Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Psychosis hard to ignore

Taking care of oneself can be as easy as eating the right diet, having regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and having routine check-ups with the doctor. Having certain health conditions can be bothersome, but if that person informs the physician about his particular problem, then this illness can be treated as soon as possible. But what if a person is suffering from a different kind of ailment? One that sits just inside the brain, making the person see things that are not really there?

When a person experiences hallucinations and exhibits depressive behavior, he or she could already have a serious mental health condition called psychosis. This specific condition reflects a disturbance in brain functioning, and the person with psychosis experiences some loss of contact with reality which is characterized by changes in their way of thinking, believing, perceiving, and behaving. This condition can make the person feel more disoriented and stressful.

Psychosis can be mild at first but worsen gradually over time. In many cases, the symptoms that appear during the early stages of the illness are easily ignored. Eventually, the person suffering from this mental condition may experience confusion, feelings of “change”, and even panic. Psychotic individuals would even be preoccupied with unusual ideas, hear voices in their head, or see or hear things that are not really there. Symptoms of psychosis vary from person to person and can eventually change over time.

The symptoms of psychosis often starts between sixteen and thirty years of age, for both male and female. People with a family history of serious mental health issues have an increased risk in developing such condition. It is fairly difficult to root the cause of such illness, but usually is associated with a number of mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder (manic-depressive) and even substance abuse, among others. By studying these factors, psychiatrists can make a diagnosis that matches the symptoms shown by a patient.

Of course, the sooner an individual seeks psychiatric treatment, the greater the chances that the psychosis will be treated. It is wise to seek a thorough medical assessment for this type of condition as early as possible to avoid further psychological damage to the individual. Psychosis can be treated with the use of anti-psychotic medications in low doses, along with education and support for the person and his or her family members. Such treatment for this condition aims to maintain the person's daily routine as much as possible. If a person is sure that he has this mental condition, it is important to get up and ask for help. Do not wait for any more symptoms to appear, since psychosis does not go away on its own. By talking to the family doctor, they can refer the person to a specialized psychiatrist for a full assessment.

It is also important to have an educated view about mental illness. In the past, people with psychological or mental problems were ostracized. The stigma attached to someone who is psychotic or “insane” prevented many people from addressing the problem or from seeking the assistance or a doctor or psychiatric care professional.

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