Sunday, July 31, 2016

Cautions when deep sea fishing

Deep sea fishing is a sport that is not for everyone. But for others who take the time to have a deep sea fishing experience, it can be quite rewarding. After all, for some this is like the snowboarding of the fishing world – the “extreme sport.” The adrenaline rush you get as you pull that swordfish or marlin over the side of the boat is unmatched by any other experience.

Before you decide to go on a deep sea fishing expedition, you should consider a few things to determine whether or not this type of activity is a good idea for you. For example, you may not be cut out for deep sea fishing if you tend to get motion sickness easily. If you are unsure of how well you can handle the waves of the open water, try an inexpensive, short excursion first to test your sea legs. Usually you can charter a one or two hour ride offshore that will take you out a mile or so to experience the feeling of the ocean so you can make your determination if you can handle the waves.

When deep sea fishing, you will be in a location where land is not in sight, so you will need to determine if that bothers you. Often, when you get out to sea about ten miles or more, you lose sight of the shoreline. If this thought frightens you, deep sea fishing may not be your sport and you may want to consider a different type of fishing activity. The deep sea where the biggest fish can be caught will only be in a location that is far from the coastline.

Another consideration for deep sea fishing is the amount of time you will be in the sun. You will be in direct sunlight that is also bouncing back at you off the glassy water surface. This could be putting you at risk for sunburn. There is usually no cover from the heat that will be beating down on you all day. It is true that most charter boats have cabins in which you can find shelter from the sun, however, you can’t fish from inside. You may want to reconsider making the trip if you are fair skinned or sunburn easily or are especially susceptible to dehydration or heat stroke. If you do decide to go, whether or not you expect to be affected by these ailments, take with you strong SPF sunblock, a hat, and plenty of water. Charters will usually provide water for you as well, but take your own also.

If you are prepared, deep sea fishing can be the thrill of a lifetime. Don’t be put off by the special considerations that must be taken into account. Simply be cautious and be prepared, but go out and enjoy yourself!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Secrets of a successful marriage

Marriages are taken for granted. After the honeymoon period is over, couples co-exist. Most of the time without any charm in their married life. Everything becomes a routine - eating, sleeping, everything becomes highly predictable and dull. If kids arrive in the life of a married couple, which they invariably do, the attention shifts more to upbringing of the children.

What happened to the early romance? Why does a marriage kill a perfect romance? Why do people break-up and divorce each other so soon after the marriage? What happens in the period of their married life that brings it to either a dull existence or an end?

The very first change that can be noticed is care. Yes, before marriage, a partner is more worried about how to take care of the other partner. After marriage, it is the other way round. Why are you not paying any attention to my needs? Why do you not care for me? Why are you acting so selfishly? Why is your work more important than me? Why can you not wash the dishes

alone? Yes, I agree that you need a holiday badly, but where is the money? Accusations of different types fly around and make a hell of what was heavenly togetherness earlier.

Keeping one's married life happy is very essential. Complaining about the partner will not help, but understanding each other's needs and trying to fulfill them will. Partners need to go back in life and look for that spark that kindled the love in the first place. What did you admire in your partner before marriage? Do you still admire that or not? What did you like before, that you hate now? Reflect. Go back and think. Bring that charm back. Complimenting each other for the smallest act, expressing happiness of living together, letting the partner know how much you value her/him and so many small things that make the other partner happy must be done daily.

Why ignore your husband or wife and feel envious about other couples. Why not create a happy life that others envy? Why not make the other partner feel needed and good at all the times. Why not forgive even a big blunder? Why not put yourself in your partner's shoes and think about the life he/she is living. Why not bring the romance back by going for candle-light dinners, or watching the sunset together? Let the sun set, but keep your marriage happy.

Have you ever thought of sending ecards or e-greetings to each other everyday? They cost nothing most of the times, but for a minute. But imagine the joy of the recipient. Why not make your partner happy with such cards daily? Give it a thought.

Related links: cupidecards. com

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The golden ticket

“Mother! Look! I’ve got it! Look, Mother, look! The last Golden Ticket! It’s mine!”

- Charlie, from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’

Just as Charlie needed the sought-after golden ticket to enter the chocolate factory, one who wants to study in the United States needs a student visa to enter ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave…[play ball!]’

What is a student visa and how does it differ from other kinds of visas, such as a tourist visa?

There are two types of U. S. visas - the immigrant visa and the non-immigrant visa.

A student visa falls under the category of ‘non-immigrant,’ meaning one is temporarily staying in the United States in order to pursue one’s studies.

How then does it differ from the usual ‘tourist visa’?

By having a ‘tourist visa,’ the holder is assumed to be in the United States for the purpose of sightseeing and visiting family and/or friends. Someone who holds this type of visa can not do other activities inconsistent with being a visitor, such as working or studying. Meaning, a trip to Disneyland is perfectly fine - but getting a job dressing up like Mickey Mouse is a no-no.

However, one can change his status if he qualifies.

There are three different types of student visas : F, M and J.

Check out which one applies to you.

1. F-Visa - this visa is applicable for individuals who have already been accepted into study or research programs in U. S. colleges or universities

Benefits of an F-Visa

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You can enter the U. S. as a fulltime academic or language student

B. You can legally work part-time on-campus. You may also work off-campus if necessary

C. You are eligible to take up employment as a part of your optional practical training

D. You can travel in and out of the U. S. or remain in the U. S. till the completion of your studies

E. You can bring your dependents (spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21) to live with you in the U. S.

F. F1 visas are issued quickly

Requirements for an F-Visa :

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You have successfully completed a course of study normally required for enrollment

B. You have been accepted for a full course of study by an educational institution approved by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The institution must send you a USCIS Form I-20A-B, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant F-1 Student Status for Academic and Language Students

C. You are sufficiently proficient in English to pursue the intended course of study, or the school you intend to attend has made special arrangements to teach you the English language or conduct the course in your native language

Note: You may be exempt from this requirement if you intend to come to the U. S. to participate exclusively in an English language-training program

D. You have sufficient funds to cover the first year of study, and access to sufficient funds to cover subsequent years

E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon

F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

~ * ~

2. M-Visa - applicable for individuals who have been accepted in programs in non-academic U. S. institutions

Benefits of an M-Visa

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You can enter the U. S. as a fulltime vocational student

B. You can legally work part-time on campus. You may also work off campus if necessary (with prior approval from the USCIS)

C. You can freely travel in and out of the U. S. while on a valid visa

D. Your dependents can live with you as long as you maintain your M1 status

E. M1 visas are issued quickly

Requirements for an M-Visa :

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You have successfully completed a course of study normally required for enrollment

B. You have been accepted for a full course of study by a vocational institution approved by the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The institution must send you a Form I-20M-N, certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant (M1) student status for vocational students

C. You are sufficiently proficient in English to pursue the intended course of study, or the school you intend to attend has made special arrangements to teach you the English language

D. You have sufficient funds to cover the first year of study, and access to sufficient funds to cover subsequent years

E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon

F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

~ * ~

3. J-Visa - particularly for “educational and cultural exchange programs,” these visas are applicable for individuals accepted in programs wherein they are sponsored by organizations through “exchange visitor programs”

Benefits of a J-Visa

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You can enter the U. S. as an exchange visitor

B. Your dependents can stay with you as long as you maintain your J1 status. They can also attend school while on the J-2 dependent visa

C. You are exempt from Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax withholdings

D. Your dependents are eligible to apply for employment authorization, and may work in the U. S. However, they cannot get work authorization if the money earned is needed to support you

Requirements for a J-Visa :

(*taken from VisaProm)

A. You are sponsored by an organization approved by the Department of State (DOS), and granted authority to issue a Form DS-2019 to prospective J1 applicants

B. You have sufficient funds to cover all expenses, or funds must be provided by the sponsoring organization in the form of a scholarship or other stipend

C. You have sufficient scholastic preparation to participate in the designated program

D. You are sufficiently proficient in English to participate in the designated program, or the sponsoring organization has made special arrangements to teach you the English language or conduct the course in your native language. You may be exempt from this requirement if you intend to come to the U. S. to participate exclusively in an English language training program

E. You have a permanent residence in your home country, which you do not intend to abandon

F. You intend to depart the U. S. upon completion of the course of study. You may establish this by presenting evidence of economic, social and/or family ties in your homeland sufficient to induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

G. Your proposed education in the U. S. would be useful in your homeland, and therefore induce you to leave the U. S. upon completion of studies

If you are coming to the U. S. to receive graduate medical education or training:

H. You have passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Sciences

I. The program does not include patient care

For more information on being a non-immigrant student in the U. S. and U. S. visas in general, visit :

USCIS - U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

SEVIS - The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System

The health benefits of dark chocolates

It is rare that eating chocolate is recommended for health reasons. However, quite surprisingly, dark chocolate is said to contain antioxidants that benefit your body when eaten properly.

