Thursday, June 23, 2016

Free affiliate program guides


The internet is a powerful income generator, and of those income sources out there, one of the most powerful internet income solutions is free affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are typically money making programs that individuals can join for free and earn a substantial income from.

I know, that doesn’t make sense, how can you join a program for free yet earn money? The basic premise is simple, while many free affiliate programs vary. Some do require an upgrade purchase while others do not, allowing you to make a profit for every person you bring into the program that chooses to upgrade.

Free affiliate programs are steadily becoming one of the fastest growing trends in internet marketing. Their growing popularity makes them a good choice for internet marketing at this time because the public interest is still so high, making them easier to market. Some people view them as a solid method of learning valuable internet marketing skills without having to dig deep into their pockets for high end marketing programs. Others see them as the absolute source of internet marketing income for the next fifty years.


Regardless of the program venture, it is necessary to meet certain requirements before joining the internet marketing revolution. The basic requirements are fairly simple. Be willing to risk at least a small amount of money on advertising, be willing to take someone else’s advice, and of course, be willing to be at least mildly patient. Dynasties are not built overnight no matter how hard the e-mail in your junk box is trying to convince you otherwise. Pretty simple?

Next in line is understanding how affiliate programs work. Their basic concept is quite similar to that of all internet network marketing plans, you introduce someone who introduces someone else and eventually you build what’s know as a down-line. Down-lines today are also referred to as matrices in order to avoid the negative association sometimes aligned with network marketing. However, the educated network marketer is going to understand the difference between a legitimate marketing plan and a pyramid scheme. There is a huge difference.

The basic and most defining difference between network marketing and pyramid schemes (other than pyramids are illegal) is really quite basic. If you draw any plan out on paper the basic shape you are looking at after you get your two down-line and Jim gets his two and Sally gets her two is inevitably going to look like a triangle. That shape does not constitute a pyramid scheme. If only the circle at the top of your triangle is receiving any monetary reward for his efforts and all the little circles under him are receiving nothing, that is a pyramid and is illegal in the United States and most other first and second world countries.

Now that we understand that what is going on here is perfectly legal, network marketing foes not need to carry a bad reputation. So whether you choose to call it a down-line or a matrix, the premise is the same. You are introducing others to a plan to make money and that is known as network marketing. Affiliate network marketing, and in particular free affiliate network marketing is based on the concept that you can try out the program first without risking your money, and you can invite others to do the same as well. It is quite possible to build a down-line with a free affiliate network marketing plan without having to join the program first, and then upgrade in order to qualify for earned sales on your down-line’s upgrades as well. Again, pretty simple. It’s like test driving the care for awhile before you decide to either pay for it or return it.


This is really exciting stuff when you think about it. Not only do you get to try out the free affiliate program for free, so does everyone that you introduce to the program. Considering the fact that network marketing of any kind is not the right avenue for some people, it allows the up-line to determine where to place their efforts when working with their down-line. Everybody has a solid understanding before the subject of shelling out any money ever arises, and often success is easier to attain because of that understanding.

All network marketing programs require an education as you proceed, and affiliate network marketing programs are in fact no different. It is imperative that an individual understands their program as well as marketing resources as they begin their endeavor into the realm of internet marketing. Often the educational resources are quite biased and deliver unrealistic promises that can’t be met without first chunking down large sums of money.

So where does one turn to find this much needed education? Luckily there is a resource out there targeted specifically at free affiliate internet marketing programs that can help to answer all the typically unanswered questions. Affiliatepit has the answers to the questions you didn’t even know you had.


It’s not easy to swim out the in a virtual sea of sharks when you’re not even sure which direction to take to find the shoreline. Independent marketing resources are absolutely the lifeboat that is desperately needed in the realm of this endless sea. Please take note of the words, independent and unbiased.

Why are these words so important? Because they are not simply pay to post websites. Affiliatepit. is an independent resource for internet network marketer of affiliate programs to reasonably educate regardless of the affiliate program. They are not teaching you how to market their program and make money for them. They are offering you a wide variety of topics that you need to know without insisting you go off and promote their company. Logic tells us this is a much more reliable source than the program that offers you a wonderful network marketing education when you join their program and market their websites.

Free affiliate programs are popping up all over the internet. Critics say this will ultimately be the death of them, however most marketers who actually make a handsome living from internet marketing vehemently disagree. The onset of the free affiliate program has allowed people to learn without burning, so to speak. The learning curve is much shorter and of course the resources saved in joining a free program is then translated into advertising dollars, making the program more successful overall.

For those interested in joining the free affiliate network marketing revolution but have yet to settle on which affiliate program is right for them, there is a link provided in some of the articles on affiliatepit that brings you right to a list of affiliate programs worth marketing. Choosing the right program is important, so be sure to read the entire article and look before leaping. Many programs have varying rules in how to qualify for commissions.

Each free affiliate program offers a wide range of compensation, so again, find out the information first. Some offer as low as 5% while others skyrocket commissions up to 50%. Some offer a low commission for free members and a much higher commission for upgraded members. It is very important to understand the affiliate program in question when doing you due diligence.

With so many affiliate programs swirling out there in cyberspace, let’s not forget that not all of them swirl forever. Programs do close down occasionally and that leaves all of the industrious affiliates high and dry. Once again, affiliatepit covers this topic well and offers advice on finding programs that project longetivity and real income potential. After all, we started this in order to make some money, not spend years researching various programs.

Successful affiliate programs combine a quality product, a high integrity program, and actual real live support to its members. To discover where these programs exist may take a little effort, but the pay off is well worth the research in the beginning.

Affiliatepit has complied more than simply lists and links to contributing affiliate programs. Their contributors are actual marketers who have done research of their own and are simply willing to share their findings with the rest of us. The value offered in one site is tremendous, and the best part is it’s all available at the click of the mouse.

Perusing the site offers advice you didn’t even know you needed. From the “Pros and Cons” article to the simple and direct “Do you have what it takes” article, there are answers to unasked questions that had yet to even cross our minds.

Work at home programs and successful free affiliate programs can be difficult to come by. The basic truth is that anyone with just a little knowledge can slap together a website and call themselves an affiliate program. Luckily, we don’t have to be swimming out there in the cyberspace ocean alone any longer. With the web based knowledge of affilaitepit’s knowledgeable contributors, we all have a shot at becoming successful and prosperous in the affiliate program surge.

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