makes it much easier to plan for and prepare for a vacation. This reduction in stress can help to ensure that you are able to truly enjoy your upcoming vacation, not dread it.

If you feel that you could benefit form the booking of a Jamaica vacation in the form of a vacation package, you will want to take the time to examine Superclubs. com. Superclubs. com is your one stop resource for planning a Jamaica vacation, namely a super-inclusive vacation or an all-inclusive vacation.

Gift holiday souvenirs to your loved ones as mementos

People usually pick up souvenirs and gifts as mementos of their vacation. There is a wide plethora of souvenirs, novelties and travel gifts one can pick up while travelling. These souvenirs usually have a special meaning attached to the trip. Over time, these remind of the time spent on vacation. The value of the mementos keeps increasing over the years. More than anything else, just collecting souvenirs is sheer fun.

There are times when an individual travels to some other town or country and relatives and friends expect to be gifted on their return. Souvenirs are apt gifts for the babysitter, who usually watches over the kids or people who watch over the house while you are away. There are people who appreciate souvenirs like baseball hats and T-shirts and even a magnet with the country or state’s name on it. However big or small the gift, remember that it is the thought that counts.

Whenever you go out shopping for travel gifts and mementos, don’t forget those people back home who are eagerly awaiting your return. If there are a lot of children in the neighborhood or in your extended family, make sure you buy sufficient souvenirs for all. Keep a backup of souvenirs, as these come handy if you unintentionally forget somebody or want one for yourself. When you buy two or three mementos of a particular kind, don’t forget to keep one for yourself.

Refrigerator magnets with the state’s image or map are the least expensive and the most popular mementos. One can also buy ashtrays, coffee mugs, travel mugs, glasses and cigarette lighters. You need not be a coffee drinker or a smoker to purchase or receive these travel gifts. They make wonderful trinkets for displaying.

Key chains, window decals, bumper stickers, miniature spoons, miniature tea sets and glass bells, which display the name or map of the country or state, also make wonderful gifts and souvenirs. These items prove to be great holiday gifts for relatives and neighbors. There are some people who maintain a fine collection of miniature tea sets or spoons and your gift could make an excellent addition to their collection. T-shirts, baseball hats, sweat shirts, jackets, coolers and pens with the country or state namesake imprints and other gifts prove to be excellent gifts for the kids, your family and yourself.

When you travel out of the country, check out the amazing collection of mementos available on and off line.

When you go souvenir shopping during your vacation, make sure you buy a sufficient quantity of the special gifts. Follow this particularly if you are travelling to a place you may never be able to re-visit. It is always a good idea to bring something back to remind you time and again of the memorable trip.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A step-by-step guide to cuban salsa

Dance has been an important part of rituals, celebrations and entertainment since before the birth of human civilization. In the beginning, before we had written language to record things, the purpose of dance was often to tell stories and to pass them down to future generations.

The story of dancing in Cuba

In Cuba, as in ancient times, dance tells its own story. The passion and energy of Cuban dance reveals the strength and conviction of the Cuban people, determined to enjoy life despite ‘la lucha’ (the struggle) of living in a strictly regulated country where the average monthly wage comes in at around 400 pesos – less than Ј10.

The richness of Cuban music and dancing also tells the story of Cuba’s melting pot of cultures. From the high-stepping flamenco brought by the Spanish settlers in the 15th century to the frenzied tribal dances of the West African slaves, dancing is in the blood of the Cuban people.

From the teenage girl in denim shorts to the cigar-seller on the street corner, Cubans are given to break into spontaneous dance steps. Furthermore, the people dancing on the streets of Havana are likely to be just as good as the professionals, because in Cuba dancing is simply a way of life.

The variety of Cuban dances

Cuba boasts a huge range of dances including classical ballet, contemporary, flamenco and folk dancing. But it is the partnered routines that appeared in Havana dancehalls between the 1920s and the 1950s - Salsa, rumba, mambo and cha-cha-cha - that can be seen in every Cuban bar, club and street. Of these, Salsa is the most popular dance internationally.