People often refer to dark chocolate as "bittersweet" chocolate. It contains roughly 70% cocoa solids and has less or no sugar added.

Since it has less or no sugar, dark chocolate is far less susceptible to heat than milk chocolate.

Some recent studies suggest that eating dark chocolate provides your body with essential antioxidants that could help with getting rid of free radicals that cause premature aging.

Other studies indicate that another benefit of dark chocolates is it could help with lowering bad cholesterol oxidation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

The primary reason why dark chocolate have these benefits is the flavonoids it contains. A flavonoid is a ketone that one can also find in the stems, seeds, and leaves of several plants. These flavonoids are members of a class of antioxidants called polyphenols, which are also found in red wine, tea, and certain fruits and vegetables.

It is estimated that dark chocolate contains eight times the levels of polyphenol antioxidants when compared with strawberries.

More studies have indicated that there are reduced benefits eating dark chocolate antioxidants if it were taken with milk or if milk were part of the dark chocolate mixture. It is believed that the molecules of milk adhere themselves to the epicatechins and prevent the proper assimilation of the flavonoids by the body.

Not all studies favor dark chocolates. Concerns have been raised about the possibility of dark chocolate inducing migraine attacks. However, data to fully support those concerns is still insufficient.

In addition to being a pleasure on the palate, consuming fifty grams of dark chocolate made of at least 70 percent chocolate solids could provide health benefits and supplement your diet with additional iron, potassium, and calcium.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Five vital questions to ask your vet

Choosing a "vital 5" out of my list of questions to ask your vet about your cat was no easy task. As the list gets longer, it becomes even more difficult.

My hope, of course, is that cat owners and vets everywhere will use this technique to form a better pet health care team. With some creativity, you can adapt the concept, if not the questions themselves, to fit just about any pet.

As you may already know, I began collecting my list of questions based on reader feedback. By the types of questions that I was being asked by website visitors, two major truths became painfully obvious...

1. Many people just do not seem to have a good working relationship with their vet.

By that I mean that for some reason, they don't seem to get the information that they need. Honestly, I have been shocked by the questions coming my way on cat health and behavior. Hadn't these people spoken to their vet? Surely their vet could have helped them with this topic.

Sadly, in some cases, the answer was no. Even worse, though, was the sad reality of the second truth...

2. They had asked one or more veterinarians about the issue, but never got a clear direction on what the problem was or what to do about it!

In some cases, these people had asked for help over long periods of time, with no results. For them, my standard answer of "here is what I know, now go ask your vet about the particulars" didn't really work for them.

The quick answer of "get another vet" didn't always apply either. It was either not feasible, or had already been tried. The obvious follow up to that would be to continue looking for a veterinarian who would help. But that probably isn't necessary most of the time.

I didn't have a specific answer for these people at the time, but I knew two things. First, these people needed to get to a place where they could work as a team with their vet to help their cat. Second, they needed to learn exactly what to ask in order to get their vet to talk to them.

One of our goals as cat owners should be to develop and encourage an information flow with our vet. Yet, this seems to be something that most of us put little thought into.

So, how do you do that? Two ways...

1. Ask good questions that lead to a two way information exchange.

My firm belief is that the quality of information that we receive is directly related to the questions that we ask. Based on that notion, I decided to try to help you, the cat owner, and put together a list of "questions to ask your vet."

2. Arrive at your vet visit prepared, with questions in hand.

Show up at your vet visit with written questions, and write down the responses. While you're there, jot down any new questions, along with their answers, that come to mind. If you don't, you will either forget to ask, not ask in the right way, or worse, forget the answer! Your pet will thank you.

Of my entire list of questions to ask your vet, I've selected 5 that are vital. Here they are...

1. Should my cat be indoor or outdoor?

This decision impacts how you and your cat interact. More importantly, it determines to a significant degree how long your cat may live. As a rule, indoor cats live many times longer than outdoor cats.

2. What are the most common diseases and conditions that I should know about?

You and your vet should briefly discuss the most common conditions that develop in cats. This discussion can expand to include breed, and may vary based on geography.

3. What are the most common signs of disease that I should look for?

In addition to knowing which diseases are common, you should know what to look for. Getting a good idea of the common signs of disease will help you detect trouble early. Some common signs of a number of diseases are excessive thirst and urination, excessive vomiting, weight loss, and lethargy.

4. What do you recommend for cat litter?

This can be somewhat controversial, but you should get your vet's opinion. There are many options, probably too many, on brand and type. Using the "wrong" cat litter can have a profound effect on the well being of your cat.

Some cats will refuse to use the litter box if you even change brands. Expand this into a discussion on litter box type, number and placement as well.

5. Is there a particular diet or brand of pet food that you recommend? Why?

This again is controversial, but all important. The AAFCO sets certain guidelines on pet food ingredients, but that does not mean that commercial pet foods are all the same. In addition, a number of well meaning cat lovers, including some breeders, are recommending home made cat food, or raw meat diets.

Watch out, as these can be dangerous, especially if not done correctly. Find out what your vet is feeding her own animals, and why.

Again, I'll stress the value of the dialogue that begins based on these questions. If you're a good conversationalist, you'll be able to rewrite these questions in your own words. If you are like most, however, you should write them down as is, and let the conversation flow from there.

Are there more questions to ask your vet than just these? Of course there are. Are there others that are also vital to you and your cat? Absolutely, and some of them only you may know. The above list, however, should get you started on a great dialogue, and give you some solid information that a surprising number of pet owners simply do not have.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Should you refinance if rates are rising

When interest rates are falling the case for refinancing is clear and obvious. If you can save money each month without big cash costs to refinance then getting new a mortgage is a winner.

But what about when rates are rising? In this situation there may not be any monthly savings. In fact, in some cases monthly costs may actually increase. Does refinancing in such a rate environment -- the rate environment we're seeing now -- ever make sense?

Oddly enough, many borrowers -- especially those with "nontraditional" loans issued during the past few years -- would be smart to refinance, even in a period of rising rates.

While it may be true that interest levels are not as attractive as they were when historic lows were reached in 2003, it's equally true that refinancing now may be a far better choice than waiting and perhaps facing even-higher rates in the future.

What circumstances am I talking about?

Let's look at a borrower who knows with absolute certainty that future costs are going to rise -- and rise steeply.

Example: You have a 30-year mortgage. Payments during the first five years are interest-only and fixed at 5.5 percent. The loan balance is $300,000 and the initial monthly payment for principal and interest is $1,703.37.

In year six, the loan becomes a 1-year ARM, there is still $300,000 left to repay but now only 25 years remain for the loan term. Also in year six interest rates are higher -- let's say the new rate is 6.5 percent. The new monthly payment for principal and interest in year six: $2,025.62.

Why did the monthly cost increase so much?

First, the original loan balance was not paid down during the first five years of the loan term. The result is that the original loan amount must now be repaid in 25 years rather than 30 years. Even if rates stayed the same, a shorter repayment period guarantees higher monthly costs.

Second, interest rates rose. In our example rates went from 5.5 to 6.5 percent, but they could rise more. For instance, if rates reached 8 percent in year six -- a rate that has hardly been uncommon in the past 20 years -- the monthly cost for principal and interest would be $2,315.45. At 9 percent the monthly cost would reach $2,517.59.

Given the potential for vastly-higher payments -- and given the potential for increases in other costs such as utilities and property taxes -- it can make great sense for borrowers with interest-only loans, "option" ARMs, and ARMs generally to convert to fixed-rate financing in the face of rising rates.

For instance: Imagine that rates are now 6.5 percent. Our borrower with the $300,000 loan balance gets a fixed-rate, 6.5 percent mortgage. He pays $1,896.20 per month for principal and interest over 30 years. Yes, that's more than the current monthly payment of $1,703.37 -- but more importantly the new monthly payment will not increase, a considerable benefit given the possibility of bankrupting future costs.

One ARM for Another?

The examples above argue that it makes sense to replace ARMs and non-traditional loans with fixed-rate financing when rates are expected to rise in the long-term. But does it ever make sense to replace one ARM with another?

Actually, within limited standards, it does.

ARMs are attractive for two reasons: ARM start rates are routinely below fixed-rate interest levels and ARM qualification standards tend to be more liberal, which means borrowers can get bigger loans with ARMs than with fixed-rate financing.

In terms of refinancing in a rising-rate environment, there's one reason to consider replacing one ARM with another: Many combo-ARMs and interest-only loans have start periods where rates and payments are locked in for the first three, five, or seven years. The savings may not be significant relative to a fixed-rate loan, but the qualification requirements are likely to be more generous. This means that borrowers who are unable to qualify for fixed-rate loans and will soon face substantially-higher monthly costs may find financial shelter with another ARM or interest-only loan.

