Tuesday, July 12, 2016

H-f-l - team how to make ends meet when you own a business

Although owning your own business may be the "best thing I ever did," it has its drawbacks, especially in the early days. Many people have unrealistic ideas about business ownership, thinking that it's going to provide them this six figure income right from the first day, especially those who buy into a franchise or established retail business. When they find out that they aren't earning the income they thought they would, they begin to worry that they have made a mistake in judgment and worry about making ends meet. Pre-planning solves a great deal of stress that is involved when building your business during its early creation.

The reason many new business owners have trouble making ends meet is because they fail to plan properly for the days that are going to yield less income. On average, it takes a new business anywhere from three to five years to turn a decent profit. That is true even of a franchise since those early days will involve more income going to the franchise corporation than the franchise owner, so you have to make sure that you plan for that. How can you plan for those early lean income days? One thing you can do in the very beginning is make sure that you save more money before you invest in a business so that you have enough cash set aside toward your living expenses until you start earning a profit from your business. If you are leaving a position with another company to start your own business and are entitled to any kind of severance package such as unused vacation or sick time, retirement buyout, or other benefits, put those aside in a special account in case you need them to assist with personal expenses until your business is profitable enough to operate on its own.

One option that some people do not even know exists is that of a loan for operating capital. This means the business owner can borrow money to see him through until the business becomes self-supporting. Even those who know of this option fail to utilize it properly by setting their goals too high, being over-confident about the time frame for building the business to a profitable level, and then have to return to the bank for more operating capital. This should be included in your business plan, and in order to make sure that you have set realistic goals, sit down with a financial advisor or accountant in order to assure that your business plans includes realistic goals for income generation. Making sure you have all of the working capital you need before you open your business saves you not only from hours of worry but also save you the potential of having to prepare another business plan when you require additional funds.

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