Friday, March 11, 2016

Test your shopping style and improve

Human beings come in many types. So do our styles vary. All of us have our own unique style. Let us discuss few and find out how to improve our shopping style and how to test our shopping style.

Immediate shopper - this kind of shopper looks at something, likes it, finds the price and buys it. This shopper does not think why and how that product is better to others, nor cares to compare any prices. I like it, so I buy it. Shopkeepers love this shopper.

Thoughtful Shopper - This shopper looks at a product, and thinks about it. Why should i buy it? Should I buy it? How will I use it? Will it be useful? Am I making a mistake buying it? Or should I buy it? What about the cost? This shopper will think about everything and then take a considered decision.

Confused Shopper - This shopper is confused. Does not know why he/she entered the shop at all? Why and what to buy? What will be the use? What about this? How about that? The shopper is confused about the whole shopping and is a big headache for the stores.

I Will Buy It Later - This buyer is a unique specimen. He/she will look at all the products. Discuss about few thoroughly and compare the prices. Will decide about what is to be bought and then suddenly walk out saying - I will buy it later.

What is your shopping style? What kind of shopper are you? What is the best style? The best way to buy something is of course to first know what we need, know our prices limits, search for the best, satisfy ourselves about the quality and then buy the product. The trouble is that very few people buy like that. As I said before human beings come in many types, now I add that humans are not rational animals.

Try some fun-shopping quizzes to find out you shopping style and enjoy life. Shopping is after all considered fun by most of us. Why not to have fun with that? Quizzing yourself about your shopping style is a fun way to find out more about yourself. The results can never be accurate, but fun is guaranteed.

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