In effect, a substitute combo-ARM or interest-only loan can give you a few years of rate and payment stability -- hopefully a period of time in which it will be possible to refinance to a lower-cost fixed-rate product or to sell the property on an attractive basis.

Thrill friends and family with a make it yourself pizza party

If there is one thing kids love more than eating pizza, it's being able to make it themselves using all their favorite toppings. Creating a "make it yourself" pizza party is a great way to customize the meal while involving friends and family in a fun activity. Best of all, this crust recipe, which uses a surprise ingredient, is simple enough to make at home without making a mess of the kitchen.

The secret to this simple crust is the addition of potatoes. Idahoan brand flavored Mashed Potatoes were recently named the best-tasting instant mashed potato compared to major national competitors by the American Culinary ChefsBest.™ Incorporating these convenient, 100 percent authentic Idaho potatoes in the crust adds moisture and rich flavor to this homemade version of one of America's favorite foods.

The following recipe for Fresh Tomato and Zucchini Pizza uses fresh summer produce; however, when making pizza at home, each person can substitute his or her favorite toppings. With this versatile recipe, you can enjoy a delicious homemade meal that enables everyone to eat the pizza that they love.

Fresh Tomato

And Zucchini Pizza


1/2 cup dry Idahoan Roasted Garlic flavored Mashed Potatoes

1 cup boiling water

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon salt


3 plum tomatoes, thinly sliced and patted dry

1 small zucchini, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon olive oil

Salt and ground pepper to taste

4 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese

2 tablespoons fresh shredded basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil

Combine dry Idahoan Roasted Garlic flavored Mashed Potatoes with boiling water in a bowl, using a fork to moisten all potatoes. Let stand for one minute. Add flour, olive oil and salt to potato mixture. With hands, knead mixture until dough forms a ball. Let rest 5 minutes.

Preheat oven to 400Ñ” F. Press dough into 12-inch by 8-inch baking pan. Arrange zucchini slices and tomato slices over the dough, leaving a 1/2-inch border. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Bake about 15 minutes. Top with mozzarella; bake 5 minutes longer or until cheese melts. Sprinkle with basil.

Yield: 4 main-dish servings or 6 appetizer servings

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Aladdin dvd review

Anxious to follow up on the massive commercial and critical success of Beauty And The Beast, Disney created another animated masterpiece with Aladdin. Although not nearly as successful in terms of critical acclaim as the aforementioned film, or later Disney creations such as The Lion King and Finding Nemo, Aladdin is nevertheless just as entertaining and probably the funniest of all the animated Disney features. With the voice of Robin Williams leading the way, the film is a non-stop foray into the timeless fantasy world of A Thousand And One Arabian Nights spliced together with the rapier-like wit and quick-fire humor of one of America’s most talented comic performers…

The film takes place hundreds of years ago in the windswept sands of the kingdom of Agrabah, where a young street urchin named Aladdin wanders the streets, stealing and hustling for survival. Along the way, he’s joined by his loyal companion Abu, a clever and enterprising monkey. Yet, in stark contrast to the poverty-ridden streets below, the lustrous facade of a massive palace towers high above the urban world of Aladdin. Inside, the Sultan of Agrabah lives a carefree life of opulence and luxury with his beautiful daughter Jasmine and a cunning, ambitious adviser named Jafar.

Forced to spend her days inside the palace walls, the headstrong Princess Jasmine sneaks out in order to experience the world around her. During this dangerous trek through the streets of her kingdom, the girl befriends Aladdin who is immediately awestruck by her beauty. But when Princess Jasmine’s escape is brought to the attention of Jafar and her father, she is quickly rounded up, and Aladdin is thrown in prison. Hoping to seize the kingdom for himself, Jafar enlists the aid of Aladdin in an effort to obtain a fabled magic lamp, the purported powers of which are unlimited. Legend has it that only a “diamond in the rough” is capable of retrieving the lamp from the Cave of Wonders. All others will be swallowed whole by the endless sands of the desert.

When Aladdin fails in Jafar’s quest, he is left for dead. But he soon discovers the mysterious lamp and the blue genie who resides within. Granting Aladdin the ultimate power of three wishes (with certain conditions such as not wishing for more wishes or wishing for someone to fall in love with you), the genie transforms Aladdin into a powerful Prince, thus making him eligible to marry Princess Jasmine. Riding into Agrabah at the helm of a triumphant parade, only Jafar knows the true secret of Aladdin’s identity and his success, and he’s determined to scheme and connive until he gains control of the magic lamp himself…

Aside from Robin Williams, this film is easily forgettable. With him, Aladdin is transformed into a legendary blockbuster hit. In fact, the later appearances of comic voices in animated films such as Shrek (Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy), Mulan (Eddie Murphy), Finding Nemo (Ellen DeGeneres), and The Lion King (Nathan Lane & Whoopi Goldberg) can most likely be traced back to the overwhelmingly positive audience reaction to Robin Williams and the comic relief his blue genie provided. This once overlooked aspect of the animated film has since become a staple, and Aladdin is the reason why. In addition, the film boasts a beautiful soundtrack that gave birth to the chart-topping hit “A Whole New World”. Fun for children and adults alike, Aladdin is the perfect film for those who enjoy creativity, humor, and a great story…

Walk in showers advantages and uses

Walk in showers are becoming more and more popular in recent years for their contemporary look and feel, as well as their unique convenience.

Walk in showers have been popular for quite a while in certain commercial applications, such as at gyms. A walk in shower allows individuals to quickly duck into the shower after working out, and rinse the sweat and dirt off.

Walk in showers have recently become popular in home bathroom designs as well. They offer a unique brand of convenience, flexibility, and style.

Walk in showers are convenient as they allow you to quickly and easily duck in the shower for a quick shower, without having to mess with a stuck shower curtain, etc. They are what you might call a minimal, integrated design.

As far as flexibility is concerned, walk in showers are about as flexible as showers can get. You can create a walk in shower anywhere in your bathroom you can get the correct plumbing to. You can put it in a corner, or even in the middle of the room if you wanted.

Once you do decide that a walk in shower is what you want, you have some great design options. You can create a wet room, which is basically just a corner of your bathroom surrounded by some glass panels to contain the water. This gives you a very flexible design, allowing you to make the shower the right size to fit your specific needs. For example, you could easily make a handicapped accessible shower this way.

There is really no limit to the designs you can create for your walk in shower. You can buy the glass panels separately and create your own unique design. If you can come up with a design, you can probably create it - It's all up to you!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

You can shift your reality to include more of what you want

Do you know that you are emitting signals that the universe responds to? It's like we're all emitting radio signals that go out into the universe and match us up with anything on the same wavelength, bringing to us the circumstances and events which make up our lives.

The signals you emit are made up of your thoughts, beliefs, and the emotions that these create within you. You're experiences tend to match what you've got your focus upon.

You do have the power to affect your experiences by paying attention to what you focus upon. This is where your power is. If you are focused upon the negative aspects of your experience, you will create more of the same, which you then focus on and create more of, and so on in a vicious cycle. Fortunately, this works the other way around too! If you choose to focus on the positive aspects of any experience, you will create more positive aspects you can then focus on, and continue bringing more positive experiences into your life. Even if you can only find one positive aspect to focus on in a situation that has many more negative aspects, and you keep choosing to keep your focus on the one positive part, you will soon see improvement in that situation that will give you more that's positive to focus on. It's a gradual, continual process. And it works!

Just because something is how it is, does not mean it has to stay that way! Just because you've had a lot of it in the past, does not mean you're doomed to have more of it in the future! If you don't like it, know that you do have the power to change it. And if you do like it, know that you can create more of it, if you wish to.

Gradually shifting your perception to include more of what you do like, opens the flow so more like it can come to you.

Over the last few years I have found many incredibly helpful resources to help anyone along the path to greater joy. Now I'm setting up a website to share these resources with others.

Wishing you increased satisfaction and more joy!

Carrie McLain

Tips to help pregnant women reduce morning sickness

The dreaded 'morning sickness', extreme nausea and vomiting, will affect around 90% of pregnant women. Just why women have to go through this is not known, but there are some things you can do to minimise this unpleasant part of pregnancy.

1. Ask your medical advisor whether you can take vitamin B6. A dose of approximately 100 mg per day has been shown to reduce the feeling of nausea.

2. Eat foods rich in the B vitamins: examples are nuts, chicken, fish, liver and advocados.

3. Take frequent sips of liquids such as water, soup, tea, and lemonade. This can help in two ways: when you vomit you loose a lot of fluids and it is important to keep your body hyderated at all times; and it also makes vomiting less unpleasant if you have something to bring up. Vomiting when the stomach is empty is even more unpleasant than when you have something to bring up.

