Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The trials and tribulations of a rookie nfl player

Professional football players probably started practicing football at early ages. With all the new technological advances, such a game simulators, future pro football players are able to perfect the game-play long before the big draft. As almost everyone knows, practice makes perfect, so if a pro football player wants be the absolute best he can be, then he must play, play, and play some more. Rookie NFL players almost never start out dominating games and playing like the more experienced players. It takes a while for them to get used to the game, the players, as well as different climates. This is especially true if an NFL player’s hometown is in a warm climate. Playing in the National Football League requires the players to play all over the United Stated, exposing them to all types of climates. So, if a pro player is from Nevada or Florida and he plays for the first time in Chicago, and the temperature is in the twenties or it’s snowing, then he will feel very strange until he gets accustomed to the weather differences. This can be true in the opposite way as well. Say for instance a player is from Wyoming, where it is usually cold and snowy in late fall and winter. So if they play in Florida and it is 60 degrees in December, they may be hotter than the other players until they get used to the warmth.

A brand new professional football player also has to get used to things that most people wouldn’t even think about, such as his football uniform and helmet. These items may feel foreign, weird and very uncomfortable, until he ‘breaks in’ the uniform and gets used to wearing a hard, cumbersome object on his head. The first time a rookie NFL quarterback gets tackled, he will certainly realize the importance of wearing the helmet and the bulky uniform with all the padding. He will also certainly appreciate the protection that the objects provide, which may help him to get used to wearing them even sooner.

Additionally, there are other major changes that a new NFL player must become accustomed to. All the travel involved is one major one. The rookie may be quite close to their family members and being away from home can be extremely hard, especially during their very first season. This is even truer if the NFL player attended a local university instead of going to one out of state.

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