Sunday, July 31, 2016

Cautions when deep sea fishing

Deep sea fishing is a sport that is not for everyone. But for others who take the time to have a deep sea fishing experience, it can be quite rewarding. After all, for some this is like the snowboarding of the fishing world – the “extreme sport.” The adrenaline rush you get as you pull that swordfish or marlin over the side of the boat is unmatched by any other experience.

Before you decide to go on a deep sea fishing expedition, you should consider a few things to determine whether or not this type of activity is a good idea for you. For example, you may not be cut out for deep sea fishing if you tend to get motion sickness easily. If you are unsure of how well you can handle the waves of the open water, try an inexpensive, short excursion first to test your sea legs. Usually you can charter a one or two hour ride offshore that will take you out a mile or so to experience the feeling of the ocean so you can make your determination if you can handle the waves.

When deep sea fishing, you will be in a location where land is not in sight, so you will need to determine if that bothers you. Often, when you get out to sea about ten miles or more, you lose sight of the shoreline. If this thought frightens you, deep sea fishing may not be your sport and you may want to consider a different type of fishing activity. The deep sea where the biggest fish can be caught will only be in a location that is far from the coastline.

Another consideration for deep sea fishing is the amount of time you will be in the sun. You will be in direct sunlight that is also bouncing back at you off the glassy water surface. This could be putting you at risk for sunburn. There is usually no cover from the heat that will be beating down on you all day. It is true that most charter boats have cabins in which you can find shelter from the sun, however, you can’t fish from inside. You may want to reconsider making the trip if you are fair skinned or sunburn easily or are especially susceptible to dehydration or heat stroke. If you do decide to go, whether or not you expect to be affected by these ailments, take with you strong SPF sunblock, a hat, and plenty of water. Charters will usually provide water for you as well, but take your own also.

If you are prepared, deep sea fishing can be the thrill of a lifetime. Don’t be put off by the special considerations that must be taken into account. Simply be cautious and be prepared, but go out and enjoy yourself!

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