4. Avoid foods with strong smells such as spicy or fried foods as such dishes can make you feel queasy and induce vomiting.

5. Snack little and often. When you go to bed place biscuits or muffins at your bedside and nibble these if you wake in the night.

6. Foods high in carbohydrates are more likely to stay down and will ward off hunger. Recommended foods are breads, rice and pasta.

7. If you don't feel like eating, don't. If eating will make you feel queasy and cause you to vomit, there is no point. You will not benefit nutritionly if the food comes straight back up.

Morning sickness is the least enjoyable part of being pregnant. How long it lasts varies from women to women. Just keep reminding yourself that it will end.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A big searching way waiting for you

Think about the first thing you ever heard about "marketing a website" on the web. Several time the first words anyone ever hears are "search engine marketing" Or some sembla Search engine optimization Services will helps you capture targeted traffic for the people who are already looking for the product or service you offer. A truly sustainable long term solution to your traffic woes, Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that has been optimized for search engines as it can stay at the top for long periods of time. A well optimized website plays a pivotal role in any search engine marketing (SEM) strategy.

Up-to-date in our approach, SEO Delhi incorporates into our methods all the benefits that the latest technology has to offer. Is to understand the algorithmic structure in the engineering of a website that is in all practical purposes equal to a company's competition's relevancy, and make the client's website more relevant than the competition's in the eyes of the search engines. By optimizing for relevant keywords and phrases, this keeps both the search engine and the optimized website owner happy. The search engine maintains relevancy, and the website receives that all important targeted traffic. It is also the Role of SEO Delhi Professional understand the complex and ever changing relationships between different search providers. The purpose of this is to be able to cast a sufficiently wide net in an effort to capture as much of the webs targeted traffic as possible and to drive those targeted search engine users to a company's website.

SEO Delhi provides the services like-

Search Engine Optimization Keyword Strategy Consultation
Search Engine & Directory Paid Inclusions
Search Engine Optimization with Guaranteed Top 10 positioning
PPC and Affiliate Management Guidance
Periodic Search Engine Optimization Ranking Reports
Dedicated Search Engine Optimization Account manager

Search engine optimization Services will helps you capture targeted traffic for the people who are already looking for the product or service you offer. A truly sustainable long term solution to your traffic woes, Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that has been optimized for search engines as it can stay at the top for long periods of time. A well optimized website plays a pivotal role in any search engine marketing (SEM) strategy.

How to set your relationship goals with goal setting tactics

In order for a relationship to work and stand the trials and tribulations that come with love, it is important for a few expectations and goals to be set. When goals are created in a relationship, the chances of surviving a long-lasting relationship are pretty high.

Building trust and understanding that lasts a lifetime is great way to achieve the level of satisfaction one would expect in a relationship. This is where goals become an important part of the process. And it’s not just one person setting goals and following them - relationships are a two-way street where happiness falls on the shoulders of both parties involved.

Also, it is important to let all goals be known because all too often, relationships fall apart when one partner is desperately trying to achieve a goal that their significant other shows no interest or compassion for. Usually, these goals serve a better purpose when they are established at the beginning of a relationship.

Sometimes, this is rather hard to accomplish since so many couples fall head over heels with one another before truly exploring their desires, goals, dreams and even sometimes character and personality. When you don’t set goals that both individuals are willing to accept or put forth an honest effort, the relationship will most likely fail within a couple of years. Setting goals play quite an important role in the affairs of Cupid, don’t you think?

Usually, married folk or seriously involved partners are able to stick with one another for the long haul when setting personal plans and goals that each agree on. And don’t think these relationship goals are unbreakable. As time passes in a relationship, it is a good idea to conduct frequent assessments and evaluations of couple progress.

This is because various factors, such as career changes, babies and moving in with one another seem to shake up the dynamic that was established before the change. It is always good to stay on top of the changing wants and needs of your partner and, sometimes, this means reestablishing and setting new goals for the future. Make sure at some point you either vocalize your new goals or write them down so that neither one of you are left in the dark.

It is these sorts of surprises that have a habit of tearing couples apart. So, if you plan to move to Alaska for a new job in two years, you better let your girlfriend know before making solid plans. You may find yourself on your own if the situation isn’t discussed together. If you recently decided you no longer want kids with your husband who has always wanted two or three, you should discuss this subject on the double because it seriously affects the future the two of you will have with one another.

Relationship Goal Setting Do’s and Don’ts

1) Do show support in all of the things your partner tries to do and express your opinions instead of holding them inside.

2) Do keep the lines of communication open and active on a daily basis.

3) Don’t smother your partner and always assess the dependency each of you hold for one another.

4) Do express your concerns regarding intimacy.

5) Don’t hide your feelings of dissatisfaction - the buildup will only worsen, which can lead to multiple fights and unhappy times in the future.

6) Do think towards to future and assess whether you can see yourself with your mate for the rest of your life.

7) Do respect the feelings and rights that your partner has in the relationship. Don’t become overbearing.

8) Do help your significant other to grow and progress in life.

9) Don’t ever let the fun fizzle out of your relationship. Do keep an open mind and try new things.

10) Do keep an open mind when it comes to solving problems you and your partner may experience. You always have to allow the other to explain his or her version.

Also, don’t let problems build up in a relationship. It is important to express all of your feelings in order to achieve the relationship goals you have set with your partner.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Which forex trading system to choose

What Are Forex Trading Systems?

A Forex trading system is a set of rules which are aimed to ensure that you are trading in a way that is free of bias and the influence of emotion. Most beginner traders will look to learn a forex trading system whereas more experienced traders will eventually move to build a trading system of their own.

A good Forex trading system should look to encompass and cover for all possible eventualities which the markets may through up. In that respect, they should comprise of rules which govern, amongst other things the following:

1. Which currency pairs to trade.

2. When exactly to enter and exit a trade.

3. Where to place Stop Losses and Take Profit rates.

Forex trading systems must always be tested against historical data (known as back-testing). Beginner traders, when looking to purchase a forex trading system, should always ensure that the system was properly backtested and that the results are genuine. There are certain software packages available now which back-test trading systems automatically.

Which Forex Trading System To Choose?

This will depend upon your trading style. Some traders are swing traders and will look to keep positions for days, weeks or even months. Others prefer a day trading style and will be in and out of a trade within the same day. A typical swing trading system will look to take larger moves ranging from 100-300 pips over a period of a few days or weeks. On the other hand, an intraday forex system looks for smaller opportunities ranging from 25-50 pips.

Forex scalping systems have become popular of late as well. Scalping is a trading style which looks to take profits on very small price changes, usually soon after a trade has been entered into and becomes profitable. It is a strategy that does not look to capture 50+ pip moves; rather it is more about watching the price and getting in and out of trades for quick 5 pip moves which little by little add up.

While this might sound risky, it can be quite a low risk strategy if performed correctly. As with all trading systems, the most important parameter which has to be addressed here is money management. Having a strict exit strategy and rules on how much of your equity to risk per trade must be clearly outlined.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The whole truth about fading acne scars

Unsightly scars that appear on the face are usually the result of severe acne. Cystic acne or common acne that has ruptured are the main causes. It is a common problem that most people desire to have corrected as soon as their acne finally clears up. There is the option to have a procedure done in a doctor's office to fade acne scars, as well as things you can do yourself at home.

Some people would be pleased with the appearance of their face if only they could just find a way to fade their acne scars. These are usually attention-drawing red or purple and are hard to cover up. Since scars are permanent, it is desirable to find a way to lessen their appearance. There are over-the-counter creams that can gradually fade acne scars. Mederma is available without prescription and even offers a money-back guarantee. It doesn't claim to completely rid your face of scars, but it will visibly fade them. Mederma is expensive but one tube can go a long way. And if the scar fades then repeated usage is not necessary. If the scar is indented, the appearance of the scar is mainly caused by the shadow. The way this is treated it through basic collagen injections.

There are skin resurfacing treatments available that can reduce the visibility of acne scars. They usually require more than one visit and could become expensive. The common procedures done to fade acne scars are dermabrasion and laser treatment. The long-term safety of laser treatment is uncertain so there has been controversy and debate surrounding this procedure. Dermabrasion is safe but you will have to endure recovery afterwards.

Daily exfoliation and application of Vitamin E oil is an effective way to fade acne scars cheaply at home. Most people do not want to spend a lot of money on something cosmetic and this is a very safe way. The longer the scar has been present, the more difficult it will be to alter its appearance. It may be possible to fade acne scars at home if they are mild. Lemon juice has been a success in fading scars for many people. The citric acid that it contains help to remove dead skin cells, increase skin elasticity, and help new cell growth. It could be irritating for people with sensitive skin but it will most likely fade the scars. Aloe Vera is also known for its healing ability and could also help to fade scars. The best aloe to use is determined by how much of it is combined with inactive ingredients that can dilute the healing properties.