Since the name ‘Salsa’ (it’s Spanish for ‘sauce’) was coined, Salsa dancing has exploded in popularity in Latin America and across the world. Salsa dancing classes are now hugely popular but to really get into the swing of it a Salsa holiday in Cuba itself is a must.

Tips for Cuban Salsa dancing

If you do take yourself on a Cuban holiday, you’ll have the unique experience of watching Cubans Salsa dancing. It sometimes appears that by some genetic aberration they have been born with super flexible joints, defying physics to carry out all the complex manoeuvres they have integrated into the dancing. Their remarkable twisting body movements and natural sense of rhythm will dazzle you.

If you have the right technique, Cuban Salsa is easier to learn than many other forms of dance. The basic footwork is a fairly simple walking motion, pausing every fourth beat, and there are some six basic steps you can follow to make sure you’re on the right tracks.

1 Relax

To dance Cuban Salsa well it is important not to rush, but to relax into the steps. Movements should be precise and deliberate in addition to being flowing and smooth.

2 Walk with purpose

Salsa dancing involves a continual circular motion. Couples walk around each other with an imaginary axis between them. This makes turns look smooth and effortless. Walking gives time to untangle your arms after each turn.

3 Have confidence in your lead

The leader (usually the man) should have constant tension in his arms, while his hands guide his Salsa dancing partner around the floor. There is no need to clamp onto each other’s hands, only to use the right amount of tension to provide a leading signal.

4 Be flexible when following

In order to follow well, ladies should try to match the tension of their partner. The exception to this is when arms need to be relaxed and flexible to complete arm-twisting Salsa moves without injury!

5 Keep balanced when you spin

The key to all the spectacular spins in Salsa is not to lose your balance. One way to do it is by spotting while you spin – focusing on one spot at each turn – an age-old dance technique.

6 Use your body

In Salsa dancing, ladies should make use of their body and be sensual, playful and creative. This can involve some creative arm movements, going with what feels right and basically showing off a bit. Enjoy!

Business angels for small businesses

Business Angels for small businesses

Businesses are many things. Some are profitable, some aren’t. Some involve single, store-based locations, while others are based off the Internet or even across an international network. Some have large staffs; others only have a few people. Some specialize in technology, some in produce, some in commerce – the variations are endless, but all these companies share one thing.

They all require a lot of money to get started. Most people don’t have even close to the amount of money it takes to start a small business, and so have to take out a loan or find funding from some outside source. The trick is to find the best source for your business. You always have a few options – whether that be by taking out a loan or seeking investors is up to you. When you’re looking for investors, you’ll come across the names of several venture capitalists, who invest their client’s money in startup projects.

Another option for the shrewd businessman or businesswoman, though, may be the kind of person known as a business angel. A business angel invests his or her own money in a company or business in order to buy part ownership. They will then wait for the company to make profits, and sell shares after your company has had a chance to grow. Sometimes, business angels will band together and pool their capital in order to invest in larger projects – if the company you wish to start is going to be expensive, you may wish to seek out one of these pools.

The next question is where you will find these business angels – and how you’ll let them know about your company. There are a few options here. For instance, if you already have a small business and are looking for investors to expand rather than to create something new, you may be able to find a business angel among your current customers – someone who knows and trusts you already, and has seen how successful you are and could be.

The Internet is another amazing tool when it comes to finding investors. Get online right now and log onto your favourite search engine. Type in “Business angels” and take a look at the listings that come up – you’ll be able to find investors all across the United Kingdom looking for all sorts of projects. Take a look at each, how much each is willing to spend, and whether that investor seems as if she or he would be interested in your company. If so, take down their name – once you’ve narrowed your choices down, you can start calling and deciding just who you want owning part of your company.

