Sunday, October 30, 2016

Starting an internet business - financial implications

The old adage that you will never get rich working for somebody else is probably as true now as it was when first coined. Because of this many people dream of working for themselves and will set up a small business - normally in the trade they are trained for or if very lucky doing something for a living that that they originally got interested in originally as a hobby.

Most people considering this step would seek advice from a business adviser or their bank, particularly if they were seeking some form of financial backing, and would be expected to submit a business plan. This plan would be expected to show projected revenue, margins and expenses. Revenue would be based on projected sales or services provided after market research and expenses would be material costs etc. and advertising costs. Expense would be expected to be sustainable and a profit shown after an initial start up period.

However, the above basic principles do not always apply when considering certain internet based businesses. Before signing up the potential rewards would be shown and explained but would also carry the warning that these are not necessary atypical.

Training, advice and the sourcing of potential advertising normally come after the initial sign up and these costs must be carefully considered against the available budget.

These costs would be both one-off and ongoing costs. Ongoing costs would include monthly web hosting and subscriptions and one-off or occasional costs would include advertising costs, purchasing of leads and subscription upgrades. Advertising is essential to promote any type of business and costs should be carefully monitored as some types of internet advertising can become very expensive.

Any business needs time to develop and become established and unless you are extremely lucky costs will continue to rise until sales start to be made. These costs are very difficult to predict and eventually could reach a limit where there is no alternative but to admit defeat and close the business down.

Starting an internet business should be seen as an enjoyable experience and in the early days as an addition to an established income - not a quick fix solution to a financial problem.

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