An exfoliating serum that you can purchase is the Bliss Sleeping Pill Serum. It uses amino acids to exfoliate you skin and lighten dark scars. Another over-the-counter way to fade acne scars is with a product called Advance Complex Fade Gel. It is used for treatment of dark spots, such as scars, and is specially formulated for people with dark skin. It also contains sunscreen to keep the dark spots from ever coming back.

Resource guide for natural acne treatment.

eClass on total acne treatment.

Winter car care tips

The cold weather affects your car too. Along with making driving more hazardous due to ice and snow, extreme winter weather can be stressful, especially on older cars.

As winter approaches take you car to your trusty mechanic and have him check the following items: battery, wipers, antifreeze levels, heating system, brakes, defroster.

You'll want to make sure your battery is fully charged as cold weather starting is a heavy drain on your battery. You'll want to make sure that your windshield wipers are in good condition as they'll get a lot of use brushing snow off, and, make sure you have plenty of windshield washer fluid in the reservoir and carry an extra gallon in your car. Your windshield washer fluid will get used up quickly keeping salt off the windshield. You will want to make sure that your antifreeze is at proper levels. Antifreeze can prevent freezing of your engine to about 30 degrees below zero. It should be replaced every two years. Have your heating system checked, this will include your defroster, which you'll really need during the winter.

Make sure you have good winter tires on your car. If you live in an area where you get a good amount of snowfall you may want to make a seasonal change from all season to snow tires. All season radials just don't give you the same performance in snow and ice that dedicated snow tires do.

There are things that you should keep in your car during the winter. Snow scraper, deicer, blankets, extra hat and mittens, small snow shovel, sand (to help with traction), boots. At all times you should have a small first aid kit, booster cables, small tools such as screwdriver, wrench and pliers a flashlight with extra batteries, extra water. Keep a can of deicer in your home so you'll be able to get into your car.

Remember before leaving home to make sure your car is completely cleaned off. Clear all snow and ice from your hood, roof, trunk and side. Make sure your headlights and tail lights are clearly visible. Drive slowly. The posted speed limits are for ideal driving conditions. When driving leave plenty of stopping distance between you and the car in front of you. You may need to leave more distance in icy conditions. Make any turns slowly. Brake slowly.

By following these tips above you can have a safe winter driving season.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Performance improvement using a fuel booster

Adding an optimizing fuel your diesel machinery or vehicles can vastly improve the performance of your vehicles. This is something that farmers who have known about biodiesel blends for years. However nowadays you can also get fuel boosters that are commercially created for both gasoline and diesel run vehicles to make them perform better.

Here are some facts about how upgrading your fuel with a biodiesel blend (FuelBoost is a good example of one of the new blends) can optimize all of your machinery or vehicle’s operations in general.

First of all, adding a biodiesel blend to your diesel fuel (whether it be Diesel No. 1 or 2) can optimize it in terms of power, torque, economical fuel consumption and haulage. If you are using diesel it can also chemically transform it into a less polluting fuel that emits lower sulfur emissions.

If you use optimization blends from a quality company like FuelBoost you will see that you have a choice of choosing a blend for gasoline or for diesel. A good product will have no negative impact at all on operating performance and always enhance it. However if you have any doubt about whether your vehicle or machine should be using a fuel-optimizing blend like Fuel Boost then check your owner’s manual to see what it says. You should definitely not use any type of blend in your fuel line that might void your vehicle’s warranty.

Why use as fuel booster at all? These blends lubricate your machinery far better than ordinary petroleum gasoline or diesel. It is crucial for your machinery and vehicles to be lubricated, especially for machines that have a lot of moving parts such as rotary and distributor type fuel injections pumps. This is because when these pumps operate, the fuel moving through the parts of the car, not by the engine oil, lubricates them.

Diesel fuel systems—which include unit injectors, injectors, unit pumps, and in-line pumps are also partially fuel lubricated. This is where a fuel optimizing blend can come in handy as it can cut down on scuffing and the adhesive wear resistance that is associated with the use of all fuels, but especially with biodiesel fuels.

Some of the fuel boosters on the market are so good that they can practically save you from buying a new car. Before you trade in your car’s fuel injection system try lubricating and cleaning it first with one of the new designer blends such as FuelBoost. This type of formula can clean up your entire fuel system and make it run more efficiently.

However having a car that is running like new is just one of the perks of using Fuelboost. You will also enjoy increased mileage and have less cause to worry about water and other bio hazards that can grow when your vehicle is stored.

Most diesel fuel start to develop these issues only after being stored for more than 28 days. If you run a fuel boost additive you will see better starts and shorter lag time in your starting cycle.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Is your credit card secure

Credit card security is a big issue in the world today. We hear of a number of frauds taking place involving huge sums of money being swiped away by technology thieves and it is virtually impossible to apprehend the miscreants. Online safety is a huge issue today. Apart from shopping physically at various establishments and stores, you can also enjoy a variety of online shopping from across the world. Whether it is clothes, books, music, furniture, jewels, or even tickets, they can all be bought at the mere click of a button on your computer even as you sit in the comfort of your home.

But how secure is this transaction? Skepticism is keeping a vast majority away from making purchases online. That is because of the security issue of giving out your credit card number on the Internet. This has dampened the spirit of all the e-retailers and they now even offer a phone number so that you can call in with your order. Hackers are a huge threat to online shopping and we find security features often being tampered with in the credit card frauds.

However, the flip side to the deal is that in case on an online credit card scam, you need to pay only a maximum of $50 whatever is the amount stolen from your credit card transaction. There are a number of ways being adopted to prevent miscreants from seeing your details and misusing them. We even have a Direct Marketing Association to track consumers who would rather not encourage soliciting for various products and serviced by mail or even by phone. You can ensure total privacy and protection as soon as you receive your card.

There are several companies that will remove your name from the mailing list if you write to them with your name, mailing address and social security number. In fact in the United States we even have reporting bureaus that will connect with bureaus across the nation and ensure that you do not receive any junk mail and unnecessary soliciting.

You could even get in touch with your credit card companies and request them to remove you from their mailing list. All this will enable you to enjoy a secure credit facility with a scam free shopping environment.

Getting ready for credit card consolidation

Credit cards are useful for almost all other purposes. You can use them to shop either online and offline without the hassle of bringing in cash that are not convenient in terms of management. However there are cases when the use of credit cards is abused and may lead you to a more problematic situation.

In such cases, it is very best that you decide on how you could possibly work on these debts and lower the sum interests of credit cards that you are using.

This is also applicable for people who use three or more credit cards at a time. Perhaps, its about time to gear yourself towards consolidating your credit card debts.

Financial Institutions Offering Credit Card Consolidation

Most banks and credit card institutions offers credit card consolidation. However, it should be noted that banks differs entirely on the terms they provide to clients in settling credit card debts.

Credit card companies on the other hand provides more financial leeway to clients more than banks does so it is very important that you decide which financial institution offers a more competitive rates for consolidating your credit card debts.

Why exactly people resort to credit card consolidation? There might be thousands of reasons for consolidating debts incurred from using credit cards but the most answers frequent reasons are provided here below. Go check ‘em out.

Saving money in interest and finance charges

For people who uses more than three credit cards are prone to debts in terms of interest charges. When these debts become unmanageable, consolidation is usually most approved.

Charges may give you an idea that the individual interests of each credit card alone are eating up your monthly salary and there seems to be no way out.

While regularly paying off interest each month for each credit card is a way to managing your credit card debts, it also an unpractical way inasmuch as money-saving practices is concerned with that, credit card consolidation is badly needed.

Competitive APR Rates

At the outset, it was stated that credit card companies and banks offers competitive pricing for credit card consolidation. The sum interest may vary but each financial institution offers terms that usually are better than other institutions that may apparently seem to charge minimal fees but higher APR rates and other hidden charges.

This very same reason should require you to exercise more vigilance and scrutinize each terms that are not understandable to you. Discuss all the details of the charges with your credit card consultants and have them explain all the details of individual charges and probably consult a comparison shop consultant that will help you decide which financial institution offers the best credit card consolidation terms.

Introductory Rates

The goal of each credit card consolidating companies is to help people manage their debts. They help people pay all their debts all at the same time and put them on a certain bank where they will pay a competitive sum of interest charge that is otherwise more costly if one would pay individually for each credit card institutions.

Balance transfer, transferring credit cards companies which charges you high interest rates to another credit card company that charges minimum fees, also works in most cases and is handled by most credit card institutions.