Banks and personal accountants often have contacts, as well. If you’re unable or unwilling to find business angels through the Internet, you can check in with your bank or with your accountant. They can look for you if you wish, or they may know some business angel investors personally and be willing to recommend one for you – remember, in this business as with so many others, it’s not what you know, but whom you know.

Remember, business angels are not venture capitalists. They aren’t working for stockholders the way a broker or investing firm does; rather, they’re spending their own money on things they believe in. As such, they will also be much more careful about what they decide to invest in. If you want a business angel investing in your business, you’re going to have to work hard to convince them. Come up with a good business plan and have some evidence you’ll make money, and you’ll go far every time.

Shopping for football gloves

There truly is nothing more exciting than playing football. I get together with my buddies every other Saturday to throw the pigskin around. My position is wide receiver and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, it was not too long ago that I thought I might have to stop playing the position. Catching that oblong shaped beloved ball was chaffing my hands something awful, making it very uncomfortable for me to type when work rolled around again on Monday.

Okay, I know, you’re screaming at me right now, wondering why if I’m such a football fan I didn’t think to get a set of gloves. Honestly, just call me stupid, but the point I’m about to make is that I did get a pair of gloves, and man I cannot begin to describe how much my game has improved since. Using a pair of gloves has given me better handling of the ball and a better grip so that it is less likely to slip out of my hands.

Now for those of you who don’t know, you can’t just use any old pair of gloves and assume they will work. Football gloves are different from a regular pair of gloves. Football gloves are made from stronger material; hence, when you go shopping for a pair you will notice that a good set of football gloves can be a bit more pricy than that pair of driving gloves sitting in your closet.

Football gloves can cost from $20.00 to $90.00 depending on the design and maker. You will find while shopping that there are several different styles to choose from; styles which vary in material and design, and which also come in sizes to fit every age group. The pricier brands of football gloves include Reebok, Addidas and Nike, and if they happen to have an NFL logo stitched on to them, then you can bet you’ll be paying for the privilege of having that exhibited on the gloves.

It should also be noted that not just any pair of football gloves will do. You have to buy a pair that is suitable to your position; for example, if you are a running back you need to by football gloves suited to a running back. The same applies to receivers, linebackers and quarterbacks.

Whatever type of gloves you need you can also be found on the Internet, and you may even find them at cheaper prices. Consider browsing through websites for special deals or last chance clearance items. If you’re looking to save money then you may consider purchasing the gloves of a lesser known brand name. Often, the gloves are made of the same design and material, the only difference is the name and the prestige it demands.

If you want to greatly improve your performance when playing football then you need a pair of gloves. No matter which design or brand you decide on, just get a pair and start sticking it to the opposing team.

Loading dock equipment

The loading dock is the sharp end of any company's operations, the place where your business meets the outside world. Investing in the right loading dock equipment on hand for loading and unloading deliveries means that the goods will arrive at their final destination in the best possible condition, and that will translate into savings.

There are numerous components that go into making the distribution operation run smoothly, and all of the different parts of the jigsaw fit together to make the operation more efficient, and safer, reducing the incidence of accidents, increasing the protection offered to both goods and staff, and also make the whole loading and unloading process a lot faster.

One of the most important pieces of loading dock equipment that your business will invest in is the dock seal or shelter. The idea behind a dock seal is to allow for loading and unloading to take place in all weather conditions. The truck will be able to reverse right back up to the wall, and into the shelter, allowing staff to get access to the back without worrying about slipping on wet surfaces.

In situations where the dock is not at the same level as the bed of trucks that need to be loaded and unloaded, there are a number of different solutions available to make the loading process as simple and convenient as possible.

The simplest option available is a dock board. Some companies offer a number of different options to make sure that the loading dock equipment that you buy is right for your business. From the simplest ramp through to heavy weight units that are able to carry the weight of a forklift. The Dock board stretches between the dock and the back of the truck and allows for easy access.

