Monday, October 3, 2016

It s great to work from home-are you aware of the challenges

Day by day the numbers joining the ranks of those working from home is increasing by leaps and bounds. Though working from home has several advantages and attractions, it has its challenges too. It is not a bed of roses as some presume it to be. When you work from home you will be quite surprised at the challenges that appear in the least expected places and circumstances. This can create disappointment and disillusionment in the minds of many a motivated and enthusiastic entrepreneur. It is better to be forewarned so that you are prepared to meet those challenges when you embark on your work from home career.

Disruption in Family Life:

Working from home will without doubt disrupt your family or domestic life in some form or other. Quite often, especially at the early stages, a room in the house occupied by some members of the family will have to be converted into a Home Office.

Your family members will have to get used to your working long hours, odder hours and probably working during week-ends and public holidays. Missing your presence during week-ends and public holidays will create a lot of disappointment and unhappiness among family members and close friends.

Distractions Hindering Work:

Domestic problems, interference from family members, phone calls from friends and relatives who would otherwise not ring you at your work place are major problems that will hinder your work when you work from home.

In addition to these, there are distractions from pets, watching television, shopping and doing household chores.

These sort of distractions can lead to loss of several working hours which could seriously affect productivity and profitability of your business from home.


Working from home in home businesses such as Internet Marketing, Computer Programing, and Copy Writing can create a sense of loneliness. Sitting in front of the computer for several hours without any human contact can lead to loneliness and depression. This will be more noticeable in the case of people who are generally sociable, outgoing, friendly and enjoy the company of fellow workers and friends.

Insufficient Relaxation:

One challenge that stares you in the face day in and day out, is how well you could separate your domestic life from working life. Work will appear to be endless with little or no time for leisure when you work from home. In fact the boundary line that separates your domestic work from your home business work is often blurred. When you do an external job a clear line demarcates one from the other providing you the break to relax.

Lack of Motivation:

Most people need motivation or some sort of stimulation from their Boss or colleagues to work efficiently in their work places. When you work from home you are going to miss this. There will be no one to stimulate, encourage or even appreciate your work. You have to be self motivated to succeed and for such people working from home will be a great challenge.

Planning Restrictions and Objections:

Depending on the nature of your business from home, certain planning restriction may apply. More so if it is in a residential area. Your Landlord himself might raise objections if you are living in a rented home. This is a challenge that has to be met and a solution found before you commence work.


"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful",-Joshua J. Marine.

Life is full of challenges and they have to be faced where ever you are. Working from Home is no exception. It is always better to be prepared rather than be taken by surprise. Success comes only to those who dare to face and overcome them.

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