As an incentive, these credit card companies would usually provide clients with competitive introductory pricing that are not usually available to individuals who are laden with debts. Having such incentive will put your finances on a more stable position.

Pet health food - keep you pet healthy

Worrying and complaining about your pet health food, the only alternative is every pet owner must realize how important nutrition food is in the health of their pet. So not to worry much although there are several things you can do to keep your pet healthy.

Many well known large commercial pet food companies advertise that their food is natural and healthy. Commercial pet food is a great convenience for busy caregivers. You want the best for your pet, but with a bewildering array of foods and claims to choose from, how do you decide what’s best for your animals?

Commercial foods are designed to be healthy and nutrition for pets. , but not all foods will be suitable for an individual animal’s variable needs. Before buying food for your pet make sure the product which you are selecting is not a addict able as most of the commercial food making industries do so to make a profit.

Let us discuss few more points which will defiantly help you while buying food fro your pet.

1) Make sure the commercial food your are selecting for your pet must has the label of “AAFCO guarantee,” preferably one that references “feeding tests” or “feeding protocols” rather than Nutrient Profiles.

2) Never buy a food containing “by-product meal” or “meat and bone meal. They are not a reliable source of nutrition for your pet.

3) Try to avoid foods that rely on by-products as the sole source of animal protein. These foods are not acceptable as a steady diet

4) Always buy named meat or meal for your pet.

5) Avoid generic or store brands.

6) Avoid “light,” “senior,” “special formula,” or “hairball formula” foods. These foods may contain acidifying agents, excessive fiber, or inadequate fats that can result in skin, coat and other problems.

7) In general, select brands promoted to be “natural.” While they are not perfect, they may be better than most.

8) Check the expiration date to ensure freshness.

9) Store dry pet food in a sealed non-porous container in a cool, dry place.

These are the small things which are going to help you to keep your pet healthy and happier.

Anna Josephs is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on various topics such as pet health, automobile and social issues. She also has great interest in poetry and paintings, hence she likes to write on these subjects as well. Currently writing for this website Pet Health . For more details please contact at annajosephs@gmail. com

How to make fast money in quick and easy steps

Today you can choose from a wide range of money making opportunities from the Internet. You can make fast money while enjoying quality time with family and friends!

There are times when you find your online business is not making money as you wanted it to. At other times you will find that your money making scheme is not getting you fast money as intended. If you wish to sustain the momentum of making money throughout the lifecycle of your business, then here are some tips for you.

Slow and steady wins the race – or does it?

People who advocate the thought that only hard work and perseverance pay, have really not discovered ways to make fast money online. There are so many ways to jumpstart cash revenue streams that it can be difficult to choose from these options. Right from affiliate marketing to PPC campaigns, you will find plenty of proven ways to earn fast money on the Internet.

Why affiliate marketing still holds good

Affiliate marketing may have been done to death but there is a reason why it’s still hanging around. It’s because it is one of the most tried and tested ways to make fast money online. The reason it is so great is because even if you yourself don’t have any products of your own, you can still make money off this scheme. You can have a website which promotes other people’s products. With every sale that happens through your referral, you can make fast money off this scheme. What’s more, there are plenty of affiliate programs free of cost – which means you don’t need to make an initial investment. You can also opt for affiliate schemes which provide you with joining incentives and bonuses.

PPC campaigns

PPC or Pay-Per-Click is also another age old money making scheme on the Internet. The way it works is that you post an ad about your product on any of the popular search engines. You also include strategic keywords in the ad. Thus if users search for this keyword, your ad pops up in the results. PPC is one of the most efficient ways to make fast money in a limited time span. It has been known to provide guaranteed results. That’s one reason why companies spend big money on this scheme – because they know they will eventually divert more traffic to their site and make fast money off it.

Optimizing the title and Meta tags

We all know that the Title and Meta tags are one of the first ones to be spotted by search engine robots. Regular crawls by these spiders ensure that only the best optimized sites win the race of page ranking. By optimizing your title and Meta tags you get to ensure better page rankings online and jumpstart sales overall. This is a great way to ensure fast money flowing in within a short time period.

If you want to learn more, do not hesitate to visit the link attached. You will definitely be satisfied with what you can get from there.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Carhartt flame resistant jacket

Working in a fire-prone environment? Then it is certain that you will want to protect yourself in the best possible way. You will need a Carhartt flame resistant jacket to provide you the best protection. For people working in glass furnaces, petroleum industries, coalmines, welding industries, or in an environment where there are a lot of hazardous electric circuits, the Carhartt flame resistant jacket ensures the best protection from potential fires.

Carhartt is one of the world's leading brands in flame retardant wear, and most people select this brand when they are conscious about their own safety. The Carhartt flame retardant jackets are made of 88% cotton and 12% of high-resistance nylon, blended in such a way that it keeps away high temperatures. Inside, there is a sheet of fire resistant material that does not allow the hot flames to come in contact with the skin. The best part of the jacket is that, though it is made to be fireproof to a great degree, its materials do not weigh much. The whole jacket weighs just about 13 ounces, due to which the wearer does not feel as though he or she is tugging along a heavy burden on the shoulders.

To add to the utility of the Carhartt flame resistant jacket, it is provided with two patch pockets on the inside, where tools can be carried. The pockets are again made of a fire-resistant material, and they are provided with hooks so that the pockets can be securely closed. The jacket does not have clumsy buttons for fastening itself, but is provided with a fire-retardant brass zipper at the front, which is hidden inside the jacket so that the flaps are not visible from the outside. The zipper has further snap protection so that the zipper does not open up under work pressure.

Additional features in the Carhartt flame resistant jacket include the cuffs and the waistband, both of which are made from Nomex fire resistant material. The waistband and cuffs are given ribbed cuts to provide for elasticity. This makes the jacket fit different sized waists and arms. The collar is made of fire-resistant corduroy material, that enhances the look of the jacket and also protects the neck from accidental fires or sudden flames.

Each part of the Carhartt flame resistant jacket is checked several times for fire retardation. You can opt for a fire resistant hood to go with the jacket, or you can also choose for some of the other designs Carhartt has on offer, such as the Carhartt fire-resistant overalls or the fire-resistant coveralls.

With all the protection around the jacket, they are certainly the primary choice of the discerning worker. Carhartt has also taken great pains to make the jackets look the best in stud fashion by giving them a dusty brown color and giving them a cut that would make any wearer look macho. The jackets complement cargo pants, denim pants or even work trousers. And you will find sizes ranging from S to 5XL. That ensures there is always a Carhartt flame resistant jacket for you.

You can customize your Carhartt flame resistant jacket for you by adding hoods, or even adding an embroidered logo of your place of work. You can place your order for your Carhartt flame resistant jacket with your favorite online retailers.

H-f-l - team how to make ends meet when you own a business

Although owning your own business may be the "best thing I ever did," it has its drawbacks, especially in the early days. Many people have unrealistic ideas about business ownership, thinking that it's going to provide them this six figure income right from the first day, especially those who buy into a franchise or established retail business. When they find out that they aren't earning the income they thought they would, they begin to worry that they have made a mistake in judgment and worry about making ends meet. Pre-planning solves a great deal of stress that is involved when building your business during its early creation.

The reason many new business owners have trouble making ends meet is because they fail to plan properly for the days that are going to yield less income. On average, it takes a new business anywhere from three to five years to turn a decent profit. That is true even of a franchise since those early days will involve more income going to the franchise corporation than the franchise owner, so you have to make sure that you plan for that. How can you plan for those early lean income days? One thing you can do in the very beginning is make sure that you save more money before you invest in a business so that you have enough cash set aside toward your living expenses until you start earning a profit from your business. If you are leaving a position with another company to start your own business and are entitled to any kind of severance package such as unused vacation or sick time, retirement buyout, or other benefits, put those aside in a special account in case you need them to assist with personal expenses until your business is profitable enough to operate on its own.

One option that some people do not even know exists is that of a loan for operating capital. This means the business owner can borrow money to see him through until the business becomes self-supporting. Even those who know of this option fail to utilize it properly by setting their goals too high, being over-confident about the time frame for building the business to a profitable level, and then have to return to the bank for more operating capital. This should be included in your business plan, and in order to make sure that you have set realistic goals, sit down with a financial advisor or accountant in order to assure that your business plans includes realistic goals for income generation. Making sure you have all of the working capital you need before you open your business saves you not only from hours of worry but also save you the potential of having to prepare another business plan when you require additional funds.

Kitchen cabinet lighting with custom linear strips

Kitchen cabinets lights were once considered purely functional fixtures whose only purpose was to illuminate shelves and work areas beneath cabinets. This is beginning to change, however, as day’s larger homes and custom floor plans transform the traditional purpose and nature of the kitchen itself.