In situations where the height of the truck beds on delivery vehicle varies greatly from the dock and where it is important to get the fastest possible turnaround on deliveries, then a dock leveler is the ideal piece of loading dock equipment. With a high powered lift and the capacity to support particularly heavy weights such as fork lifts, dock levelers will allow for a flexible system to be installed that will allow your distribution center to accommodate a wide range of different vehicles.

When a dock is unavailable, loading need not be inhibited. Under circumstances where you lack the capacity to load a truck through the dock, aluminum and steel yard ramps will allow for easy access to the rear of the vehicle from ground level.

Other pieces of loading dock equipment that are considered essential include trailer stabilizing jacks that can be used to keep trailers steady and level after the tractor has been released, and chocks to stop vehicles from moving and causing problems. For lifting equipment and materials into a truck from ground level, a truck scissor dock lift is the perfect solution, and versions able to carry up to 12,000 pounds are available.

In order to ensure that material loaded into the rear of a truck or container is safe in transit, having a good stock of cargo bars that can be fitted in a variety of different trucks is essential, and ensures that your business is able to avoid costs incurred from goods being damaged in transit.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thrill rides in orlando disney world

Orlando in the state of Florida was a peaceful quiet little town endowed with lush farmlands and many orange groves. Orlando's quiet facade was permanently disrupted with the arrival of Orlando Disney World in 1971 with much fanfare. Suddenly the whole world took notice of Orlando which was a relatively unknown town to people outside America. Since then almost 50 million people travel to Orlando every year to have a taste of Disney's magic and to sample Disney's world famous thrill rides.

Here are just some of the many thrill rides in Orlando Disney World that are attracting so many tourists.

In the fantasy Magic Kingdom, go for an outdoor, narrated river boat cruise into the jungle where you get to meet audio-animatronic hippopotamus, elephants & lions. You will cruise the rivers of 4 continents and will encounter exotic animals in jungle and ancient ruins settings.

While still feeling adventurous, make a beeline to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park touted to be one of the most popular thrill rides for tourists in Orlando Disney World. The Pirates of the Caribbean has entertained millions of visitors on a thrilling adventure through dark, mysterious caverns and caves where 'dead men tell no tales'. Or do they? Go find out for yourself at the Pirates of the Caribbean.

The approximately nine minute thrill ride, starring a cast of rascals, scoundrels and villains send visitors on a rollicking boat ride to a Caribbean port under siege by a swashbuckling band of pirates.

After your escape from the pirates, you may want to soar into the sky with the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Aladdin was a much loved and popular movie that inspires this thrill ride. Set in a world of flying carpets, genies and magic lamps of the Arabian knights, visitors will be sent flying on an Arabian themed adventure with a young Aladdin.

We get down to earth or rather into earth next at the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride in Frontierland. Take this thrilling roller-coaster ride through the gorges and caverns of a deserted gold mine, on a runaway mine train. Swoop through the 179-foot-high red stone mountain and on to Tumbleweed, a flooded mining town of the wild wild west.

Right next to the Big Thunder Railroad ride is the Slash Mountain ride. This ride features special effects that give the show its animated quality a heart-stopping finale.

Splash Mountain stars a cast of 68 Audio-Animatronics characters, one of the largest groups of animated figures ever assembled in a Walt Disney World attraction. To begin the 11-minute adventure ride, visitors will have to climb on board an eight-person flume log to traverse the canals of a flooded mountain.

The adventure is loaded with twists, turns and splashes of thrilling excitement. It culminates when visitors, tucked into their flume logs, plunge over the top of a steep spillway, whizzing from the mountaintop to a briar-covered pond five stories below. You will certainly get very wet with the 50 feet plunge. Well, this is a Splash ride as its name suggested after all. You have been warned.

There are many more rides in Orlando Disney World and to describe them in words will be doing injustices to the rides of which the magic can only be experienced when you take the rides on your Disneyland vacation.