Monday, March 7, 2016

So you want to live in spain

A lot of people decide to live in Spain for many different reasons. If you want to live in a comfortable climate, you cannot choose a better location. But for some, the reasons may be more practical, such as work or family obligations. If you decide you want or need to relocate to Spain, you will have to learn about such requirements as work permits and residency permits. If you want to be able to get around easily in Spain, you should also study the Spanish language.

With Spain's economy booming, one of the main reasons people have to relocate to Spain is job related. In this case, you may want to consider a professional relocation company to assist you with all of the details. They can take care of a lot of the paperwork and make your move as easy as possible. A company such as this will have a staff that can speak many different languages. They will take care of all of the details of relocating, from finding a home, to enrolling your children in school, to obtaining your residency permits, to registering your

car. Their in depth knowledge of the Spanish culture and Spanish bureaucracy will save you a lot of anguish.

If you are going to work in Spain, you have to obtain a work permit. There a different types of permits, depending upon the type of work you are going to be doing, and how long you will be working in Spain. A Type "A" permit allows for seasonal work in Spain, and is only valid for only nine months. Many times this type of permit will be limited to certain areas of the country. A Type "B" permit is considered an initial work permit and are usually for a specific region and only for certain types of positions. These permits are valid for a year and can be

renewed, but only for a maximum of two years. A Type "C" permit is not limited to type of job, or to location. A Type "C" permit is valid for up to three years. Self employed individuals can obtain a Type "D" permit, which allows them to work in Spain for up to a year, but can be renewed for up to two year. These are also limited to certain geographic areas, and the type of work to be done may also be limited. Each application is reviewed to determine this.

Type "E" permits are valid for up to three years, and have no geographical limitation. If someone is given a permanent work permit, they will have no limitations on the type of work activity or the geographic location. These are usually granted after a Type "C" or Type "E" permit has expired.

Regardless of the type of work permit you have, in order Ty live in Spain, even for as little as three months, you will need to obtain a foreigner's identification card.

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