Today’s kitchen has become more than a food storage and preparation area. It has now evolved into a central gathering place for any variety of home entertainment events. Kitchen cabinet lighting in this setting must meet more than base-level requirements to produce optimal visibility and comfort. It must address certain aesthetic concerns as well such as lighting color and brightness, color rendering of illuminated surface and interior design, and glare free light that will not hurt the eyes of homeowners and guests.

Safety, energy efficiency, and ease of operability are also top concerns when choosing fixtures, as some under cabinet lighting fixtures should be left on throughout the night, and almost all cabinet shelves will have to be adjusted or removed for periodic cleaning.

Kitchen cabinet lights fall into two primary categories: in cabinet lights and under cabinet lights. In cabinet strip lights provide interior lighting for cubic space and shelving. Under cabinet lights provide task lighting for activities done underneath a cabinet, such as food preparation and after-dinner cleanup.

Up until a few years ago, very specific types of kitchen cabinet lights were used for either in cabinet or under cabinet lighting needs. For most under the cabinet or task lighting applications, the puck light was a favorite fixture because it cast a bright circle of light onto the countertop that made it easy to see and work. When electric bills ran too high, fluorescent lamps were often substituted for pucks because of their lower heat output and power saving advantages. It was not uncommon in the 60’s, 70’s to see at least one fluorescent light over the stove.

However, due to more elaborate and ornate kitchen build outs, the dominance of puck and fluorescent under cabinet lights is no longer as absolute as it once was. This is because larger numbers of people are replacing generic counter top materials with custom, more ornate granite and marble. This presents a new dynamic for cabinet lighting manufacturers because these surfaces are highly reflective. Kitchen cabinet lights must now shield the eyes from reflective glare in addition to providing the same levels of light as they did before.

While it is true that most fluorescents are housed in frosted fixtures that minimize glare, they do not render color with enough detail to do justice to the subtle shades and variations that custom counter tops feature. Puck lights, with halogen lamps, render color better, but they are simply too intense and will almost always throw reflected light back into the eyes.

In this type of setting, it is almost always better to go with custom cabinet lights in the form of linear strips. These fixtures add value through both their low profile design and the unique qualities of glare free light they produce as an accent lighting source.

Each custom lighting strip is custom fabricated to exact kitchen cabinet or shelf dimensions. It is virtually invisible to the casual eye and features special shielding that reduces reflective glare to near-undetectable levels.

Linear strips, such as the ones manufactured by Phantom, accommodate a wide variety of festoon bulb options. A very popular bulb type for under cabinet kitchen lighting is xenon. Xenon low voltage lamps render colors at a level almost equivalent to that of sunlight. As a low voltage, dimmable lighting strip, it will bring out the subtlest red of granite and the multi-dimensional hues of marble like no other form of light—at a fraction of the cost of competing linear strip lights.

Linear strips fitted with incandescent festoons are ideally suited for interior kitchen cabinet shelf lighting. Incandescents produce the “whitest” form of light and make everything within the cubic interior of the cabinet clearly visible. Unlike puck lights, they consume virtually no cubic space within cabinets, leaving more room for storage and a more balanced presentation when the cabinet is opened in front of guests.

Restaurants should consider retrofitting any existing kitchen cabinet lights strips with LED replacement festoon lamps. These lamps produce a lumens output equivalent to that of incandescent and fluorescents, but they use 80% less electricity. Although a restaurant kitchen requires little, if any, aesthetic consideration, employee comfort and cost consciousness are of vital importance. Fluorescents emit UV radiation that is never good for anyone’s eyes, and incandescent lights left on for long hours will result in expensive light bills. LED energy saving light bulbs are simply a good investment.

Replacing low voltage festoon lights with a one-time LED light bulb upgrade will bring immediate, recurring, monthly return on investment, and it will create a more comfortable working environment for cooks.

It is also good for residential homeowners to consider installing at least one LED kitchen under cabinet light as a cost-conscious safety measure. This eliminates the need to stumble through a dark kitchen to rely upon the refrigerator light as one’s sole source of illumination, and it adds a bit of comfort as well for the overnight guest who needs a midnight snack.

Monday, July 11, 2016

What is financial securities

It is true that bankers also invest money in securities, and that some of these are foreign, but here again the proportion invested abroad is so small that we may be reasonably sure that any money left by us in the hands of our bankers will be employed at home.

But in actual practice those who save do not pile up a large balance at their banks. They keep what is called a current account, consisting of amounts paid in in cash or in cheques on other banks or their own bank, and against this account they draw what is needed for their weekly and monthly payments; sometimes, also, they keep a certain amount on deposit account, that is an account on which they can only draw after giving a week's notice or more.

On their deposit account they receive interest, on their current account they may in some parts of the country receive interest on the average balance kept.

But the deposit account is most often kept by people who have to have a reserve of cash quickly available for business purposes. The ordinary private investor, when he has got a balance at his bank big enough to make him feel comfortable about being able to meet all probable outgoings, puts any money that he may have to spare into some security dealt in on the Stock Exchange, and so securities and the Stock Exchange have to be described and examined next. They are very much to the point, because it is through them that international finance has done most of its work.

Securities, then, are the stocks, shares and bonds which are given to those who put money into companies, or into loans issued by Governments, municipalities and other public bodies. Let us take the Governments and public bodies first, because the securities issued by them are in some ways simpler than those created by companies.

When a Government wants to borrow, it does so because it needs money. The purpose for which it needs it may be to build a railway or canal, or make a harbour, or carry out a land improvement or irrigation scheme, or otherwise work some enterprise by which the power of the country to grow and make things may be increased.

Enterprises of this kind are usually called reproductive, and in many cases the actual return from them in cash more than suffices to meet the interest on the debt raised to carry them out, to say nothing of the direct benefit to the country in increasing its output of wealth. In England the government has practically no debt that is represented by reproductive assets.

Our Government has left the development of the country's resources to private enterprise, and the only assets from which it derives a revenue are the Post Office buildings, the Crown lands and some shares in the Suez Canal which were bought for a political purpose. Governments also borrow money because their revenue from taxes is less than the sums that they are spending.

This happens most often and most markedly when they are carrying on war, or when nations are engaged in a competition in armaments, building navies or raising armies against one another so as to be ready for war if it happens. This kind of debt is called dead-weight debt, because there is no direct or indirect increase, in consequence of it, in the country's power to produce things that are wanted.

This kind of borrowing is generally excused on the ground that provision for the national safety is a matter which concerns posterity quite as much as the present generation, and that it is, therefore, fair to leave posterity to pay part of the bill.

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Bulimia is term used commonly for an eating disorder called Bulimia nervosa. It is a psychological condition in which a person engages in recurrent binge eating followed by intentionally doing one or more of the following in order to compensate for the intake of the food and prevent weight gain:

* vomiting

* inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or other medication

* excessive exercising

* fasting

The following six criteria should be met for a person to be diagnosed with bulimia.

1) The person feels incapable of controlling the urge to binge, even during the binge itself, and consumes a larger amount of food than a person would normally consume at one sitting.

2) The person purges him or herself of the recent intake, resorting to vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, exercising, etc.

3) The person engages in such behavior at least twice per week for three months.

4) The person is focused upon body image and desperate desire to appear thin.

5) The person does not meet the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa. Some anorectics may demonstrate bulimic behaviors in their illness: binge-eating and purging themselves of food on a regular or infrequent basis at certain times during the course of their disease. Alternatively, some individuals might switch from having anorexia to having bulimia. The mortality rate for anorectics who practice bulimic behaviors is twice that of anorectics who do not.)

6) The person is of normal weight or overweight.

Bulimia is often less about food, and more to do with deep psychological issues and profound feelings of lack of control. Binge/purge episodes can be severe, sometimes involving rapid and out of control feeding that can stop when the sufferers are interrupted by another person or when their stomach hurts from over-extension. This cycle sometimes repeated several times a week or, in serious cases, several times a day. Sufferers often use the destructive eating pattern to gain control over their lives.

This article is presented for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please see the advice of qualified professional if you or someone you know suffers from bulimia.

Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and the entire resource box is included.

Friday, July 8, 2016

3 categories women put you in before you meet

When approaching women, even before you have said a word or done anything she has already unconsciously put you into one of three categories:

I Like Him

I Don't Like Him


Now that you are aware of the three different categories lets go over each ones strengths and weaknesses for you.

Category #1: I like Him: If you happen to look or remind her of someone that she liked, dress in a certain type of way that she finds attractive or anything else that she happens to connect with. Congrats you have a heads up on everyone and when it comes to taking it to the next level its all On You. This is a great thing and if you fall in the Average Guy category expect this to happen with around 10 percent of the women that you meet who are available.

Category #2: I Don't Like Him: You ever meet someone and for no apparent or real good reason you don't like them?

Guess what women are the same way and for good measure most women throw unconfident men and a whole slew of petty reasons in there as well. If you fall in this category and at least 10 percent of the time you will if your just an average guy, unless you have some unknown outside factor to enhance you (hot ex still after you, famous, rich, etc.); there is nothing you can say or do that is going to get this woman to change her mind and be attracted to you.

Category #3: Undecided: The majority of the times about 80 percent is you are an average guy you are going to fall in this Category which if you have done your studying and reading on seduction and how to attract women is a perfect place to be. Because as long as you are in the Undecided category you can work on creating the desire and attraction in a woman that you want. This is very good news for you my friend.

Of course the time is now for you to get your life in order so that when you walk up to a woman that you find to be a potential partner and she is thinking to herself maybe or maybe not over the course of a cup of coffee or tea you can turn that maybe into a yeas and increase your success with women tremendously.

Tips in managing the financial aspect of your home business

Financial management is one of the pitfalls for people who are engaged in a home business. Even if your have choose a good home business but you have no idea on how to manage your business financially, you will most likely end up losing a lot of money. Since you cannot afford to waste your money, you better shape up and take care of your finances early on. It will not really do you any good if you just keep working on your business not really knowing if you are making enough money to compensate for your efforts.

Getting started

The first thing that you need to do to get your financial systems in place is to open a separate bank account for your business. A lot of home business owners keep their personal funds together with their personal accounts that they end up drawing money which should have been for the business and vice versa. The practice of mixing up your personal funds and the funds for your business is very dangerous because you will not have much control over you business and personal finances. By opening separate bank accounts for your business and for personal use, you will be able to manage your money better.

Aside from setting up a separate bank account for you business, you must see to it that you also set up a separate funds for your business expenses. Since you are working form home, try to separate all the expenses that are related to your business from your home expenses. For instance, your business phone should be paid by money coming from your business account. You might also want to “bill” you business for utilities and rent. You can do this by setting a certain amount every month for utilities and rent then take this amount from the business account.

Out of your business earning, you might also want to set up a certain amount which you can draw out as your salary. The good thing about setting a certain amount of money every month as your salary is that you will be able to determine if you are indeed making enough money to pay for all your business expenses and at the same time pay yourself for your efforts. Make sure that you only draw-out the extract amount of money from the business for your salary. Even if your business is doing well and you have plenty of money in the business account, do not be tempted to draw more than you should. Keep the money in the business account for future use. You might want to expand your home business later on.

At the end of the year, you might want to give yourself a bonus. If you have been religiously following your own rules regarding your finances, you will be surprised at how much money you will have left in your business account at the end of the year.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The many reasons to get a business degree online

It seems that every year, the world we live in gets more and more frantic. There simply does not seem to be enough time in the day to go back to school anymore. But thankfully, there is a solution.

Many adults today who are faced with busy schedules are choosing to get a business degree online. That means that you get a degree without ever having to leave your house. The perks of obtaining your post-secondary education this way are numerous. First of all, your schooling can revolve around your schedule. You work when you want to work and the rest of your life will be uninterrupted. That is why many people with children at home choose this method to further their education.

If you are interested in the business sector, there are a variety of options for you to choose from. You could take a network management program, a golf course management program or even get a Master of business administration.

One of the most popular programs to get a business degree online is in business administration. If you get your degree in this online program you will be set for a number of different career options.

In today’s business world it has become increasingly important to have a bachelor’s degree if you plan on advancing in your field and getting that big promotion. Business is an industry that is continuously growing so it is important for you to stay at the forefront of the competition. If you get your business degree online, you will be first in line when it comes to advancing and you will be sure to get a call back from important interviews.

Before deciding to get your degree online, there are a few things that you should take into consideration. First of all, you need to be a self-motivated person. This means that you are able to set your own deadlines, create your own schedule and make sure that you adhere to that schedule. Since you won’t have a professor breathing down your neck, it will be important for you to stay on track.

You will also need to have a reliable computer with a fast Internet connection. Since all of your work will be done on your computer, the better the equipment, the less stress you will have to endure.

There are of course countless advantages to getting a business degree online. First of all, the cost of your textbooks will typically be included in the price of tuition. If you were to attend a college for a business program, you would have to pay both tuition and the cost of textbooks separately.

If you are worried that you will not be able to afford the tuition, there is usually financial aid available to those who qualify. And since the tuition is drastically lower than other institutions, it will take you half as long to re-pay the loan.

Earning a business degree online could in fact be one of the most important decisions of your life. In a short, relatively stress free time, you could turn your entire life around. And you will save money by not having to hire a baby sitter, not paying for transportation, and you can also avoid the distractions of college campus life.

People from all age brackets have chosen this path to further their education. The success rate is incredible and most have been able to find gainful employment in the business field. So don’t let your talent go to waste and consider earning a business degree online.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to trade successfully in the forex market

To trade successfully in the Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) Market, there are certain principles that must be adhered to at all times. There are a lot of investors who have made some really questionable trades when everything looked so good. The investors and speculators I’m referring to have sunk good money into investments and lost it within days, weeks or months. Some have done their homework and still received the short end of the stick, but the vast majority who turn what looks like a good investment into something that a savvy investor can smell a mile away, more times than not haven’t done their homework. This article talks about the Forex (Foreign Currency Exchange) Market and lists key elements needed to make money effectively.

Liquidity is Key:

Believe me; I know from personal experience how to lose good money after bad…as do many in my family. I keep telling myself it must be genetic. One way to really get yourself in deep is to play the pink sheets, also known as penny stocks. These are the stocks which typically have very low trading volume each day and if you have enough shares it is nearly impossible to trade them without severely affecting the price of the stock. And the more volume you trade the more you begin to affect your own price whether you are buying or selling. Needless to say, I have crossed those investments off my list as of a few years ago. They just don’t have the liquidity you need to give yourself an advantage. Sure, you can find a needle in the haystack, that one in a million stock, but for every successful penny stock, thousands go under or don’t return much if any on your investment.

This brings us to the Forex Market. What better market to get the best liquidity possible. With my days of trading penny stocks, complete with their thin trading volumes, over, I am naturally attracted to trading which takes place in an arena where the definition is liquidity. When a trading arena is liquid, you can always trade your investment without affecting other positions you want to buy or sell. You don’t have the problem like you would trading penny stocks where a small move here or there dramatically affects the price of the stock you are trading. The Forex Market is too big and too many governments, organizations, funds and individuals participate.

Perfect Your Strategy:

Some of the most successful Forex Trading occurs when a person perfects their strategy and executes it to perfection each and every time based on the core belief that their strategy is the best for them. It takes practice to perfect a strategy, but most successful Forex Traders have one. They don’t simply jump on every new “potential strategy” or “tip” that comes along. From time to time it is good to try new aspects of other strategies to see if you can improve on a good thing, but to know your strategy inside and out and be able to duplicate it makes all the difference. A good rule of thumb to use is when you aren’t sure of a trade, do nothing. Don’t trade if you are not positive it fits your strategy. It also helps if you concentrate on one market at a time. Like the old adage, you literally don’t want to be a “Jack of all trades and a Master of None”

Go Long:

Trading successfully in the Forex is about longevity. The longer you can keep trading the Forex, the longer you have to perfect your strategy and the longer you can stay in the game. It reminds me of craps when I occasionally have time to play. I have friends that can blow through $1,000 in an hour or two and then they have to take the rest of the day off so they can have enough funds left to try it again another day. I take a different approach. I can survive all day long on $500 and most of the time I can double or triple that amount and be able to stay at the table all day if I want. It is both entertainment and profit that I am after. If I stay entertained longer, I have the chance to make more money.

The reason I can last longer is because I have perfected “My” strategy and I don’t try every new one that comes along in the multitudes of craps books that my friends read. The point I am making is this: Staying power is key with any investment. The longer you can “hang in there” to increase your education and perfect your strategy, the more you will enjoy the Forex Market and the more you will profit from it. And speaking of profit, you will want to remember to keep your profitable positions for a longer time than you keep your losing positions. Let your profits ride and you will be more successful. Fight the urge to get out of a position when it makes you a quick profit. Getting out of a losing position takes brute courage, but you will thank yourself for getting out quick if the position is not going the way you would like. You should always check your pride at the door when trading any market. Many of us don’t want to admit defeat, but it is necessary to be successful. It can really get in the way of successful trading.

Foreign Currency Trading (Forex) Trading is exciting. With the tips and thoughts above, hopefully you will feel right at home trading the currencies of the most powerful nations in the world. As long as you stick to your strategy and make sure you let your profits ride and cut your losses, you will become successful in Forex Trading.